Minimalistic Bulking/Cutting Stack

Trying to a build a minimalistic fitness stack that goes about an hour and not more than that. Quite impossible for me to have 2-3 hour workout playlists… What are hard-core essentials that you’d add in no matter what, and what can I cut from the stacks? Some ideas so far:

Bulking stack (~1h) - alternating between upper and lower every other day

  • Upper body workout x4 / Leg Day x4
  • Myostatin x3
  • Induced follistatin to muscle x3

Cutting stack (~1h) - alternating between stomach and cardio every other day

  • stomach shrinking x3 / automated cardio x3
  • weight loss combo
  • enhanced fat metabolism

or are there better ones (more “bang for your buck”) that are more effective that I should put in?


these are doing same things…just use follistatin
so follistatin anddddd?

Myostatin doesn’t need to played but 3x every few weeks anyways.

you seeing results with this?? :)
if so…keep it.

Stenabol & Cardarine are musts.


I’ve been using cardarine for 4 weeks now. So another 4 weeks and then I stop.

What happens after that?

When can I use this field again?

ask again when you get to that point. :stuck_out_tongue:


That makes so much sense! Okay, ditching myostatin and adding YK-11 :man_facepalming:

I haven’t actually tried weight loss combo yet, but I was searching the forum and found a thread where @gpo talked about it. It was also a combination including “automated workout” so I was wondering if it was effective. I should probably use stenabolic instead (with REVerb) and cardarine - but that would mean I have to boot one out… boot enhanced metabolism or stomach/cardio?


experiment and see…

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