Mold & Biotoxin Illness

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*Armor of Light and Glory

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Really?! You think this helps with health? Please share.

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OP Transformation has a long term (so far ) “mystery” illness which has not in the past been helped by what he has already tried. It has been going on for many years. He/she has posted a request for help on 2 different threads. Caring and knowledible forum members have suggested fields and audios. As someone who has also been ill a long time and know quite a few like me in these years I find that many have been (mostly unknowing) “victims” of people/entities that have fed off the misery and suffering, and makes things worse . Members have suggested the Exorcism Rite, the OP played one field of this kind (Etheric Cord Cutter) that she/he experienced a BIG reaction to. This (Armour of Light and Glory) “just” supplements the OP’s probably weakened defenses and helps guard

*Sorry about the him/her.

*I’m not articulate, but hopefully I am understood.


Oh yeah I get it. Entities could be responsible. You never know. I’ve found some things to be caused by unhealthy social situations or people that I would have sworn were physical health problems. Psychosomatic is no joke. And neither are entities.


Thank you so much for your help and suggestions. I am really interested in this but right now I am not able to purchase audios however I will look into the ones on YT. I was wondering do people get much worse if they do tracks like this if they are already very depleted? Or if it expected to feel instantly better. You mentioned “big reaction”…by that do you mean a big Herx or healing crisis or big reaction in terms of feeling much better. Thank you once again for caring to help

I’m a little confused :man_facepalming:t2:. Is it being advised that one would need to do the “Armor of Light” to help NOT have a big hewing reaction to “Cutting The Cord” or “Exorcism Rite”. So sorry for all the questions everyone.
I just feel so sick and weak that having a difficult time putting things together. Not trying to make excuses…but def my brain is not working very well and I can’t afford to make things much worse by doing something that my physical energy can’t handle…if that makes sense? Thank you all again for caring enough to help.


I think @SilverZuzu recommended that just in case entities are responsible for your ailments. One psychic defense “specialist” said forming a sword that rotates around you in your mind is enough to make most astral entities leave you alone because they start thinking you’re not worth the work or effort in coming after. So using this armor for a similar reason makes sense.

But if it’s taxing you too much, you know what’s best for you. Don’t wear yourself out by all means.

Auric Repair might be a gentler strategy in fortifying your energy body’s defense. But even that, if it’s too much strain on you, again, you know what’s best.


Ok thank you so very much!!! :pray:t2:


U wrote on one of the threads that u had a big reaction to Etheric Cord cutting, that is what I was mentioning.


Well maybe not primarily responsible, but could be certainly adding to OP’s symptoms, physical and/or mental.

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Oh sorry…no I had a big reaction to the Radiation one. I haven’t tried to the cutting the cord one yet


OK, sorry I misread/misunderstood/misremembered. About 1 1/2 weeks ago I ran out of the Dr. Ron’s Ultrapure Grass fed and Grass Finished Freeze Dried Beef Brain. Crips! Wow, I can tell the difference! Reordered it today. (I am not associated with this company in any way, except for being a customer. No discounts were given, etc.)


I did the exorcism rite last night (along with the eviction card) 4x and also the armor of light 1 x.

I woke up feeling so fatigued and like I have the flu.

My chest is tight and I have shortness of breath and fell very feverish.

So I did the

For Skeptics - for energy

Cutting the etheric cord

Prana swirls

And jing audios

Amd the healing card

This morning

But still feeling pretty horrific.

Is it worth doing the aura cleanse to see if that helps or should I just back off of everything?

Do u feel less crappy or more crappy after doing the morning group of audios? (Thats a lot of audios u listened to from last night to this morning)
IMHO try Auto Grounding X1 and give it a rest for a while. See if the autogrounding helps. I think u are releasing a lot of stuff. Again, your decision.

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Thank you! :pray:t2:I feel REALLY crappy lol! Like I have to flu (I am familiar with healing reactions and Herxes a lot) but I just feel really really terrible. It’s almost like I have covid symptoms

But do u feel better or worse after the morning group of audios?


Its your decision but when I am releasing I find the Auto Grounding helps. There are like 2 other audios I could recommend that would possibly help u but “First, do no harm”, so I abstain from naming them.

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Thank you!
I shall try the grounding
I really appreciate your help

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Just spam the cup of coffee track. At your own risk. Made me feel great this morning. But then, I’m not trying to recover either.

You tried Micro-kinesis yet?