🏅 Success Technology (Private)

Don Juan (the hero of Carlos Castaneda’s books) reminds us that no matter how powerful the Technologies and principles (described in this new project) that we take with us on our journey, it is important to know that the road we have to take must have a heart. As Don Juan says, "The road without a heart will never be a joyful one. You will have to work hard even to get on it. On the other hand, the road with heart is easy and, in order for you to love it, requires no labor on your part … Before you set out on it, ask yourself the question, “Does this road have a heart?”

All began with this: E-Intelligence Technology.

The psychology of success is simple: people who are fortunate have an easier attitude toward life. They see the positive in everything and do not focus on negative emotions. Successful people believe that all changes happen for the better. After a fall, they get up and move on without blaming the world for their failures. A moody person rarely attracts positive change. Success is characterized as the state of mind and body of a person “charged” for victory. The person should be satisfied with his actions and deeds, confident in himself, and should feel a kind of euphoria of winning. Such people are not afraid to take great responsibility and win at the end. Courage in any endeavor is to build a ladder that will lead to the “top”.

Luck is both an object of lust and an object of prejudice. It is believed that there are two types of lucky people: those who “collect” favorable cases simply because they were born under a lucky star, and those on whom a gift fell from the sky (a lottery win, a fortunate meeting, an inexplicable cure, ect.).

In a more scientific sense, active luck is luck that depends entirely on the inner mood, as well as on actions and decisions, often unconscious and made intuitively (getting to know the right person; being in the right place at the right time; seeing the potential in something or someone, ect.). In general, active success is a general attitude of attentiveness and constant “waking of the mind” that allows us to catch interesting information, instantly see the prospects of a new acquaintance, channel energy in a certain direction, and so on.

Passive luck can be called, for example, winning a large sum of money in the lottery. It is believed that this type of luck is almost independent of human actions and is due to pure chance (but in fact, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance). Any reasonable person understands that to win in the same lottery, to begin with you need to buy a ticket (that is, to perform an action triggering a chain of events, leading eventually to the most successful outcome). The second important point that applies to passive luck is that one must believe in one’s luck. When a person unconditionally believes in his or her luck, he or she really starts to get lucky.

Both types of luck can be repeatedly amplified by using various real technologies to form powerful schemes in the subconscious mind to attract luck; to promote intuitive choice of actions leading to a successful outcome of a situation; to destroy negative thought patterns that block luck at the mental level formation of an unshakable belief in one’s own luck, and so on (all schemes are described in the project).

Also, remember - a strong obstacle to success (in all endeavors) is belief in the problem itself. And what is a problem really? It is something that is experienced as a problem. It is the experience and a vicious circle is formed: the experience creates the illusion that it is impossible to find a solution, which leads to the fact that any action is ineffective. And in this regard, one can choose one of two things: to believe in the problem or to use specific technologies as the key to solving it.

The mindset of success and movement should be (become) an integral part of daily life. There are no peaks in the world that cannot be conquered, just as there is no reality that cannot be changed. Absolutely all of us have some special advantage, skill, talent or character trait that will make the journey interesting and exciting. By moving exclusively forward, one gains access to the world of possibilities necessary to create the reality one desires. We are simply afraid to take the first step, but by doing so, success and self-belief become companions on the way forward - to conquering new peaks. Fortune favors all positive people. Setting yourself up for good luck, thinking about this world based on advantages and happy opportunities, everyone begins to attract positive events to themselves. Of course, there is the activation of a personal genius program in the project.

If we seek to change our lives and get everything we want, it is also important to access the subconscious mind (while removing standard and habitual patterns; removing years of accumulated negative emotions that block resources and so on), prescribe a new script there (for example, to connect new patterns of behavioral responses, making them as stable and permanent as all our “old” habits) and press the start button. If people are unable to adjust their mental programs, they tend to start looking for excuses. They will make excuses for not having the right talent, for not having the right body, for having a different personality orientation, or for not being in the right sign of the zodiac. By changing their inner state, people can influence the outer aspects of their lives. The transformation of fears and anxieties into confidence, the transition from despair and hopelessness to eager desire and interest, from anxiety about one’s past to purposeful action toward the future, - all that occur as a result of the application of certain specific techniques or technologies that exist in this world. These technologies help to free people from the difficulties associated with their pasts, to overcome the limitations people have placed on themselves, to teach them how to live a full and dignified life.

