Movies for the awakened individual šŸŽ„

Morinth says she is the genetic destiny of the asari.
ā€œWhen an asari finds a mate instead of trading cellular material directly like other biological organisms, asari reproduce by ā€œmeldingā€: linking their nervous systems with their partnerā€™s and utilizing the electrical pattern of their partnerā€™s system to provide a template for half the DNA of their resulting child.ā€
But in Morinthā€™s case when she finds a mate, this process kills the other in all cases.

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Thatā€™s my favorite book ever! It was reminiscent of the butterfly effect to me. Want to watch this :grin:

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Have you seen this movie? :speak_no_evil:

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Hey I saw that movie a long time ago, low budget but very interesting Premise and concept, enjoyable for those of us who like science fiction and some transcendental topics :+1:

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I just watched it and really like the ending.

The whole movie is also an analogy of how ā€œtimeā€ passes from a physical incarnation point of view versus when you are non-incarnated and back to the astral plane.

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I donā€™t know if this movie was already mentioned but I would like to recommend this one,Intriguing film, very well made, And other things that are better not to mention so as not to give spoiler,
sci-fi recent classic.

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Hi Jay,
I have watched this movie now.
I like the idea and concept behind it, but the execution was very bad and I found the movie very very boring.
My only motivation to finish the movie was because of the sexy main actress lol.
The shaky cam also ruined a lot.
I think this idea deserves to be re-filmed as a high-budget movie with more plot twists and a larger scenario/world.
It was also quite predictable and they didnā€™t pull anything original out of the ending than what the viewer already expects to happen anyways.
I believe movies like these deserve some additional plot twists at the end.
As always, this is all my personal opinion only :slight_smile:

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You might like this one here:

It is an actually good movie.
I have rated it 7/10.
The trailer on IMDB does not spoiler anything.

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Oh I understand, I actually saw that movie almost just coming out and I thought it was very original because in 2013 I didnā€™t have much experience watching movies of this type but in my mind I always had a positive memory of it, Although I have to admit that the pace is a bit slow but I donā€™t know for some reason I enjoy those slow movies with Interesting concept like Blade runner for example.

A fun fact is that that movie had another reinterpretation so to speak, almost the same concept but very different escenarios and style , If I remember correctly, the other movie is called +1

Same year Iā€™m not sure who copied whom, But in Execution may be a little below, or it depends on oneā€™s personal point of view

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I would have thought so from the way you go on about the matrix on here, quite a lot lol

Iā€™ve seen this movie on many occasions in the past, but I never really cared much for the narrative; it was just very popular amongst my social circle. Although I must say I found Agent Smith to be an intriguing character and always had my full attention whenever his part came up.

"I say your civilization, because as soon as we started thinking for you, it really became our civilization.ā€ Kind of reminds me of what true, free-thinking AI would say.

I liked this scene from the movie; itā€™s very well acted from them both. I must say though that Agent Smith character has always frightened me; he makes The Joker look like the Easter Bunny. :grin:


some deep stuff in Southland tales and yes thats a floating ice cream truck in the video