Mental challenges - Collecting info

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to put together some information for a personal project of mine. Would be cool if you could spare a few minutes.

Thanks :pray:


What are mental / mind challenges you had to overcome, or are still working on overcoming, or you think will be a future obstacle to overcome?

List 10 things or as many as you can. Feel free to share details, if you like.

For me, for instance, I would definitely say self-worth/ self-esteem was a big one. Navigating love and relationships another big one. Definitely also the “finding your purpose”, self-sabotaging behaviours, walking my own path (authenticity). Those are mostly past mental challenges. Present ones are mostly about productivity, focus, pervasiveness, etc. And I predict future mental challenges will be about skill acquisition mostly.

This is just a very brief overview. Obviously each of them have a plethora of stories behind them.

  1. Self Love/acceptance - I have mental hurdles where I
    feel I must be at my utmost best otherwise I’m not worthy to find a partner or excel in life. Overall never feeling enough with myself.

  2. Inner jealousy

  3. Finding genuine friendship

  4. Trying to find contentment

  5. Being too hard on myself

  6. Not being able to conceptualize the bigger issue and understanding the importance of overcoming this issue. E.g. addiction, I know I must overcome it but the motivating and purpose behind it is non existent or too hard to understand

  7. Self projection

  8. Anger issues

  9. Depression

  10. Procrastination

These are the mental challenges


Please see my reply to your question in my personal journal:


Mental / mind challenges I had to overcome:

  • Understanding that I cannot help everyone, nor is it my duty.
  • Letting go of a lot of vanity (not that I have none now, but it is not ruining my existence).
  • Letting go of trying to overcome “challenges” when it is not suited or result from a deeper one such as lack of self-acceptance.
  • Understanding that I can still live a fulfilling life without fully overcoming the challenges below.

Mental / mind challenges I’m still working on overcoming:

  • The feeling that I don’t belong and that I’m a burden, the guilt and shame associated with it and consequently lack of self-worth (the latter is more general).
  • Extreme uncomfortability around people in certain situations, along with some trauma that involves constantly being watched, in a painful way.
  • There are a lot more, but I think most of them come down to the gap between my thought-based perspective on various situations / problems and my strong uncontrolled emotional response to them. If I could solve this, I could solve everything I could think of right now.

Thanks for the feedback everyone :pray:

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I’m still working on these:

  1. Self-Sabotage (I’ve had so many actions which resulted in new difficult challenges, yet those actions were the result of difficult challenges themselves, so… Point 2 is…)
  2. Getting stuck, often and repeating bad patterns (including Overeating, bad foods addictions, etc. - I’ve just decided to drop anything which controls me, they are off plate now… It’s a drastical solution, but I am obese…)
  3. Lack of Healthy Self-Love
  4. Lack of Self-Knowledge (I don’t even understand my animal and human nature, so anything above that is an even greater challenge)
  5. Fear, all kinds of fears, although most have been in my head and only some of them proved to be real
  6. Lack of discipline, chaotic schedule, as a result of certain mental challenges
  7. Trouble communicating/interacting with others (real life, not on the internet), although tbh I find relationships, of all kind, including friendships, to not be worth my time, I’m just interested in my evolution, I care very little for socializing (it might or it might not be a problem, I don’t necessarily find it to be a Huge problem) (maybe it’s due to having bad experiences with so many people or maybe I am a difficult person, anyway) (now, i can personally live with or without people/relationships, I care more about my dignity and my inner peace then I care about having friends or a woman near me; a friend of mine just asked for my forgiveness, but I heard he lost his job, he probably needs some money again… and I’m suddenly his best friend again… )

In the past, I’ve had to overcome memory loss/problems, depression, Intrusive Thoughts, abnormal/unhealthy sexual impulses (although this might be a different subject), etc.

As for the future, those 7 which I’ve mentioned as my current challenges, are some challenges which I will have to overcome, probably others too.

8. Explaining myself, in order to not be misunderstood…
It’s not worth it, people can only understand what they can understand.
9. Trying not to upset others…
Maybe thats due to me thinking that I might need them in the future lol.

Again, how I behave on the forum is one thing, real life, I’m a different person, although perhaps only slightly different.

Sometimes I might be more raw and sometimes I might be more calculated.
It all depends on the circumstances.
I’ve had a couple bosses which I’ve hated.
I never vented my hate towards them, since I wanted to keep my job.

Also, a couple relatives, I need some diplomacy, in order to have a roof over my head.

10. Procrastination…
“I’ll do it later”…

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