Max Heal Potion

OMG!!! I have blueprint of life I’ll start listening to it now. Do you know where I can find plasma flaunt? I can search but just to make sure I get the exact one you’re talking about. And THANK YOU so so very much! :blue_heart:


It’s on Gumroad. You’re welcome. Check the threads of the two fields, to find out more, and get optimism :) :star: :heart:


Will do, many many thanks! :pray:t2::blue_heart:


A few days ago I made this post asking for advice for my mom whom vitality was going down real fast the last few months.

So I gave it some thought and I had the idea that she needs something to help her immune system for now, something to do the heavy lifting her immune system cannot. First thought was the Plasma Flaunt but having used it myself and being younger I thought it will be too much on her. I do half a loop every 3-5 days. What is she supposed to listen to? 10 seconds a day?

I went with Max Heal Potion. I told her nothing as I wanted her to be in the dark about this. I believe she might be sabotaging them mentally. When she asked I told her its some vitamins and was laughing to make this matter seem silly and get the focus of it. The audio was also only two minutes and that was another aspect making her not give much of attention.

Day two, another loop. All was going well. Day three, and four two loops, day five three loops, called her yesterday to check on her after the three loops and all was great. And she invited me over the next day.

Went over today and I was awed. She is back. She cooked food for the whole family, made a cake and two deserts and looks full of energy. I don’t know if I am missing something but last time I remember seeing her like that was probably 5-10 years ago.

That is just a week (!)


I’m not sure I understand, you kept playing the audio for her?


Edit: Wait my mistake. English in not my native language. Playing the audio around her. Not for her.

In fact I will update. Unfortunately lately she was not around and she couldn’t listen to it every day but every time I had the chance I would play it to her three times.

She is now sharp, mind-sharp. And she is still energized in later hours of the day. Before I would see her switch off after 8pm. Now 've seen her around 10.30pm being energetic.

I will figure out a way to setup a wallet for her so that I make her the ownership of the NFT and then print the NFT and have her carry it on a pendant or small photo.


Intermediate review of comments/benefits mentioned on Max Heal:

  1. Deep Healing Potential: Users have expressed optimism that Max Heal can address deep-seated health issues, potentially reversing conditions like diabetes and heart or kidney diseases.
  2. Soothing Physical Discomfort: The audio was used to soothe a stomach ache, demonstrating its potential to alleviate physical discomfort. Max Heal has been used to ease nausea in children, highlighting its potential for a wide range of health issues. One user mentioned mentioned that they had consumed too much alcohol, resulting in a hangover. They played the Max Heal audio, and after several loops, they began to feel better, and their hangover symptoms improved. Another user mentioned Max Heal to alleviate nausea caused by heat and food.
  3. Detox Effects: Some users have reported minor detox effects in the form of rashes on their body after using Max Heal. It’s essential to note that these reactions are typically temporary and can be part of the body’s natural healing process. Other users have discussed experiencing rashes or discomfort and have offered advice on managing these reactions.
  4. Effective for Sinus Issues: A user has used Max Heal to target specific sinus issues and noted direct and effective results.
  5. Healing from COVID: A user has reported using Max Heal to alleviate COVID symptoms, including persistent headaches, and experienced rapid relief.
  6. Conduit for Healing: It’s observed that the field owner needs to be in the vicinity when using Max Heal to assist others, acting as a conduit for the field’s energy.
  7. Potential for Growth: The field’s potential is seen to grow as more people use it, with the possibility of becoming even more powerful over time.
  8. Well-Being and Rejuvenation: Max Heal is associated with deep feelings of well-being, calmness, and rejuvenation. Users have reported various positive effects, from faster healing to healthier skin.
  9. Loopable: Users have reported looping the Max Heal audio to experience its healing effects over an extended time, such as during sleep or when addressing specific health issues.
  10. Improvement in Vitality: A user shared an experience of using Max Heal for their mother, who experienced a significant increase in vitality and energy in just one week.
  11. Cognitive Enhancement: Max Heal is reported to have improved the user’s mother’s mental sharpness, making her more energetic and focused even in the evening.
  12. Improved Sleep: Users have found that looping Max Heal during sleep improves their sleep quality and potentially affects their circadian rhythm positively. Looping Max Heal during sleep is reported to positively influence users’ circadian rhythms and improve sleep quality.
  13. Superb and Effective: Max Heal is described as superb and effective, especially when used consistently.
  14. Versatility and Customization: Users appreciate the versatility of Max Heal and its ability to focus on specific issues when requested.
  15. Psychic Communication: Some users have reported psychic or non-verbal communication with the field, suggesting that it can be directed to specific areas or issues.One user directed Max Heal psychically to heal a twisted ankle, which was virtually pain-free within a minute, allowing them to resume running.
  16. Anti-Inflammatory: It’s noted for its ability to quickly reduce inflammation in the body.
  17. Fast Healing: Max Heal is praised for its rapid healing, even surpassing the effects of Plasma Flaunt.
  18. Initial Unfelt Effects: Some users mentioned not initially feeling the effects but later experiencing them. Learning to connect with NFTs and adjusting focus may be necessary.
  19. Printed Mandala Use: Some users have experimented with printed mandalas and found benefits in terms of effectiveness when used with intention.
  20. Comparison with Plasma Flaunt: It’s noted that Max Heal works differently from Plasma Flaunt and is considered to be a strong complement to it.
  21. Unnoticed Benefits : Some users have experienced benefits from Max Heal that were not immediately apparent, such as the strengthening of fingernails.
  22. Change of taste in mouth: one user reported experiencing a sweet, nectar-flavored taste in their mouth occasionally after using Max Heal. Potentially refering to the Ambrosia and Nectar subfield that is embedded within.
  23. Parallel Healing/AoE: Some users have reported that Max Heal has the ability to work on multiple healing requests simultaneously. They have found that the field can handle several healing processes at once.

