Meditation-Webinar 6/28 at 11:00 AM EST

Thanks for the webinar @SammyG and for sharing your wisdom for 3+ hours.

I learned that I need to support my workout fields with a lot more protein intake :slight_smile:


Can you explain more of what he said on the workout/ protein topic? I was unable to remain in the meeting for long due to time zone

He said that you need a lot of protein intake for muscle growth, even when you use field like Muscles Beyond Limits.

Thanks again Sammy for the webinar and answering our questions patiently. Taking notes is very hard as I felt like I was actually missing out what was being said but still I tried to capture some points, mostly paraphrasing of what Sammy said.

On Spiritual Practice
Everyone should have a daily spiritual practice be it Yoga, Meditation or Qigong anything.

On Psychic attacks

Psychic attacks and entities are real but you are more powerful than them. These entities will use your own thoughts against you and make you believe things you don’t want to, so you need to affirm that you are stronger and more powerful than these attacks and entities.

Fields for psychic attacks - Automated Grounding , Voodoo Detangled, Exorcism and Minor & Major Blueprint of Power to build one’s energy.

On Meditation
The goal of a beginner in meditation should not to be to find stilness but to become aware of thoughts, when thoughts come, go back to breathing.

Sammy’s daily practice for improving energy body:

  • Meditation - 15 to 30 mins
  • Guided Belly Pranayama
  • 5 Tibetan Rites (there is an advanced version which he does which he is happy to share with those who have been doing the rites for a very long time)
  • After the rites one round of Pranayama - inhaling through nose and exhaling through mouth
  • Drawing the energy from the ground in horse stance all the way to the top of head

On Rage-bait
The internet is filled with rage-bait and the content creators want your attention, make you react so that they can get views and make money. People all around including many of us on the forum are falling for it.

Best way to overcome is to accept that there are things which you don’t like.

Tips from Sammy

  • For workout fields improve your protien intake mainly for MBL.
  • If you want to improve physical activities like playing basketball play brain fields like Superhuman Genius, Manhattan Method and even Malleable Ego while watching a pro-player actually playing the game. Next time when you play you wlll see your game improves.

Answers to my questions:

  • How to replenish energy body every day and how to make it immune to negative forces all around?
    Practice mentioned above

  • Does playing the same field on multiple devices at the same time accelerate the results or it actually depends on how much information one’s energy body can take? How much is too much in this case?
    No it doesn’t but it makes the field stronger

  • Does it matter in what size we print digital images of NFTs and does the aspect ratio of the original image need to be maintained for getting the full benefits of NFTs?
    No it doesn’t

  • I’m struggling with lucid dreaming, the Lucid Dreams 2.0 field is not working for me, what am I doing wrong?
    One needs to do things like recording one’s dreams daily as you wake up and do other things needed for lucid dreaming.

  • This is both to you and Captain as well - how to deal with the problem of evil in the world? How not to react seeing so much of horror in the world?
    By accepting that evil exists, there are things that create and things that destroy.


I have no idea if you need more protein if you use field, but honestly from my experience this comes down to calculating what your daily intake of protein would be for optimal muscle growth. I used to hit the gym even 6 times a week in my teens, I would consume protein in excess which really only gave me digestive issues after time.

My recommendation would be to go with the 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight or 1 gram of protein per centimeter of height, as this is how much your body needs to recover and grow. I see regular dudes consume over 250g of protein a day and I think that’s just unnecessary, unless you’re juicing.

Protein isn’t the only important factor for muscle growth, don’t forget to calculate your daily fat and carb intake as this plays a big role in growth as well. Some people are scared of fat and carbs, but if your goal is to gain muscle than a little body fat isn’t something that should worry people.


@Kalacakra I just discovered this thread, thanks for the summary for us who could not join. Not sure if the question above from @JAAJ was answered?

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Yes it was answered. Angelic one is just help from angels while Cosmic one is from higher beings above angels.


Thanks :pray:I keep on learning new concepts here it is both scary and amazing


Hey bro Can we Have another Webinar. I really Liked the Last one.Learned valuable Information from you. @SammyG


Yeah we’ll be doing another one soon.


hi! i’m new to this platform. is there any way i can be notified when the next meditation will be? thanks in advance :pray:t3:

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Hey, Val. Welcome to the community! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::tada:

We have Webinar tomorrow. Kindly check out this thread. Sapien Webinar July 12 - 11 AM EST

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thank you so much :white_heart:🫂 i’m so happy and grateful to be here


Hi @val
Welcome Saraswati


so beautiful :white_heart: thank you so much, Rosechalice :pray:t3: