Meeting people who are into fields as well

Hi guys! I’m wondering if any of you have met other people in “real life” who are into Sapien Medicine and this type of stuff? I’m currently single and hoping to find someone who is into the same things as me and is open minded.

Anybody have a partner who is into Sapien or similar things as well?! :)


hi @Holisticprincess up to this point nobody arrond me in the flesh is into Sapien.

some Yoga gurus i have met and many potentially psychic people ive met but all had their big issues and fears…

also a couple of Alien conspiracy enthisiasts i have met in the past…some of them useful for my development some of them gaga…


Would be cool if we get a field that connects you to similarly minded people. I personally have not met anyone in person either but I’m not sure how exactly you’d identify them? unless they are wearing some sapien med items which I personally keep in my pocket so I’m part of the problem :sweat_smile:


Thanks for your reply! :) What do you mean they had issues/fears? You mean about Sapien?

Totally, that would be awesome! Yes I wouldn’t know how to identify them either haha. Unless there was a certain meet up where you know everyone is into the same thing I guess.


Energetic Mandala Series, use this one, to draw like minded friends, while some may talk or smile of course to make friends, you need to also make an effort. Finding like minded people can be great thing in you life journey.


Maybe someone who is open minded in general.

My boyfriend is this way, it’s one of the things that attracted me to him. He’s always open to trying new things. And I’m constantly finding new things for him to try!

When I found Sapien I thought it may be a bit much for him to take on board, but he did and now he even has his own stacks. It’s lovely to be able to chat about Sapien things and to see the results on each other too.

Good luck!


No not in real life
But maoshan wanderer here on the forum has cute stories convincing his gf that fields work and now they have fields playing from several devices throughout the house, night stacks, etc

We might need an ebook soon “how to use fields with a partner” :joy:


not yet, have told to a few close friends about this and none took it serious, not even close family, even though i have got real, physical results that would have been impossible otherwise


I got my hubbs into it. But I knew he was really open minded when we met :slight_smile:

I’d agree with other posters find someone who’s open minded, even if you’re not exactly the same they can be the Jim to your Melinda

(That there is a ghost whisperer reference. Still love it :grinning:)


When my ex and I met (in a way totally non related to fields or anything spiritual) we both already were Sapien users. This was when Sapien Med only had 49,000 subs. We were a match made in heaven. Hope we get back together soon.


So youre suggesting a kind of Sapien dating, lol. Just find someone whos open-minded and introduce him to fields, that will work enough


Good luck with this, I’ve been looking forward to meet some person in the physical using fields as well, but this has not happened yet :grin:

One of the reason Sammy created our beloved forum I believe.

My ex gf used to get crazy results from fields, though like many of my “sensitive” friends they just don’t resonate with it and trying to force this is just not healthy.

They think it’s cool, but they have their own path.

Along with some subconscious block about this being cheating, or the spiritual path having to be harder than it has to be now (only my own judgement though)

Though this may change quickly, as Dream’s work is evolving at a very very rapid pace, which is carrying it to its next phase, beyond this current “early adopters” one.

We just need to do our things, and be patient :slightly_smiling_face:


Or let the universe does its things, and get a crazy story like our friend @Gnosticmedic27 above haha


It had happened to me.

A random lady was playing one of the ancient arts outloud while on a walk, and I was like: I know this!

Then she was was like you know what ?

I was like, you know what .

Then the she was like well if you know say the name.

Sapien Medicine.



no. the people i mean were not into sapien.

In my case I don’t have anyone I know who uses this type of tools, try to get my father to listen some Morphic fields, explaining what they were, how they worked and the benefits they can generate, but he didn’t commit to the change, he didn’t want the benefit, I also told him a close girl and I felt like she mistrusted what I was telling her, she has knowledge in yoga practice, and my father is aware of spirituality: but these people just didn’t “Click” no matter how hard I tried on several occasions. each human being has their stages and if they did not “click” I think that they are not at the right time to accept or try this type of help or support, and I tried it, I gave them explanations i told them that there was nothing wrong, they were only benefits for They, I think they are skeptical and you can’t force a person to do something or practice something


apart from my mother I dont know anybody who is even interested in spirituality.

where are you from @Holisticprincess ? I am from Marburg in Germany


LOLOL I pictured it being like that scene from Breaking Bad where Heisenberg says to the lower drug lord “You know who I am…say my name.”


“you’re god damn right!”


Haha yeah, it creates an instant rapport