Mind chatter and blockages

Hi guys,

I was wondering which audio fields i could use to minimize or eradicate my mind chatter (i mean that little voice nagging at you, questioning if everything you do is worth doing, etc).

For instance, i tend to wake up somewhat anxious, like i think of stuff to do for the day and about my goals in the near future, and boom, wouldn’t you know, the voice chimes in and says “you aren’t as smart as you think” “you’re lazy” “others won’t approve” etc.

I then proceed with my wim hof method breathing practice while listening to a variation of the audios mentioned in The Point of No Return article (energy body/Aura, subconscious Limits, exorcism, emotional, energy blockage, forgiveness, trauma and gratitude).

It feels great, however the voices return during the day, although rarer, and they usually diminish in the evening.

I also tend to feel some kind of weight in and around my heart area.

What am trying to say is… I still feel rather stuck and i sense it’s my own mind doing it, so i want to bring my own mind to the point of actually helping me at all times.

If it helps, here’s some info about me:
I’m rather sensitive, emotions seem to have a toll on me. I tend to be perfectionistic to a point where i don’t wanna proceed with a project if it’s not “perfect”. Thus i procrastinate. I’m calm and introspective.

Meditation has helped me to a degree too.

Well, anyways, thanks for reading and any advice you might have for me. Have a great evening everyone!



Hmm…I’d say

Essence of Mantras
Higher Self Connection
Forgiveness and Release
Etheric Cord Cutter
Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal
Emotional Release
Alpha brainwave field


Hi there Gnostic,

Thank you. Some of them i already had had downloaded from patreon, others not yet. Can’t believe i missed that clearing all negative entities.

I can’t seem to find that alpha brainwave one though? Could you point me to it’s location?

I recommend Blueprint of life.
But any audio which rise your consciousness, your vibration will help.
Also the one which remove negativity, the mindfulness audio and the anxiety removal will help.


If you can afford it, the vibration series (I can’t tel if it was a specific one or all 3 together) almost completely removed my mind chatter. I play this series almost every night and now I hardly have mind chatter which I consciously don’t initiate. The times that I have negative chatter that I don’t initiate, I’m almost at the point where I can stop it immediately!

I highly recommend this series not just to remove chatter but to make your life much happier in so many ways that you don’t realize


Sorry I shoulda specified that one is in Gumroad

And yes blueprint of life as @Unbreakable said.

Vibration of transcendence quiets my mind more than the rest because of the ego dissolution sub field in it, which reminds me that
@Nice2knowU you can just use ego dissolution from Dream seeds channel

  • Aura Deep Clearing

  • Subconscious Limit Dissolver

  • Energy Blockage Removal

  • Emotional Release

  • Internal Alchemical Crucible

  • Plasma Light & Infrasound

  • Flower of Life


You ain’t the only one my guy, been super overwhelmed lately, mood swings and depression runs for no reason. Tried every Audio I can try, Hopefully you can find what works for you. Your aura could be weak, I know mine is but I can’t buy the new aura video right now. I listen to audios to help in that case, they work for a few minutes to hours and than the mind chatter just comes back, the anxiety rolls back, the stress and depression and overattachment comes back.

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Hey My Guy, I decided to try something new and it has been working good for me so far. Write a journal of what you want, figure out your stack and stay consistent.

Here is mine.


This is your negative mind thoughts, go with mindfulness meditation or ego dissolution or both.


Why don’t you try new release Emotional Mastering Protocol?

If you master your emotions you will easily master your thoughts and inner conversations at your command

Because in high state or high emotional state can’t be any negative thoughts, nor inner chatting, and they are already vanished, cleared in power/state of high vibrations, emotions


Oh yes,
I’ve tried the anxiety one, it’s really nice.

Thank you ;)

I suppose i first need to get those wealth and abundance audios to work for me in abundance :rofl:

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Yep im using ego dissolution daily

Thank you.

I’ll add the flower of life as well


Hi there gaunter,
That’s because i presume that beneath every emotion is still a thought. I mean the substance of an emotion is still a thought (hence i can be in control with sufficient mind control prowess). I could be wrong though

First is the emotion, then the thought.

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