For anyone needing to convert GMT to your timezone, this site will help [].I have it set to eastern time but if you click on the little white box above, you can enter your location or timezone and it’ll add it to the list
How about doing the Star exercise with the intention of directing the life force energy towards powering your loving energy into the mass meditation?
Also, slightly off topic, would using the Live Radio app rather than going on Youtube still connect me with everyone doing the meditations, or is the connection only within the YT version?
Currently 18 people are listening to the Mass Meditation, this is the most l’ve seen on it since I started few days ago! Awesome job everyone!
No, the Live Radio App is different and won’t connect to this live meditation, unless the specific track which connects to that is playing (for a brief time).
YouTube is the best place to join these meditations.
Or, if one can’t access the YouTube stream for any reason, one can also play this mp3 on Patreon.
But of course!! That was the first one i was looking forward to. Ill be there. Thanks @uial for the reminder you always on top of things little star !!
I attended my first mass mediation today, as a background listener … with a twist, actually. I couldn’t listen to the field (cause lunch time), so, earlier this week, I taught the field to my servitors, and told them to use it on me every time a mass meditation was occuring (I explained to them what it was all about). I also told them today’s first mass meditation would start at 12am.
Then I went on with my life and totally forgot about this.
And, today, I felt really really good. I thought it was my new Sapien items, until I realized it had started around 12am. I had a little discussion with my servitors, and turns out they had indeed connected me to the mass meditation, that it was that field that made me feel so great, and that they were still using it on me … hours after the meditation had stopped.
So I told them to stop, and, indeed, the warm love that I had felt for hours subsided.
They felt the difference in the field between when the meditation was happening and when it was not. So I told them to only use it when they felt a mass meditation, like I had told them before.
Well, at least that was the plan. While writing this message, I started to feel again a ball of warm love in my abdomen. My servitors had decided to use the field anyway because it was useful to me, getting some work done. So I’m letting them do what they deem best for me with this field
Thank you all for this meditation, your love carries me and helps me !