Experiences may vary from user to user.


My dad fell over a while back playing soccer with younger relatives. He Hurt his knee and he was in a lot of pain.

I made him listen to Max Heal all day and night for 3days straight. In that time he had a scan on his knee. The pain was subsiding rapidly. And he could walk agsin.

When he saw his Dr with the scan results (day 4), the Dr was absolutely astounded he was walking and with no pain. Because his scan showed a torn meniscus and fracture in the top of the tibia.

He’s made a almost full recovery now in just a few weeks.


Hopefully it becomes available again. I’m always finding out about things like this far too late.

It is available and at very good prices at Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread.

Search on that thread for “max heal”.


Thank you for your timely response.


So it literally heals all of our body damage (joint problems, wounds)


I still can vouch for this field. A few days ago I felt really really bad (stomach upset) and feeling lots of pain in my knee area, I looped it and my body calmed down (stomach calmed down) and the pain was gone after a few loops. Amazing gem.


I agree! I had a stomachache just now,

Play it five times and the discomfort will disappear


Is The Sapien Shop Restrictive (like Gumroad) - or anyone can buy with any card or with PayPal?
Thank You.
For now, I’m just curious.
From Patreon Shop, for example, I can buy any time, no problem.

Also, can’t use Wise anymore - maybe in the future.

Sapien Shop is different and supports PayPal.
This NFT is sold out though.


Thank You.
That Is Great! :grinning:


Hi whiterose and my apologies for another super late reply. Trying to catch up today lol.

I’m glad to read that the field worked great for you :) and no, I haven’t been able to buy any Sapien Medicine product (including the Energy Course) payable with PayPal only. It’s because PayPal was banned from my country almost 10 years ago for some obscure reasons.

It’s a shame because there are zillion fields and other related products I’d like to buy with it, but not all the same day haha and so I don’t want to annoy family and friends abroad every now and then, asking them to buy this and that for me.

I’m not complaining though, since there are so many other alternatives available on Gumroad, Patreon, and such (even if they don’t fully replace Max Heal, of course). Either way, wishing maxed up health to all those who own the Potion ;)


hello Brony, thank you for your reply :slightly_smiling_face:
As for the Sapien Shop, these are the last last days of its life, it will be closed on the 10th of July, i think, maybe you read about it already, so you should hurry if you want some things from there.


Hi again! Haha yes, thank you for the reminder! it’s time I make up my mind quickly lol