Movies for the awakened individual šŸŽ„

at least it looks like it was in the time of Atlantisā€¦Hearts of Atlantis is a major false advertisement lol Stephen the King of clickbait

I am currently watching the new interpretation of Brave New World.

A society where some of humanities best and some of humanities worst traits are maxed out and brought together into one society.

A lot of deep stuff in there and food for thoughtā€¦

Also well made technically.

I think @Dr_Manhattan will like it.


I loved that series, I saw it years ago when it was released. Currently I donā€™t remember much about the story besides from the main plot and that I enjoy watching it, although I remember that at the time I saw it some complained that there was too much sex and orgies in the series, although that is an important part of that society and shows us how everything turns around pleasure, people are slaves of pleasure, not unlike the addiction of social media today.

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The point is that the viewers who think there is too much sex and orgies in the series are sexually repressed themselves and have stuck energy in almost pathological way.

The utopian/dystopian society as portrayed in the series has actually understood that sexual energy must always flow freely in order to eliminate all sexual perversions and thatā€™s why they have those orgies where everyone has sex with everyone. It is a free flow of energy between all members of society, so that no energy is stuck.

It is very similar to advanced alien collective consciousness societies I would sayā€¦ but most humans wonā€™t get it, because sexual expression is traumatized and perverted on Earth.



Good morning STDS !!
100 guys have been banging my wife !
So what ? Iā€™m still the man !
Right ??
right ?
oh man :pensive:

No problem there.

I mean, having a bit of self-control and not acting like an animal is traumatic to some peopleā€™s mind.
Isnā€™t that what being a child all about ?

Pair bonding ?
Thatā€™s for repressed people.

Baby, assets, organisation of society. We donā€™t need that anymore, the super computer does it for us. Itā€™s the future, weā€™re atomized yo !

Honestly, that would be me, Iā€™d throw a bunch of these people into a pit.
This is the complete opposite of what my propaganda would be like if I made some.

Isnā€™t that word for word what the satanist preach all day ?
Love, free sexual energy, hippie stuff ?
Literally every satanist is a libertarian and preach this stuff. 100% of them.


I had been meaning to mention that movie but due to being busy and lack of time I have been forgetting about it hehe but it is quite good and original. It deals with the always very debatable issue of whether in life we ā€‹ā€‹have free will or if everything is already written (determinism), and the way in which the angels intervene and represent them is also interesting. Besides, although it indirectly raises these deep questions, it is a fun film.



Watch the show, then you will see how and why they do it :wink:
It is society in the future with advanced genetic engineering, there are no diseases anymore. Stop thinking like a cave man in survival mode.

Independent of that, it is not like you ever own anything or anyone in the first place.
If you can bond with one person, you can bond with many.
And in a collective consciousness society you would experience banging ā€œyour wifeā€ through the bodies of these 100 guys. And through the body of ā€œthe wifeā€ too, lol.

I think most people donā€™t understand what being part a collective consciousness inside many bodies at the same time means.
But the Higher Self understands it perfectly as it is incarnated as you and many other selves at the same time.

From my point of view they are right about this (as long as it is with consensting adults only).

As I said, I donā€™t remember much about the series righ now and my interpretation of it I donā€™t think it would be the same 4 years ago as it is now, but when I saw it I just thought that those orgies, although they were normal, only provided artificial happiness to people, I donā€™t want to give spoiler but it is to be expected in these types of stories that things tend towards entropy. I think i should look back at the series, maybe I can notice things I didnā€™t notice before.


Ok, by you do realize that this argument can be made by pedophiles and they do ?

Some woman are sexually turned on by abortions. They kill their babies and it turns them on.

Some people like to bang dead bodies. They arenā€™t hurting anyone.

Would you feel confortable living next to a guy who bangs dead people on one side and on the other side a girls who climax suffocating her baby in her womb ?

I mean, the babyā€¦ ok maybe it feels painā€¦ but maybe not besides itā€™s just a foetus and itā€™s already ok to kill them.

You donā€™t see a problem with your sonā€™s best friend having sex with literal pigs in the mud ?

Itā€™s absurd right ? Thatā€™s where the argument of free consenting adults lead us.

They always show you the best case scenario. But all I mentioned above exists. There are people like that.

What if 40yo guys like ā€œplayingā€ with your 8 yo hypothetical daughter. And she likes it.

You wouldnā€™t be troubled ?

You canā€™t just bend the laws afterward. Once itā€™s permitted, itā€™s permitted.

Iā€™m not 1000 years in the future. Itā€™s 2024.

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These are ALL pathological consequences of trauma and repressed sexual energy.

None of these mental diseases would exist in a society where everyone is loved and taken care of all the time (!).

ALL the problems that you mention do not exist when everyone is mentally and sexually healthy.

I didnā€™t want to say it, but if humanity does not solve its sexual trauma and repressed energy issues, most likely they wonā€™t make it. There is almost no love on this planet as of now.

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Iā€™m not buying into the utopia.

This is the decadence, death of civilization thinking.

All the civilizations that feels the luxury of thinking like that collapses.

Iā€™m not suspending disbelief on this one.

But Iā€™m not going to lecture you lol

I just shared my piece :joy:

Lust is the same as gluttony. People want to paint it as something else, great. Iā€™m not buying.

If you canā€™t be happy without banging everyone 100 at a time. Thatā€™s on you (whoever you are).