Any effective method of change must explain why we sometimes encounter insurmountable obstacles in our quest for success, and replicate the ease with which we sometimes make change ourselves.


Is this made or will be made ?

Those who appear in the NFT section, are already minted.


So happy its here, feeling it working strongly in my head and on my mind!!

So blessed to have this thank u @Captain_Nemo and @Ugninis :pray:t5:


have you become successful yet? :grin:

By the way, you haven’t seen this, but keep in mind:

The world is changing, and in this cycle of change only those who adequately perceive reality and have a reliable point of support can feel confident. I will try to tell you what this “fulcrum” is in this post, using the Black Queen Theory

In Lewis Carroll’s wonderful book Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat tells the main character, “To stay put you have to run as fast as you can, and to get somewhere you have to run at least twice as fast!”

In the next book, Alice in Looking Glass, the following dialogue occurs between Alice and the Black Queen:
“With us,” said Alice, struggling to catch her breath, "when you run a long time at full speed, you’re bound to end up somewhere else.
“What a slow country!” - The Queen cried out. - Well, here, you know, you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place.

Actually, hence the term “Black Queen Theory” was born, denoting a concept whose essence can be formulated as follows: “Relative to the evolutionary system, a species needs constant change and adaptation in order to maintain its existence in the surrounding biological world, which is constantly evolving with it.”

What does this mean for us? It’s very simple - in today’s world everything changes very quickly and trying to live your whole life “on the same wavelength,” to put it in youthful terms, "doesn’t work. In other words, if you are used to working “the old way” and do not want to learn “new tricks”, then most likely "the winds of change will blow you to the sidelines of history

The fact is that being in a static position, we do not stand still, but roll backwards with confidence and song, that is, we degrade. This again is easy to see at the example of excess weight: if you stop controlling your eating habits (i.e. “stay in place”), you won’t notice how you’ll gain ten or twenty-three extra “fat” kilos

If you get through a day without doing anything in order to move forward even a millimeter, it seems as if nothing terrible has happened.
Ten days - also seems to be no big deal (although you could be at least a centimeter ahead, and it turns out - a centimeter rolled back)
A hundred days - probably worth worrying about (after all already -10 cm)
A thousand days - it’s getting scary (it’s a meter backwards).
So it’s not far to the “hole” from which you can’t get out …

There is one reliable recipe for all these nightmarish horrors: to be in a "flow state. The kind of flow that we enter when we do what we love to do with our lives, i.e., self-actualize (the concept of flow was proposed by the American psychologist of Hungarian origin MihĂĄly Csikszentmihaii)

(sorry if I made a mistake in the name)

The “state of flow” is a very powerful thing, and it is in this state that famous artists and athletes get their outstanding results and set records. It is, I won’t dare say it, a state of attainment of supreme mastery.

A person who is moving toward his Great Goal is able to enter the “flow state” faster and easier than anyone else. For him it is almost a natural process into which he can immerse himself whenever he wants. And this allows him to get ahead of external circumstances and "beat the Black Queen



you can familiarize yourself with these theories :yum:


me too, my head feels so fresh and ready! thank you @Captain_Nemo and thank you @Ugninis :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Don’t even know how to describe how amazing this is… completely alters sticking points and limiting beliefs, not in the sense of like an affirmation, but actually changes them or removes them. I dont think I can do justice to how cool that is, this isn’t like any other field. Don’t know if there’s any extras, but do whatever necessary to get a copy if possible, just not mine.



The mountaintop has always served as a symbol of success in business, sports, science and entrepreneurship. These people see a world full of diverse opportunities. The view from the summit is exciting, mesmerizing and inspiring. An open landscape beyond the skyline. Everything below seems small and subject to our will. The unconstrained view encourages us to think big and make grand plans.

If you’ve ever climbed a mountain, you must know that such an ascent can require hours of quite serious effort. On the way to the summit you will experience a variety of experiences: fear, exuberant joy, self-doubt, hope, triumph, and much more. One single ascent concentrates in itself so many experiences, which in conditions of “quiet” life you will not meet for weeks, months, and sometimes years.

During the ascent there usually comes a moment when you begin to assess what you have achieved and what state you are in. How much further to go? How much more of your mental and physical strength do you have left? There is a feeling similar to that when, after working on a project for several long months, after a while you come back to it. You begin to think about how much time and effort you’ve already spent and how much you still have to spend to complete the project.

