Memorivium Pro (Frontier Series)

It doesn’t replace it, it doesn’t do the same thing, there is no overlap.

Nothing replaces Manhattan Method either


oh i thought @Jarrah said it was CC on steroids so i thought it could replace it


Oh no no I meant that the wiring happened much faster and I could feel the fields hit harder compared to the older ones.


Oh 100% man, they deserve more love.

Using them with the Artemis boosters is a game changer!

Appreciate you and dream’s work doc.


Yea I was just saying that I noticed results much faster, animus is such an underrated field man,I can’t believe it’s not talked about more

You mentioned that you have a business.

Animus can help a lot with understanding clients needs and helps fostering relationships as well since you can intuitively read people and understand what they innately want without them actually saying it. And also you can pick on subtle cues that they do.

Also it helps you understand your customers as well, relationships improve too. You understand yourself more AND you make better decisions since you can weigh the pros and cons and risk reward.

All of this is too OP if you are an entrepreneur, Whilst improving other areas of your life like relationships etc. must have field in my humble opinion.


this field will help to memorise the books easily.


Is this counted as a booster ?


In my wish list definitively. :eyes:

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tl;dr Future Field. Get it and have one.

Memorivim Pro: Day One Reaction

Listened for an hour or so, Artemis boosted. No problems. I did an engaged session of daydreaming. I wanted to see what would appear before me. Below is a sample of my experiences and observations, both from yesterday, and, as things turned out, right now, almost 24 hours later.

Wow. Lots of color, clarity, vividness. I’m almost slipping into the memories. All the little details are there. The memories follow one another in a fractal or metaphorical manner.

It starts with a memory of a job I had as a child (age 8) to water the trees and plants for Mr. B, who was on vacation. I live in a desert at this time, so watering trees and plants is huge responsibility for me, and I’m being paid serious kid money. To my kid mind (which is somewhat accessible at the moment), this was the local Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Each tree and plant had a basin and all the basin were connected by miniature canals. I turn on the faucet and, as first basin fills up, some dead leaves and cheatgrass seeds spiral a bit and start heading down the first leg of the canal like little boats on river.

JUMP. I’m in Death Valley racing empty coke can (green) coke against my brother’s red down something that’s way smaller than a brook–don’t know the word for it.

JUMP Bishop creek pulling cold coke cans placed there hours to insure a perfect summer day.

I’m done with the Huck Finn type adventures and am now walking through my education. Stopping and remembering: conversations, what room, where I sat. Even as I type this, I can hear see my 5th grade teacher upset that her pet rat is missing. This is not the first teacher meltdown but I need to write this, not recall that. Ah, my friend’s dog with the deformed foot to the rescue.

A trip to Paris. The elderly man walking his pug prompts wife to do her speak French and soon enough she’s handing him our camera to take our picture. I rerun through the big attractions in my mind and I end up at the restaurant I hated, but my mind reads me and moves on to something more interesting.

I’m in a restaurant talking with a lawyer about his recent (long ago, another cold storage memory) victory. I can recall the name of the corporate defendant. The memory is in and of itself important, but I can see it branching other memories branching before me. before me, again, as I type. A breach of contract case out of Minnesota is bubbling up. I’m recalling the facts of the case, the defendant, the decision, the appeal.


This field is a MUST for lawyers and doctors or anyone else that needs recall ability at the right-hand tail of the curve. These are my memories but the recall process is hugely augmented, I barely put any effort into this recall. Using this before and after a study session with more structured information would pay huge dividends.

Recall is vital to future employment. The sort of problem-solving that is on standardized tests and basis for employment will last, looks into The Crystal Ball of Pessimism, about another week or so, as AI moves onward. Small problems are going away and big problems are what’s left. You will need all your hard-earned Limitless knowledge accessible in the moment, before the moment slips away.


do u think this field could recover memories from when i was a child? i know theres the other field for this but i was wondering if it was the same for this 1


Yes, it will


Yeah i also have childhood memories coming up and understandings i already had forgotten its really cool.


See my review.


that is amazing . thank u

this is the closest we’re gonna get to NZT lol wow


Yeah. There’s a lot of NZT aspects to it. Being able to move through memories has both a nostalgia and abstraction aspect. The process that creates webbing and intensification of memories seems like have a similar effect on ideas, which makes sense, as ideas and concepts do percolate into a person’s consciousness at certain time and place. But you can then take this acquired knowledge and unbundle it from the grounding memory.


Alright, that’s it… next payday I’m getting this field.


lol and me :joy:

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yeah is this a booster or wiring field? im discombobulated


I think a bit of both.

I can certainly feel the boosting aspect. More to come later.


I can see it helping indirectly as a booster, but it’s mostly “wiring”