Muscles Beyond Limits

What’s your experience? Obviously, we’ve to take into account the 'genetic makeup", my friend. As I wrote before, I’d like to know some of your experience, just get a general impression from y’all. My personal backround:

  • I’m out of shape right now
  • Have the issue to get shredded (the final step like 10%)
  • In the past when I worked out, I didn’t have any trouble to put on some muscle with definition
    -Right now, I would describe my body as ‘skinny fat’

A little information about my current condition :grinning:


I was speaking of the genetic makeup that one couldn’t possibly know.

Ie. is activating more androgen receptors going to be sub optimal for you because your myostatin kicks in and make gaining extra muscle/strength harder for you than most?
is the strength gain coming from hyperplasia going to be less, more, equal to what you get with greater androgen receptivity?

The kind of answers that they’ve have to cut off half your leg for science to get reliable results.

I don’t talk about much of my experience unless needed (and it’s not here)
I already said former myostatin fields have gotten me “big” without a regimented workout routine.
Don’t have St. Biceps to compare.

But I am the one who originally said

Take that for what it’s worth considering I’m not showing pics and not terribly interested in convincing anyone of this.

As said before… just trying to clear up some “bro-science(sis-science)” around these fields and how muscles “work” in general.


Thank you, my friend!! In regards to the bro-science I don’t who said what precisely, but your engagement is much appreciated. :slight_smile:
Now, coming to the “genetic makeup”, If somebody did never train - or not long enough, It’s quite difficult to draw out some conclusions that could be helpful. I personally wanted some kicks from y’all, to see how you pumping up lol. Anyway, thank you for the reply!!! Stay healthy and fit!!!


Update after 1 week of listening to Muscles Beyond Limits for 4x a day:

Already visible growth in the biceps area by at least ca. 1 cm more in circumfance.
When going out in a tank top, one of my friends was starring at my sudden muscle bulk increase but was afraid to ask how this happened :joy:
Another friend was just looking with astonishment.

Combined with daily use of:

  • Androgenic Receptors 3x
  • Weightloss Combo 2x
  • Negentropic Jing 1 hour
  • Blueprint of Life 5x
  • Dopamine Receptor Repair field 5x
  • Dopamine Redux 4x
  • Brain Regenaration 3x
  • Brain Enhancement tag, Magi tag, Ascension tag, Eternity tag
  • Energy Increase mandala (Maitreya)

Body movement:
No workout, just lazy sitting around and working at laptop and eating a ton of stuff, except a one time workout for 10 min where I used some weights. Basically, being physically lazy AF.

Have a lot of hunger and can eat a ton without gaining weight.
Due to increased requirement for protein I short-term switched away from a pure vegan diet to:
50% raw vegan
45% cooked vegan
5% salmon and veggie protein bars (egg protein)

Actual fitness:
Feeling of having more strength. Seems to be able to lift a little bit more stuff than before. Can pull myself up more often than before (tested once and immediately was able to pull myself up 6 times in a row, before it was barely 3 times).

Now watching some celebrity workout body transformations on YouTube and actually getting motivated for a real workout :slightly_smiling_face:.

Just imagine becoming hollywood ripped without the need to…

…take risky SARMs
…take hormones
…working out for 3 hours a day
…hire expensive hollywood trainers :joy:

Those fields are an absolute blessing :hugs:


That’s amazing!!! What’s you experience with Negentropic Jing? Watch out that you don’t get to big, otherwise you’re going to need new clothes, my friend!!! :slight_smile:

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Negentropic Jing is worth every cent, even if it would cost Millions.
This is because it replenishes pre-natal Jing and by this extends your life span!


That sounds very niceeee!!! You’re on the negentropic stuff!!! That’s going to be a new Sapien insider slang!!!

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Well, actually Life itself is negentropic.
It is the principle that creates order and structure out ouf chaos (entropy).

That means that all fields that are “Negentropic” are more effective in supporting natural processes that are “Life”.
That means enhanced healing, faster “going back to order”, faster implementation and alignment of the intention with the physical matter/body etc.

Since entropy happens with passing time, this also means that negentropy means going back in time (yes, physically!).
Time does not exist anyways, but from my understanding anything negetropic within the physical universe appears and acts as if it went back in time :timer_clock:


Is negentropic Jing worth getting if you already have Plasma Protocol and Blueprint of Life?

:smirk: :wink:

Would you say it lives up to it’s “sit around, do nothing and get bulked” slogan?


Very good explanation and reminder as well, my friend!! There’s no time only space.


Yes getting Jing is still totally worth it.

“Plasma” is “negetropic energy” tasked to heal your body (if I understood it correct).

Blueprint of Life give you the construction plan for total harmony on all levels.
It is a field of pure information / concept / alignment with sacred geometry etc.

Jing gives you the energy and fills up your personal energy pool that you need for everything, including the healing with Plasma Protocoll.

Before getting Negentropic Jing it makes sense to get Soul Core Restoration to make sure that no Jing leaks out of your lower Dan Tien.


Oh alright, thank you


:ok_hand: :ok_hand: :muscle: :mechanical_arm:


Could you elaborate on the Blueprint of life, what are your experience with it? It sounds interesting as well, my friend.

Damn man this field isn’t letting any fat even come close to my body. :fire:


Wow, that’s incredible. Imagine if someone added a typical bodybuilding routine to this stack along with an optimal diet…


Seems like it’s been a good investment :slightly_smiling_face:


Decent diet, good workout routine and this = superhuman types of gains. Definately one of the best buys for muscle building!!!