You can mentally go back in time to when you first started (remember this moment). You can see your accomplishments and assess the skills you’ve mastered along the way. You can also look ahead to the future, assessing the challenges ahead and weighing the effort you’ll have to make to overcome those challenges; but you also imagine the goals and rewards that lie ahead - as real as the mountaintops.

Each of us is a unique combination of natural talents and abilities. At some point in our lives, we either choose our own dismal path or we begin our ascent.

Our limitations have nothing to do with our abilities or external circumstances; they are integrated in our beliefs, thoughts and feelings about ourselves. We have no shortage of living models of skill and success, nor of opportunities to manifest them. Perhaps people lack the technology to turn all these wonderful ideas into action. Most of us know the principles of healthy eating, but are we eating right? We know the benefits of exercise, but do we exercise regularly and enjoy it?

When we begin to understand that the peaks of success are not just a dream, but a real possibility, the next question arises: “What is above these peaks?” Hearing the constant calls around us to become the best, to perform our best, to do the best we can, some people begin to piously believe that the top (sports, business, politics or entrepreneurship, and so on) is the only worthy place to be.

And yet some people continue to build their careers and their happiness with the idea of continually climbing to the heights of success and excellence. This idealization of peaks makes them think that in order to be happy, they need to do everything in their lives in the best possible way. By singing only tops, they turn their whole life into a long, grueling climb.

But instead of having a constant struggle climbing the mountain, you could be constantly replenishing your life with new accomplishments. It means learning to manage your life, not let it drift away. It means learning to consciously change your assessment of events so that you can see events in a more positive and meaningful light. It simply means taking responsibility for creating your own inner world in which achievement, excellence, success and happiness can exist, complementing and helping each other.

Success is a process that requires our active participation. When we raise our level as a whole, it becomes a new foundation for us. The ideas and techniques brought to the projects allow us to manage our own motivation more effectively, clarify our mission, program our future, build good relationships with ourselves and others, identify difficulties related to the past, increase our confidence and self-esteem, catch our luck by the tail, create a positive inner attitude and get the keys to success. That’s quite a lot.

this is especially for you :grin:


Congratulations this sounds amazing :ok_hand:


Thank you, sincerely.

And I sincerely thank the Captain for this tremendous work :heartpulse:
When I suggest these projects, I get embarrassed by the sheer volume of them. :laughing:

but these are holistic models, and I just can’t separate them
and at the end of the day, it’s damn interesting and educational.
the design is self-forming, in the process of learning.

when I was studying information medicine theory (from books by a specialist, he does energy healing), in one of the books I came across one definition - when an artist is drawing, an invisible force is guiding his hand.

Sometimes it happens in projects


Over the last couple of weeks I have felt myself changing. A shift was and is still taking place. I can’t pin point what has changed or exactly which NFT has caused the break through that has pushed me forward all I know is that I am no longer the same person I was. The one thing I have done that I am proud of is that for the past two months I have been consistent with the NFTs I have chosen to work with. I have spent a lot of time with each of them and made sure that I not only listened to those that had audios but that I also took the time to meditate to each of them as well and this I feel has helped me immensely. It is amazing how every single one of them is unique in their own rights and yet also feels connected to the all the others I am currently working with. And as I look at each of them I understand why I got each of them. I also understand that they didn’t just coincidentally come into my life. I may not have known it when I bought them but there was a particular reason why I needed to get everyone of them. Each one came at the right time to lay the ground work for the next one. Some were bought this year but many were acquired last year and used occasionally back then and then set aside when a newer one was released. These days thankfully that FOMO has long since disappeared and I now no longer hunger after every new release. I now I find myself picking up older NFTs and feeling so blessed that I have them in my treasure chest. Thoughts of “oh you are so perfect! I can’t believe I forgot all about you.” “You are exactly what I need right now!”, “Wow Jen you are so lucky to have this treasure!” are very common thoughts. Even though no two NFTs look alike and keeping in mind that they are also designed differently I still can help feeling like they are each part of a bigger jigsaw puzzle called my life puzzle and that one day when all the pieces click together I will see and appreciate the entire picture.

Last week while listening to the Alchemical Revision of Wealth audio and feeling the negentropy taking place within I was very much aware that I was collapsing, releasing and clearing blockages. I could literally feel clean spaces being created and in that moment I had a thought pop into my head “what are you going to fill the spaces with?” the next immediate thought I received was “you are preparing and clearing space for the Success Technology NFT” this thought came through as a clear fact I just knew it was true. Everyone in our group has been super excited about this particular NFT and the vibe amongst us has been super high and contagious.

