Movies for the awakened individual šŸŽ„

Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying.

When itā€™s your soul in the astral, be your soul in the astral.
When itā€™s your reincarnation as an arcturian, be an arcturian. Ghost, be a ghost. Elemental being at the center of the unvierse, then be that when you are.

Be when youā€™re a human for a couple measly decades, try to enjoy the ride.

Then thatā€™s more reason to really focus on it.

There is a time for everything. Iā€™m no preaching staying a human forever, only when you actually are :slight_smile:

There is such a thing as being a bad public.

When youā€™ve done all your spiritual practices and when you die and level up, youā€™ll be that thing. Focusing on being human when you are an arcturian would be escapism in my opinion.

Living your life as a human for the short amount of time in which you actually are human is not taking it too seriously I think. But not being able of letting go of all the possibilities when you are a human, thatā€™s when everything is taken too seriouslyā€¦ maybe ?

Itā€™s a burden, comparing yourself and being multiple things. Just be a badass, awesome human in your era and focus on the NOW to improve the FUTURE.
And if being human sucks, then the next reincarnation should be that much better.

Youā€™re just experiencing being human for a couple decades, let go, experience it and move on.

You want to contact arcturian, good, make some friends. But right now, you are human.


this reminds me of what this girl asked meā€¦what type of toppings i like on ice creamā€¦her and most of the people she asked listed all these ingredientsā€¦but i just like plain vanilla lol


Not sure if this one was mentioned. A depiction of the afterlife (one possible alternative).

Was just thinking you can watch 90% of scifi animes and theyā€™d qualify xD


looks like what they did in mr nobody minus all the weird alterations lolā€¦thatā€™s the direction i wanted Mr. Nobody to go inā€¦thanks for that recommendation

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I donā€™t remember Mr Nobody that well (was a movie of my teens) but I donā€™t think they have that much in common.

There is no alternative lives here. Just the afterlife.

I guess you donā€™t like Cloud Atlas . Or Memento xD

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the only thing i noticed that was the same is waking up in a distant future hospitalā€¦and you guessed right but havenā€™t heard of Memento lol

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Really good exchange between these two personalities. Informative, and thank you for playing. Like the macro and the micro. Pisces & Virgo energetic views.

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DEVS (2020)

I want to recommend this mini series that I saw a few years ago but remembered recently. science fiction Very interesting, original and raises some important philosophical questions. Do we have free will or is everything already determined? It is an important theme in the story. I donā€™t want to give too many details because the less you know about the plot the better.


When I saw the title Astral City it didnā€™t seem familiar to me but after seeing the trailer I know that it is a Brazilian film that I knew as Nosso Lar (ā€˜our homeā€™ in Portuguese), that film is based on a channeling from another dimension by Chico Xavier, a famous Brazilian medium, very deep stuff. Some friends told me about it about 3 years ago, they told me almost the entire plot lol but I forgot and didnā€™t watcj it but now that you mention it I would like to watch it, thanks for recommending it.


Thanks for resuming this Jay! Love the integrity. I saw the poster and intuitively I think Iā€™m going to start watching next.

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I finished watching Brave New World and came to the conclusion that most people in our current society here are way more fucked up, more traumatized and beyond repair than those people portrayed as members of the dystopian society in the showā€¦ :frowning:

If a dystopian society in a work of fiction is still better than our human society here, then this tells you a lot about the shithole that we have on this planet right now.


I have watched this amazing show this week ā€“ Messiah:

Very well made, great actors, and the tension builds up throughout the whole show and is only released in the last 2 minutes of the final episode :grin:

A lot of deep stuff inside of it, showing the nature of humans and how most people who think that they are on a spiritual path are actually on a full blown ego path.

For this very reason, this show is hated by everyone who is a religious fanatic. The real average rating on IMDB would probably be something between 8.5 and 9.5 if those fanatic losers didnā€™t downvote it. But since we here in the ā€œMovies of the awakened individualā€ thread this should be no problem for the folks here.

Watch the trailer :wink:


POWDER (1995)

oh boy this is one of those movies that the thread title fits perfectly.

Itā€™s a 1995 film but itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve watched it, as it turns out itā€™s not very well known or distributed, but it has all the vibes of a 90ā€™s classic.

Interesting and original story, good acting, itā€™s emotional and with an ending that doesnā€™t It leaves you indifferent. It is a sci-fi/fantasy film apparently but it is a very spiritual film, quite advanced for its time I could say.

In this movie, topics such as energy, inmortality, oneness or the integration of all things are discussed. I feel like Iā€™ve found a hidden gem, although I had heard about it a long time ago in movies groups but hadnā€™t given it a chance until today.


I just found this video on YouTube of one of the best scenes in the movie, it is a valuable lesson for anyone, and about the power of empathy. although the quality is not the best


classic movie i seen as a kid, and i was vegan for like 2 months and this is the scene i thought about when i was vegan lol

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I think you werenā€™t the only one who became vegan because of that scene lol although in this scene I donā€™t think the intention is to condemn eating meat but rather the act of killing for sport or harming living beings without thinking about their suffering

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sorry, just to clarify, this scene didnā€™t cause me to be veganā€¦it just made me think of it once i was vegan years later lolā€¦

i actually became vegan because i heard a boxer did that for his training camp and became lighter on his feetā€¦i experienced the sameā€¦

but sticking to the subject of animals, i commend all vegans who do it just for that purposeā€¦however, i still eat meatā€¦in a perfect world, i would want it to be like how the native americans hunted with a quick and less painful death with a prayer of gratitudeā€¦

iā€™m not a huge fan of neil degrasse tyson, but my fav saying he said was ā€œif i get asked whether i want to be cremated or buried, i prefer to be buried, so that the flora and fauna can dine upon me like i dined upon them my whole lifeā€¦ā€

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ah I understand, okay. I agree with the rest, but hey, the world is what it is and those are other issues.:+1:

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true, it was just a random thought lolā€¦for others who havenā€™t seen the movie, itā€™s filled with other cool detailsā€¦i havenā€™t seen it since the 90ā€™sā€¦one thing i remember is how smart he wasā€¦and other certain abilities he was capable ofā€¦itā€™s seems like what a human can do if exposed to every one of Dreamā€™s fields lol

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I gave in and decided to watch Mr nobody since its mentioned here.

So I will give a short lesson in the green language. Or symbolic language.
Through interpretation of the first 18 mins
Of course, there are lots more, it just depends on when and how you look.

Personal interpretation.
wow i was mindblown to hear him called nemo
it was very surreal.

Symbolic Language
Clearly it means pay attention, messages may also be more

Hmmā€¦ this song is the same song as good omens love song
(perhaps there are connections?)

The song ā€œEverydayā€ by Buddy Holly plays a significant role throughout the season,
symbolizing Gabrielā€™s newfound connection to human experiences and emotions.
Seems to be the same symbolic meaning in the movie.

wow are they seriously playing Mr Sandman after that song.