Muscles Beyond Limits

Same here, but he messaged after I got my ticket for the sapien fb event. So I figured he saw me in there somehow?
I haven’t commented or liked anything


Dude is spamming on the related subreddits too…

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Only for honest and reliable people hahaha

The thing is someone like this is always broke - you’re very far from abundance mindset of you feel like in order to have you have to steal as you cannot buy.
He would go much farther with the mindsettings album than with all those paid fields he has.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

:muscle: :+1:


I want to get me this field at the end of the month. How does this legendary protection thing work? because i don’t have a credit card so my father will pay with his card. Would it still work for me? I was just wondering because in this case someone under a different name than me would buy it basically


Work by intention.


Using Blueprint as well shouldn’t effect the audio, correct? Just curious if it would restore the “blueprint” of the body with myostatin :thinking:


No, blueprint won’t affect this field.


I’m sorry, I’ve just got to ask: why would Dream make this field for $350 if the myostatin field on Patreon does exactly the same thing (as long as you listen to it enough)? Logic/common sense tells me that there must be some greater benefit to this one.

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I know that, but if they have the same result (no myostatin), then isn’t it basically tomayto, tomahto? I don’t see why tomayto would be $340 more than tomahto unless there was some added benefit.

Ok. Let’s clear this up once and for all. (Nobody’s fault)

There are TWO major aspects of this field
(plus all the minor subfields that aren’t worth discussing as they are usually very deeply based on scientific concepts that mostly just confuse people)

Myostatin Inhibition -

Myostatin Inhibition leads to increased hypertrophy of cells.

Hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size of the cell

“But there’s already myostatin field out”. said somebodies, sometimes

Some of those fields are several years old. In fact, myostatin field was one of the first fields requested back when Dale was making them.
(In before, but that means you should be huge now, right? Yes, I’m a pretty big guy due to that field which I rarely use now and I’ve given away a couple copies of it)

All that to say, umm, DW has “leveled up” several times in just the past 6-12 months, let alone from years ago, when some of these fields were originally made.

THAT DOES NOT MEAN the old fields don’t work.

It just means, on top of his greater proficiency and power included in the fields, he also discovers different ways of, say, for instance, “inhibiting the myostatin gene”.
As at the end of the day, much of this new information comes for reliable research studies.

Muscle Hyperplasia

What is muscle hyperplasia?

WHAT IS HYPERPLASIA? Hypertrophy refers to an increase in the size of the cell while hyperplasia refers to an increase in the number of cells or fibers. A single muscle cell is usually called a fiber.

In other words, hyperplasia leads to INCREASED amount of muscle cells.

That’s this whole part here (see my earlier comment about people not understanding the “sciency” parts) :sweat_smile:

Synopsis of all that?
The field has streamlined the whole undifferentiated, “possibly maybe” muscle stem cells dividing into more specific MUSCLE cells… plus boosting their direct creation, activation, and growth into fully formed muscle cells, without waiting for the body to “pick and choose” like it usually does


The field “doubles down” on the above process by ALSO recruiting “possibly maybe” fat cells to stem cells to again:

streamlined the whole undifferentiated, possibly maybe, muscle stem cells dividing into more specific MUSCLE cells… plus boosting their direct creation, activation, and growth into fully formed muscle cells, without waiting for the body to “pick and choose” like it usually does.

And of course there’s this:

which just further allows the all the muscle cells, old, and newly created to get what they need for viability and growth.


Oof, all of that does increase the temptation to buy it (half considering getting a second job to do it). Thanks!


My dude stop.

If you’re debating about which muscle field got should get especially if you’re not sure of what either does, stick to the abundant library of free audios. They’ll do the job especially if you’re not into lifting on a regular basis.

No one is trying to convince you into buying this or another $300 field.


Again, I’m being facetious. I’m not going to do it.
I think I may have to be a silent lurker from now on, I’m tired of everyone constantly biting my head off.


Yeah, sure.

Hello everyone!! Just a quick question to y’all, what would be better to build muscle and get shredded, ‘Muscle beyond limit’ or ‘St.Biceps’?
I appreciate every suggestion or recommendation!!! All the best, folks!!!


Thank you, bro!!! He didn’t say anything about getting leaner (shredded) though, and I wanted to know about your personal experience with the fields. One thing is the general description that I can figure out myself, and another the great advise based on your results. All the best, my friend!!

ok back again :slight_smile:

Not trying to persuade or dissuade anyone from buying or not buying anything, but really need to clean up some misconceptions from when I wasn’t posting.

(Not posting to anyone in general…)

Saying one field is for “bodybuilders” and another for “power lifters” is kinda misleading.

They are simply building muscles into two different manners.
One thru Androgen Receptors
One thru Myostatin Inhibition/Muscle Hyperplasia.

Without knowing anyone’s direct genetic makeup, it’s nearly impossible to say one field is going to be better or worse for their genetic makeup and goals.

Soooo… which one to get. :man_shrugging: Neither? One? Both?
lol, like I said, not here to pitch either one, just wanted to clear up this conception that one’s inherently made for one “thing” over the other.


If this is the main goal go with Androgen receptor.

Both audios build muscle. They just have different approaches to doing so.

Androgen is increasing your muscle size and thus quicker definition (with stimulant ofc)

Muscles beyond limits is diving and creating new muscle fibers resulting in an increase of size it works more on the inside opposed (first) to outside appearance (comes second)