Last week I had different synchronicities take place throughout the week and each time they occurred I linked them to the Success Technology NFT. It got to the stage that I was certain that this NFT had already been created. I even came close to messaging Ugnis to find out if Dream had accepted our draft and was currently working on our NFT because it certainly felt like he was. Even the movie I watched last night on Netflix was a hint to our awesome NFT image. I of course didn’t put two and two together until after I saw the image and then heard the clicking sound in the background of the audio that I then remembered the movie. The movie was called “Blackhat.” It’s about a computer hacker. Little did I know that today I will be receiving this NFT and that while listening to the audio I would be imagining myself typing in a special code to rewire my brain. As I listen I am quite literally hacking myself. I guess we do that each time we listen to our audios or work with our NFTs it’s just that I never thought of it as hacking. :woman_technologist:

Thank you @Ugninis for designing another masterpiece!!! :clap: Thank you @Captain_Nemo for creating this beautiful gem. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am very grateful to the two of you for this life changing NFT. I am also thankful that I took the time to clear space and prepare to welcome this NFT into my life. I felt as if I had already owned it and now that I actually do I can’t wait to delve into it and discover more about this NFT and about myself in the process.


My mindset of success and movement has now become an integral part of my daily life! :boom:

Currently running the software and looking forward to many breakthroughs and life changing habits!!


:muscle: :laughing: :medal_sports: :clinking_glasses:

This is true
we’ve all changed

I am glad to hear it :grin:


This audio is super strong and feels absolutely amazing!! I can feel it literally working on my brain particularly across the frontal lobe and oddly enough also halfway down my face too. I love following the energetic activity across my brain and feel each current buzzing along as it connects to the next cell. Again I am reminded of the movie. In the movie as the code was being typed in the screen then changed to show us the internal workings of the computer and how one key stroke caused a reaction across the motherboard. That is exactly what it feels like is happening within my brain!! :astonished:


I will give this info as well, maybe it will also help others understand some processes, and not just the ones going on in the brain

(this info was in an extra box in the group, it wasn’t in the 1st post, but it was important for the holistic Alchemy of Success)
this info was important for me also, we looked at it from different angles


Some explanations

Technologists of success assure: luck can be attracted to our side and we can make it so that we are lucky more often. Psychologist Philippe Gabilleux (author of Praise of Luck) believes that: “It is true that random luck occurs, but there is another kind of luck that can be ‘pushed’ and cultivated, and such luck is available to everyone. To prolong good fortune,” Philippe Gabille specifies, "you need to prepare the ground in which the grains of favorable opportunities can develop and strengthen.

  • For the luck generator to work, it must be programmed and adjusted according to our chosen direction. Then it will give meaning to the events that happen to us and “generate” luck: it is our goals that ensure the operation of the generator that will allow us to detect it. If there is no clear intention in advance, there is no lasting luck. This is not to begin with detailed project planning. It is rather a question of defining your desires, feeling the direction in which you would like to develop your life, the meaning you would like to put into it.

  • To open up to the world means to be internally ready to notice new things, to perceive as much as possible what is going on around us. It is a general installation on attentiveness and constant vigilance, which allows us to catch interesting information, instantly see the prospects of new acquaintance, direct the energy in a certain direction. In this way we increase our chances many times over, whether we consider ourselves involved in the emergence of these opportunities or not. By pausing from time to time to disconnect, we allow our intuition to work and free ourselves from the power of luck’s adversaries, routine and automatic thinking.

  • Using bad luck for experience and restarting the chance generator. The luckiest are not spared from blows of fate or unexpected adversity, but they know how to effectively and with lasting results “revisit” their failures. They separate the accidental or inevitable from what they themselves are (even if partially) responsible for. They can also paradoxically discover at the heart of their failure the germs of good fortune. The final step in rethinking experience is to “restart” the chance generator so that it can now open new doors, to find other paths. For example, to take up an unfamiliar activity, to renew relationships with former acquaintances, to accept and send invitations, to gather information on a topic that concerns us… It is up to each of us to find a way to bring a fresh wind into our world and add new ingredients to our luck.

  • The more extensive our network of personal contacts, the more people we know, the more likely it is that good fortune will happen to us. Lucky people tend to expect their relationships with others to be fruitful (provided, of course, that when we enter into a relationship, we are generous, considerate of the other, and provide services freely, otherwise dating is reduced to a self-serving and selfish addition to the list of contacts). That’s why in addition to connections per se, we need the energy of giving of ourselves, otherwise the foundation for lasting good fortune cannot be laid. It means that we ourselves must become talismans for others, bringing them luck.

