Meditation-Webinar 6/28 at 11:00 AM EST to cope with targetting usung fields but no cloaking?

first field to use when sencing a psychic attack ir beeung targetted?

what to do when one feels the whole earth beneath feet burns from negativity leaving also noticable damage on feet and not allowing for normal grounding( mechanism is still unclear, perhaps magic,perhaps tech idk)

how to deal with aftermath of group negative behaviour against oneself while still continuing to serve?

field that is good for protecting oneself during sleep?

dealing with toxic relatives?

ehy does the golden frankincense and myrth work soo good and do you have other fields i forgot with mutual or same action? the essence of three kings doesnot cover it.

us there a field except the anointing that i can use with same effect on patreon or gumroad?

the high pitch demonic friequency 11 mins seems to disrupt the fields of carried items. any field to use instead with same effect?

fields to stop the “normal” folk to medle and change result from field work?

ideas ti stoo beung in the spiritual deffence and begin beung in an offence. not beung a sittung duck all the time hamsterung for sollutions( i cope also so but it would be more pleasant of a life instead).

the feelung that others get away dealung much damage but i pay for every misstep?

fields against betrayal and aftermath of it?

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Interested, thank you.

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I know that this question is probably one that will yield the best answer through experience, but how far is a NFT able to push your subconscious into learning field abilities. An example could be martial arts (a field ability in the NFT), if I have no prior experience and do not train in any martial arts would I still be able to learn from the field?

I apologize if I am misinterpreting/wrong about certain aspects I have mentioned in question.

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It starts in 15 minutes, no?

Unfortunately, I can only join (a little bit) later.

Over an hour I think

Was the link shared ? I did not receive any link to join the meeting

I’d like to make a request for targeted healing for a small child named Tyler.

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Do you think it’s possible for our higher selves to be short on intel about this specific dimension at this specific time?

If so, if our higher self seems to be lacking some info to really help us push through some experiences, how do we figure out what data it’s missing and instruct it?


I’m interested and I’m late

I am interested

Usually art/ drawings are more crystal clear compared to just thoughts

I want to participate