Movies for the awakened individual 🎥

Unreal, to say the least… :thinking::sweat_smile:

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this is personal interpretation hahah
doesnt mean the movie is for me or anything like that.
I mean, try to find personal meanings in your own things that you do.
That is a symbolic way of interpretating the world.


Wow, I didn’t expect to see the Captain commenting on this post :sweat_smile:, it’s a pleasant surprise. Yeah, that movie has a lot of symbolism and subtle messages, I think I had already said but it is a movie in which almost all people interpret different things, even if you see it a second time or more times, its amazing, but I had not paid much attention to the music, I will have to watch it again. Thanks for the point of view :)

Some other very good gems have been mentioned in this thread. If you look at them, it would be great to have your opinion/review here :v:


Captain how do you feel about avatar?

I mean it’s basic, but do you derive deeper meanings from it?

I feel like with conceptual conglomerate when I rewatched avatar 2 I had a lot of realizations. Felt like a lot of stuff went over people’s heads, or maybe the new foreign concepts were just being downloaded by my subconscious even though they were basic.


great movie, little dark


are we all becoming our twin inside?

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Unique. Funny. The lighter side of dark.


Tarkovsky one of the greats. And believed the filmmaking process was a spiritual one. This single shot long take ending to Nostalghia is just stunning. Life affirming.


I love that movie!
Polanski’s and Depp’s best works.
Watched it at least 15 times so far.
Very deep stuff here.
I also recommend researching the internet discussions on it.
Also, this is a must-watch movie for bibliophiles.


yea same here watched many times on a rainy day.

what do you think this serpent tied around the tree means? its also tattoo’d on the girl.
are we the tree?

Depp and the girl get stuck behind this truck and the camera focuses on this for just a moment.
I looked at what the strongs concordance might mean
I feel they chose to the greek G444 and not Hebrew444 its:
A man, one of the human race – 444 (anthrōpos ) relates to both genders (male and female)

the 6 8 9 could represent the masculine and feminine divine energies that are tied together.
6 is turned up(male energy) and 9 is turned down (divine feminine) the 8 ties them together?

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Reply with Spoilers


Symbolically combined with the snake from the bible who seduced Eve?

And “Sic Luceat Lux” = “It Shall Be Light” = Revelation of Truth

The Girl is the “corrupted Eve” acting in the service of Lucifer.

And Corso himself is Lucifer?

That’s why The Girl is helping him to come “home” by protecting him and telling him the right order of how to use the book pages for the ritual.

60 80 90

Possible Explanation


Hey, not everyone has seen these movies. No need to spoil, please be respectful of that.

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not an “awakened” movie but has some good music!
one might say we live in an cannibalistic world at least energy wise.
like in the movie Life of Pi the guy finds an island that eats you. theres a shot of the island from the side its clearly in the shape of a person laying down.


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I love this movie and I also found some deeper stuff in it…

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thanks yea im not well researched into gaia but I believe in order for Gods angels to do the naughty thing we had to take on suits of skin. We already had everything we could imagine before. I think it has to do with the divine masculine and feminine energies. Male which is life and female which is death. it has nothing to do if ur a man or woman but that other energy which is pure evil consumes life.

Nobody’s mentioned Under The Silver Lake yet? A lot going on in that one.

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Waking Life
The Man from Earth


The best movie ever made.
I have seen it 100+ times.

“Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.”


not a movie but
mass effect is a good video game series. 3 part saga!