This approach corresponds to the views of Richard Wiseman, a psychologist from the British University of Hertfordshire. Psychologist Richard Wiseman studied luck using scientific methods. The scientist presented the results of his study in an article entitled "The Luck Factor. The study of hundreds of lucky people allowed him to establish that there are two types of luck: passive (win the bingo) and psychological, which results from a volitional decision, a conscious formulation of personal position. His other discovery is that luck of the second kind can be renewed, which is why the psychologist calls it "long-lasting luck. He also believes that both kinds of luck have some components: a timely meeting (the right person at the right time), key information that turned out to be relevant, openness to new things (the opportunity to acquire a positive experience), unexpected request and fateful event that disrupts the normal course of life. His research showed that people become lucky because of some things:

  • Lucky people know how to spot new opportunities;

  • Improvisation and flexibility. If you keep talking to the same people in the same manner about the same things, if you always walk the same roads, if you vacation in the same places, your life will be like a vicious circle with no chance of happy changes;

  • Unfortunate moments the lucky ones know how to treat as lucky ones. For example, silver medalists are more unhappy than bronze medalists because the former think they were just a little short of winning, while the latter are glad they won a prize at all. This example describes two types of people: some are glad it happened that way and not worse, and others are worried that things didn’t turn out better. “Lucky people” practice “counterfactual thinking.” Counterfactual thinking goes against the facts at hand. For example, we may imagine what could have happened instead of what actually happened. Lucky people, when trouble happens to them, are able to interpret what happened in such a way that they think they got lucky;

  • Lucky people carry out their plans because they think things will work out. They often revive and record pleasant memories, are philosophical about difficulties and problems, deriving positive experiences from them. A positive (with a positive attitude) attitude toward possible mistakes keeps motivation at an appropriate level, encourages them to work on their shortcomings and weaknesses. Only he who does nothing is not wrong. Constantly afraid of making a mistake, such a person becomes passive, completely loses the creative initiative in his activity and movement. At the same time, really active people make more mistakes, but they also achieve success much more often than passive people.


Looking forward to this amazing transformation


Great job :+1:, Unfortunately, I didn’t have a chance to get this. This looks very informative and is a field that I haven’t delved into much. But I won’t be trading in the buying and selling thread.

Wishing all of you success in this field!


that’s not the right wording. :laughing:

This project is about the person himself, his life and his path in this life

in this post, under the spoiler is the beginning of the idea itself

absolutely all of us have certain goals and desires (in business, sports, career, studies, self-development, etc.)
Even a “simple” idea - to win a million in the lottery - is already a goal
To find a suitable partner (husband or wife) is also a goal
getting a college degree is also a goal
To create a sports blog on Instagram (one of the group members has outlined this plan for himself) is also a goal
To start a business is also a goal
i could go on and on

We can think of the same goal in a way that makes the path to its achievement easy and uncomplicated, and in a way that makes it almost unattainable. The goal itself in the subconsciousness should be adjusted and expanded so that possible negative consequences turn into positive opportunities (everyone is pleased to be in an atmosphere of success; and when we have already reached our goal, we will only be glad that we did everything in time and correctly).

When something doesn’t work out, most people continue to do the same thing they did before, which didn’t produce the desired results (and most often with even more persistence and strength).

what restricts us is not in the territory, but in our maps of that territory. It is the adjustment and refinement of our “mental maps” that is needed, and we need to find those essential elements that distinguish defeat from success, good from excellent, simple performance from creative

Also, most of us have had to overcome the “resistance” of some part of our personality. We have the opportunity to achieve extraordinary success, but only if we treat all parts of our personality with respect and invite them to unite into a whole

In many psychological methods that advertise success, money, and efficiency, personal congruence has a very important place. Often it is not the lack of a skill or ability that holds us back, but ourselves.
If we have a dream (but we don’t consider it valuable enough), we are likely to hold ourselves back from doing the things necessary to fulfill that dream (there will be “obstacles” in the form of strong emotional reactions, fears that will prevent us from doing the necessary actions). In a state of deep personal congruence, a person can be sure that all his or her endeavors will be supported by all parts of the personality without exception. And such a state will be transmitted to the world around him, and will become an important part of personal success

making success inevitable means setting your brain to steadily move toward your goal, so that it is constantly working on it all day long, regardless of whether you think about your goal all the time or not. When the subconscious mind has a clear idea of what we will become when we reach our goal, and when the subconscious mind sees a clear path leading to it, the actual journey becomes much easier and simpler. We just have to break down the whole journey into individual, realizable steps that we have to take in order to get to the goal

