Mindset that attracts sexism

Nah, they don’t deserve this much attention lol

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I see -

I look down more on sex buyers than on sex workers, not because of gender or any sort of “abuse/use” of sex workers (even if that exists, though not the general issue in my opinion) but because of males taking the easy way to getting laid rather than working on themselves to become something attractive. A magnet, a strong inner core and self worth, that attracts women without the need to try or clown around for their attention.

I also personally I do not see any of that being sexism, some of that even being straight up biological facts. Outside of toxic masculinity of course, which is a term I don’t agree with in general. Masculinity is beautiful in so many ways. Masculinity is also something decaying, and has been decaying for many years in the west. I see almost as many feminine boys these days as I see feminine girls.

“Toxism” comes in every color, shape and form, both from females and from males. I do not agree with toxic femininity just as little as I agree with the existence of toxic masculinity.

I will not start a discussion here though as the topic is sensitive to you. But I think first and foremost, you need to focus on yourself much more, rather than on others. I would go absolutely nuts if those were things that bothered me on a daily basis.


Maybe it’s the wrong wording and it’s not about the masculinity and femininity
But it’s still about the toxicity and prejudices
The rage of ‘incels’ and ‘femcels’


Yes, that rage stems from their own lack of self worth mostly, and it spreads and affects others in a toxic way. I stay away from that rage too. Rather than working on themselves - they blame everything and everyone else. It is utterly pathetic.


I thought a little and I think it was wrong of me to use the masculinity/femininity in a sense of ‘toxic’
These aspects are divine
It’s like labeling love toxic if one has some problems in their relationship


I read the op and was worried this was going to descend into arguing again but… it went as well as it could. Great discussion everyone.

My only answer is sort of what some of you saying. I believe you will be doing yourself a grand favor by detaching from being offended by these things. Someone else’s thoughts that might seem demeaning or outdated, are their thoughts. Their thoughts shouldn’t have an effect on you.

The world is full of such thoughts/ideas that contradict your world beliefs/perspective. You will likely run into them even if you try to avoid them. And you will be triggered unless you come to accept that this is just where society is still at.

I’ve had to accept that there are still war mongerers in this world. I accept there is so much division in the world. I accept xenophobia is on the rise, slavery still exists, children are sexually exploited, damage we’ve done to this planet, corrupted leaders, inequality is still the norm and so on. It’s the way of this world. If I don’t accept that this is just part of this game, I will automatically react with negativity at every turn.

The negative in this world has as much place as the positive. It is part of someone else’s growth even if it doesn’t seem that way. The ALL grows through the suffering and love.

That being said, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do anything about these things. Accepting it doesn’t mean embracing it. Doesn’t mean to tolerate disrespect. We should defend ourselves if we have to and if we see something wrong and can do something about it, it would benefit the collective if we act on it.

But acceptance of the world and all its duality is how you begin to flow with the world and find peace within it. All the ugliness is a part of the divine. It’s the hardest truth to accept. Not saying to do so now. Take your time with such a thing.


Everything does indeed have it’s place. I’m actually happy that the world isn’t all 100% fair, 100% full of love, 100% peace. I believe that is not how balance works and it would do more harm than good, even if it sounds like the dream utopia - it would not be.

Without hatred, there can’t be love. Without darkness, no light, etc. As long as humanity has existed, there has been injustice, hatred, justice, love, etc. It is how it’s intended, and forever should be, in my opinion.

Once one become at peace with this, and accepts this, I believe one will feel much better internally, rather than “Why can’t everyone have the same world view as me? Mine is the right one. Mine is only full of love. No one would suffer” etc.


Thanks zanderos, I find your point of view very liberating.


Thanks Sammy, it means a lot.