Muscles Beyond Limits

you know, because all body muscles are targeted, things that dont usually grow as easily, will grow just as easy now.
Which allows for more graceful movement with bulk.


Yeah i noticed my chest was always very flat and its growing with ease


You know I’ve joked around about here on the forum and some with friends lol I honestly don’t know why I don’t venture into it.

I’ll probably would have to open a Instagram account :sweat_smile::slightly_frowning_face:.


Do it bro!

Think about it bro, you got speed, looks and good communication. You could represent something and modelling could just come with it.

But gains wise. Well done bro​:pray:t4::fire:


you look RIPPED! look at them biceps!

when you said I could possibly represent something it kinda got me excited/thinking.
I’ll think about it bro.


Damn Zen I ain’t gon lie I thought you were just cut up because you’re skinny but you defintely got some mass. I need to know what your stack is looking like :eyes:


Does it include / will it effect the dozens face muscles too (for a person that is looking for the masculine appearance, including cheekbones and jawline and other facial muscles)?

Or should I go for the Androgenic Receptor Direct Stimulation for that purpose?

Dillema between the two.


Targets all the muscles.

Androgen receptors makes it more sensitive to stimulate this creates more fibers within the muscles

Combine with facial workouts and you’ll be good :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thanks man. Well, it’s still not clear enough to me what to choose from the 2 for the purpose I mentioned.
I guess you suggest going for the Muscels Beyond Limits.


I would do muscles Beyond


haha, thanks!

I’ve changed my playlist a little but I don’t think it’s made much of a difference.

Superhuman Mutant RNA+ 2x
Muscles Hungry for Fat (zenified) 3x
A Twitch in Time 3x
Muscles Angrogenic Receptors 2-3x
Muscles Beyond Limits (Hyperplasia) 3x
Sestrins 2x
Creatine Synthesis 2x
Mstate Indium and Iridium 2x

I sometimes use Hyperbolic compressor or oxygen 20 mins before the gym.

and a after workout playlist:

Muscles Recovery 2.0 3x
Creatine Synthesis 2x
Negentropic Stem Cells (smart) 2x
Muscles beyond limits 2x
Platelet Rich Plasma Bath 2x
Glycolysis UCP 2x
Bone Strengthener 3x
Diabetes Type 1 and 2 treatment 1x
ALA production 2x
plasma protocol 1 1x


Yo guys how are the strength gains with this? Looking forward to buy this in the next 2 months or so


Yes there is definitely a strength gain out of nothing!

The more I listen the more often I can pull myself up on a bar a in one go. And this all with zero real workouts and I only try the pulling up once each 1-2 weeks or so.

I need to mention that I use this with the Androgenic Receptors field and listen to both fields almost daily.


Thanks a lot brother! You’re a fitness rival in my eyes😂 I’m pretty behind though maybe


Itching for a sale to pop up :wink:


Asking for review of my stack with this field that I bought a few days ago, Muscles Beyond Limits. I am adding this to help build some muscle and strength in my body to help hold myself up straighter, so I will be in less pain when walking. As of yesterday I walk outside with 2 canes to help straighten myself out. It is still very painful and I need to stop every 7 steps. (Up to 26 months ago I was able to walk a mile, no problem using no canes. Yes I was in pain the last 5 blocks coming home and took something for it when I got home. But glad I took a good walk and happy for the mood boost and sense of accomplishment.)

My stack starts with my meal stack and goes into my prep and then my workout stack. I have been listening to my meal stack at least once a day for many months now. It gives me energy. (I know this because I have missed using it for 2 days due to a situation and I wondered why I felt increasingly crummy, I added it back in the end of the 2nd day, and then that crummy feeling, went away.) I start listening when I start eating.

*AMPK X2 (all in a row)
*Induced MOT-C x2-3
*Glycolysis X2
*Enhanced Fat Metabolism X 2
*Enhanced Cellular Nutrition X1
*Muscles Beyond Limits X3-4
*Muscles Hungry for Fat X4 then it goes right into:

*Auto Gluts X2-3
*Auto Workout X2
*Core Strengthening X2
*Abdominal Wall RestorationX1
*Auto Upper Body X2
After all workouts:
*Muscle Recovery V2 X1

During the workouts I try to do some simple modified body weight exercises.
I just yesterday decided to add in the *Auto Workout and *Auto Upper Body to my workouts.

So my question is: is the placement for *Muscles Hungry and *Muscles Beyond optimal in an experienced persons opinion for MY goals? I have read that *Muscles Beyond can cause u to be hungry which is another reason I like to listen like this.
Thank you for knowledgible opinions.

*I have changed the order


I think it’s okay.

Some effects of muscles beyond limit persist for some time (more than a day), so you can’t mess it up much in my opinion :sweat_smile:

I listened to it like this as well, though I think muscles beyond limit first, then the muscles hungry and then workout (physical).
My idea was that i wanted muscles hungry for fat to be the closest to the actual workout.

Watch out though - it was a bit too much for me, I started getting dizzy / the feeling similar to low blood pressure by the time I got to the gym, so I separate those two fields now.


Do u attribute feeling dizzy to Muscles Beyond? What helped it?
Thanks for the tip on the placement, I will change it.
*now changed


I just attributed it to playing the two fields one right after the other.
I figured 2 legendary fields, might be overwhelming somehow 🤷

Now when I use both I leave an hour or two in between.


Be prepared to need extra food, water, rest, etc… since your body will be working to add extra muscle it didn’t have before