Same way I wouldnā€™t believe that engineering ourselves to be able to eat all day without gaining weight is healthy.


I recommend you loop Arcturian Energy & Meditation field over night every night for at least a week and ask the Arcturians for some insights about how life in a collectivist technologically advanced society or even a collective consciousness society looks like.

Humanity is just so underdeveloped and also stuck in certain thinking patterns. If this species makes it, we will have a vastly different society in the next 500 years.

The real decadence is humanityā€™s ARROGANCE and INGORANCE.
These are the two main negative factors that humanity needs to solve through spiritual development.

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I disagree.

Lust = ā€œI desire youā€ + sexual energy

Nothing wrong with desiring and loving someone.
And that sexual energy part needs to be fixed as mentioned.

People need to understand that ā€œsexā€ is a flow and exchange of sexual energy.
Lust is the desire to let oneā€™s sexual energy flow and be exchanged with someone else.

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Do you love your mom ?

Do you want to bang her ?

So, love and lust are different. Donā€™t try to conflate things. We can have sex with someone we donā€™t love.

Letā€™s be honest, you want to bang chicks. Good for you.

But Iā€™m not going to believe the whole kumbaya rhetoric

We donā€™t need to keep going. I just voiced my somewhat unpopular opinion. None of us will change their mind tonight.

I donā€™t love you unless I bang you. Thatā€™s not love.
I hope your dad didnā€™t love you.

Itā€™s like that black mirror episode ā€œHang the DJā€ lol

Iā€™m all for people having grown up relationships, you can be polygamous, do polyamory, fine by me.
But thatā€™s just your thing.

I donā€™t want the whole society to become one giant rotational gangbang.


There were collectivist societies that were based on sexual energyā€¦ but they involved transmutationā€”love from the heart expressed through Trance song and Dance. Sex didnā€™t happen unless it was for reproductionā€¦

A utopian idea is possible, but most people look at it from weird angles.

Mate, this is cave man thinking here.

  1. Humanity is so underdeveloped that it still has to reproduce like all the other mammals on the planet. But there are other options.

  2. And even when not, humanityā€™s cave man reptile brain genes do channel sexual energy and desire into a very narrow tunnel of expression where sexual energy exchange only feels right according to certain predefined pathes. A lot of those thinking patterns and what is sexually right or wrong does not exist with souls on the astral planes. Humanity is stuck in a Earth mammal genes scenario.

These are advanced concepts and most humans in 21st Century will not understand what I mean.

Again, if you want to open your mind for other ways of how societies can look like and function, I recommend you loop Arcturian Energy & Meditation field over night every night for at least a week and ask the Arcturians for some insights about how life in a collectivist technologically advanced society or even a collective consciousness society looks like.


I take that as a compliment :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Either itā€™s fine to bang your mom and daughter or sexual repression isnā€™t always bad and you should live like a decent persons despite that.

Iā€™m down to earth.
especially with the type of elite we have.

Instead of 30th century spiritual thing, look at it my way and ask yourself why the Hollywood type show you this ?

Do you think itā€™s to achieve some egalitarian kumbaya future ?

Ask yourself and you will know in your heart.


Of course this is not fine in our society.

I was speaking of utopian futuristic societies that function completely differently. There might not even be concepts like moms/dads/sisters/brothers in such a society.

Well, I was speaking exactly about this.
This thread is called for the awaked individual, right?
There is no need to be awaked to discuss 21st Century human shit hole society.
There are moments, at least twice a week, where I want to leave humanity forever, it is so bad and pathetic here.
I may not be able to change human society while I am here, but once done here, I can leave for good and leave forever and venture on to better places.

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Iā€™m sorry to disrupt your thread.

I just got tagged, watched the trailer and reacted to the post below.

You play your game, I play mine. Iā€™m in the here and now. As bad as it gets and I think itā€™s really bad, I try to do my best within it.

If I reincarnate as a non-human in that life, thatā€™s gonna be something else.

I donā€™t want to live my life fantasizing about escaping somewhere else. Because then, what tells me I wonā€™t do the same in that super society and find things wrong with it ?

I believe in reincarnation but I also believe in respecting all the reincarnations and not just pretend to be in this one.

Maybe there is an in-between reincarnations but when in the game, focus on the game.

I used to escape into video games, thatā€™s the same.

Iā€™m grumpy, but Iā€™m flawed too. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m here now. There will never be a shortage of excuses to be a jerk, sexual repression or not.


I get what you are saying but I think most folks here do not realize how BIG the game actually is.

The astral planes are also part of the game.

And there are so many physical universes as ā€œsub-levelsā€ of the astral planes, each with Trillions of galaxies.

When you are not incarnated into a physical plane, and live on the astral planes, you are still inside the game.

Indeed, the astral planes are the ā€œnormal gameā€ that most souls play.
Incarnations into physical universes are special levels with increased difficulty level.

This game is so big, that leaving Earth (physical or astral) is simply like switching a level within a bigger level.

Labeling ā€œmoving on from humanityā€ as escapism is like saying ā€œyou are trying to escape from the game because you suddenly want to play Tetris with colorful pieces instead of black and white piecesā€.

There are many other Tetris variations here and also many other games on the server.
Choosing to play a different version of the game or playing on another server is not escapism but a normal choice that souls do all the time. One of the challenges of this plane here, is to ultimatively realize that you have the free choice to go somewhere else once this adventure is over.

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