Pegasus also performs its functions perfectly
Yggdrasil the Tree Servitor
Light of Orion
For this case, I’d recommend using a “servitor” type that is…more of a servitor and less of a being.
I’d recommend using something close to the 3D reality as well; so this could be the elemental servitors. From there, you will want to adjust the elemental attributes of the requests. If you mostly want things to happen in a blink of an eye then go with the Fire / Air ; if you want to experience Flow in your requests then go with the Water / Undine servitor. If you want to work monetary values in life then of course go with the Earth (+Air/Fire)
That is a great process! Your perspectives are always inspiring. Elements in conjunction with other NFTs/ fields sounds powerful. Would you also suggest pairing a servitor to draw energy & inspiration from a being (expand its rolls/effectiveness)? Or possibly a type of energy vacuum/ zero-point energy type field (to motivate/ drive it)? It sounds like a fun concept; to push a servitor’s abilities to the max.
Arc Light is not a servitor, despite what Om thought it was. I feel like I have to repeatedly dispel this bit. Captain himself said so.
yes, I remember that. just like deities are not servitors…
Yeah. After suggesting those, I forgot to clarify that it was a different route to access abilities. I just woke up and have that morning haziness lingering LOL. I’m glad you made the clarification. I’ll edit mine now, in case others see it later and get the wrong interpretation.
This is different than Yggdrasil Tree of Worlds Servitor. If you can get your hands on it, you’ll be blessed. It’s super powerful.
Just like The Declaration, 13th Skull, Yggdrasil and all the other node-based servitors aren’t servitors in the classical sense like Fae, Dragon Golem, etc.
At least this is my understanding of what Captain meant when he said Arc Light not a servitor. It falls into the category of the new type of node-based servitors that are one giant field (everyone’s copy is connected), rather than individual beings like the old school ones… which is the template that started with the 13th Skull. This is exactly why Om called it a “Skull-based servitor.”
Yes, it also is Light and Vibrational Guidance + Intercession from the Arcturians, but still has the same template as the Skull (noded) from what I understand, yet everyone calls 13th Skull a servitor. In my experience, it functions like a servitor with how immediate it responds to requests.
I really would like Captain to clarify who’s correct, cuz I feel like I repeatedly have to dispel this notion that just because it’s not an individual being like the old school ones that it isn’t a servitor. If Arc Light isn’t a servitor, then neither is 13th Skull? Maybe I’m wrong.
@El_Capitan_Nemo I’m sorry to bother you. But can you please clarify this for us? It’s been a point of confusion for a while.
This was the proposal and I’m pretty sure it’s exactly what Captain made. So if Arc Light isn’t a servitor then neither is the Skull or any of the others with the same template/base.
I thought that arc light was a construct which directly connected you to arcturians, whilst all the others are actual servitors
It does connect you to them. It’s a noded-servitor updated at will by the Arcturians as they see fit but you can also program it yourself. In PM, Captain said to me that “Arc Technology” is in the mandala/within their energetic signature. So I see it as intelligent Arc energy that can be guided and programmed with your intention, in addition to the personal intercession and L&VG of course.
I use it all the time to do simple energetic tasks like clear excess energy, etc. Sometimes I personally connect with them and other times I feel as if I’m guiding the Arcturian energy.
I think most can do anything, each in its own way. .
Oh then there’s the thing of that they’re made of the wide collective belief which is given life.
And probably programming of how to act and behave aka serve. So that would be a big servitor.
While beings are more of how they would originally behave like, how people and mythologies describe them. In positive ways ofc, to help us how they can.
And all of these as we heard before can learn a lot and do things aka being ‘programmed by us’ . So thats why i think they can do anything you want, if they dont know already they will learn…
So at this point its not really about what they can or cant do, its what we can do with them, how far can we stretch and use their potentials.
That’s where we have to unite and figure out the all ways my friends!
A cool one is that you put description of the servitor into a GPT, and GPT responds as the servitor. Convince yourself that that is the servitor talking (while having image near) and servitor/should pick up on this, as this is the similar idea of what Sammy mentioned about visualizing their outcomes, visualizing what they do, so can GPT take their role and tell you, i your servitor etc. I Am doing now this, eventually there should be a response of the servitor and if successful should feel what the got responds.
(But i noticed that the words of the gpt are not always the same as the outcome of the servitor/being gives, it is however they can serve and do things in their own ways)
But regardless of that, you can discover what they can do, and get ideas, like have a direct conversation with them and how they would react if you actually talked to them.
And even if thats not how it would have been it is now as the dialoge is being created even if at first imagined, it then becomes real.
amen to that!
I had hoped that that would be the usage made of the original NFT private groups. No doubt a few have done so, but I see so many projects get sold before the person selling has had a chance to realize what they have released from their hands. Let us propose ways to study our servitors/projects and reap the benefits from this awesome forum of morphic field-lovers (and Captain lovers of course!).
Maybe a separate category can be created for Study Groups. Then the results can be posted on the individual testimonial threads.
Perhaps we can start with the OG ones (Venly).
To have a large database of user’s experiences, ways of working.
Way as no way
It would take some organizational skills, so either original group leader or someone who has donated some valuable time into releasing secrets hidden in the fields.
Yeah it’s fine to create an awesome “you” but so much more awesome to bless all who are interested with ways to evolve from collector to cosmic explorer.
I repicked up arc light yesterday. Usually I would only interact by a form of meditation. This is the first time I’ve worn it passively over night. Had questions. Then this thread appears.
Deity NFTs I could tell right away. Their presence, how they express/ communicate, their vibe & what/how they would like to interact with. The areas they draw or point attention to. I think the fact that they have had direct presences & human recognition on earth throughout history helps in my perspective.
I’m less experienced with the more cosmic stuff. I had assumed arc light was a servitor before getting it. When interacting, would mostly be like basking in its glow. There was so much I didn’t understand and just wanted to be on a closer wavelength.
I might even venture to say a different category. If we’re to do that. Not a classical servitor like dragon golem. Not necessarily a deity known on earth. Different relative space and time.
For sure. I agree with your fundamental point.
But still, Arc Light was also literally programmed to be programmable just like Skull and the other “Skull-based” servitors/noded-fields.
Exactly. Most people are just looking for the next new thing without ever tapping into the full potential of their NFTs.
I’ve had Arc Light make me some extraordinary items and do some extraordinary things.