One of the ideas behind the technology is to rely on the wisdom of the subconscious mind and its ability to be creative

imagine a railroad

whenever your brain begins to succumb to feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, this method will automatically switch your thoughts to a track that leads to a feeling of inner strength. And the more often the circumstances around you cause you to feel powerless, the easier and faster your brain will switch to a sense of inner strength each time. This is an incentive to organize your unconscious resources in such a way as to facilitate your access to the hidden possibilities of your mind. And this inner power will manifest itself in the discoveries you have to make on the path of self-discovery, which will become broader and more interesting as you go farther and farther along the path. And if you aspire to a life of higher achievement, your brain will be able to “switch” in that direction :grin:

imagine a timeline that accurately depicts how life becomes an unbroken chain of events experienced by the same person-you
Any other individual characteristic (positive or negative) has some extension in time

The time line itself represents the fundamental way in which we organize the events and experiences we have had in the past and hope to encounter in the future.

that if it is possible to place a certain psychological model in the past, “charging” this model with powerful energy, it will have an impact on your whole life

For example, a certain new and needed positive imprint is placed on the timeline of life, prior to the preceding event or incident, and extends to all memories (and related reactions) of the past, to the present, and to all one’s perceptions of future moments. In essence, we are modeling our entire new life, filling it with new possibilities and new potential. With this technology, we can infuse resources of success and achievement into literally everything we have ever done or will ever do, thereby forming an even stronger foundation for our future

We also asked to maximize all the factors of luck

But what is your true mission in this life? That’s another question
I want to believe that no one wants to live a gray life, but to achieve something in this life

An important goal of this project is to “help” you find a mission that will ignite your passion, tremble your body, and inflame your soul. If we find it, it will ignite our passions and desires, and we will wake up excited and strive to turn every day into a masterpiece. This is what distinguishes a life filled with mission. For along with a unique combination of interests, desires and already developed abilities, there is a huge potential of undiscovered talents hidden within us. And when a person discovers his mission and begins to live in accordance with it, it will begin to strengthen the interests and innate talents, and at the same time will begin to blossom and gain strength hidden in us student.

As you open it, you will be able to see whether the goals you have been striving for so far are really your goals. You’ll be able to test whether the results you get when you reach your goals will bring you joy. And you will be able to have the confidence that you will be supported by inspiration throughout your life’s journey, energizing every cell of your being.

It’s a very multi-faceted project and I really believed in it - it integrates principles and patterns that haven’t been used anywhere else

These are very important things to me personally - I’ll be honest :laughing:

but that’s only part of the whole model

Sooner or later - everyone starts asking themselves these questions, asking themselves about their place in this life.

you can achieve a lot on your own, without fields, or with fields
simply by engaging in self-development, and reading certain literature, attending various courses, and studying various methods, etc.

in the age of information technology and the internet - the possibilities are enormous.

in this thread are the possibilities available to everyone

take one (or more) of them your way

I wish you success :)


This is brilliant. It is something that I’ve been working on for quite some time.

The possibilities of application of this NFT is endless. What a beautiful creation. :heart_eyes:


It also helps a lot when you talk to people - they notice it very quickly :grin:

you have such a rapport with yourself that everything you say comes from deep within, and you are able to attract attention and influence people before you even begin to speak. When you are incongruent, certain parts of your personality that are not engaged in the task you are engaged in usually manifest themselves in non-verbal behaviors like wiggling your leg, wanting to stare thoughtlessly out the window, etc. (it’s like when one part of your personality wanted one thing and the other part wanted something else entirely)

Try in the future to practice the method of transition from one point of perception to another

I am the position-you are the observer-the other person’s position.

This is the ability to literally "look at everything through his eyes.

Transitions into different positions of perception develop flexibility and strength of the “mental muscles”, activate the creative part of the personality for coming up with new and better ways of behavior and solving various problems

in this thread you can find a huge number of ideas for application

let the result of all this be your achievements and successes in different areas of life :grin:

thank the Captain :muscle: :medal_sports:

after this post and this picture, I hope the transformation will be positive :laughing:


I believe this project will!

After seeing this project finished, always thought a mental health project would be a great catalyst for any nft😊