Muscles Beyond Limits

First time working out with this last night, had a pretty intense workout - not sure if its from this field or not but holyyyy legs. They were wrecked after, like driving home was a struggle haha. I never feel like this after training, almost ever. I listened to muscle recovery 2.0 about 3 times after
I was expecting to barely be able to walk today, but to my surprise I am not sore at all!




The thing is though my legs are pretty big and I don’t like the idea of them getting even more bigger… just the top part of my body I want. Is there a way to keep my legs slim?

Edit: I have a lot of fat and muscle on the bottom part of my body. My legs are naturally big and I play rugby. I wouldnt really like for them to get any bigger… do you think I should drop SammyG an email and see what he says?


Sounds like you’re recruiting


Hmm, well, that’s tough.

I don’t think you can tell your body to stop building muscle in a particular area… Unless (dream?)

If you want to keep your legs slim, don’t do much leg exercise(that also includes excessive training) and focus on your upper body. The modification aren’t permanent so after some time your body won’t be instructed to do hyperplasia. So during that time just work upper body. That’s all I could tell ya.


Well it wouldn’t be so bad if I could shed the fat off my legs and keep the lean muscle mass. It just means me having to go out and buy more pants because the ones I have wont fit me anymore lol

does this increase our height and weight too

Works on muscles only.

So, to the extent that growth in your muscles will contribute to your increase in height (which is usually only a little), then maybe?

As you grow your muscles, you will increase in weight, so yes.


Does this actually make you stronger (as far as I know, steroids give you more energy and make muscles larger but actually don’t directly increase your strength without working out)?




And if this works on skeletal muscles, would it cause bones/body frame to grow as a byproduct?

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It could cause the bones of the skeleton to grow stronger, yes, and perhaps thicker. But not in length.


Well Could be as indirect stimulus … But if youu want that specifically use the The bone strengthener

From :


Yes please use bone strengthener.

While I’ve been building muscle I noticed my bones had a harder time holding the muscles.


That’s what I meant, thanks!

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i want to buy this field. After buying can i share the audio with my relatives and friends?

I dont beleive so


Ah yeah way back I used to use the combo of Bone Strengthener & Negentropic Chi with Chi to Bone Marrow after to just increase general bone mass, was a good combo really. Another thing people often forget is to use the joint regeneration because your body will carry a heavier load


What’s different about this field that you can’t share it with friends/family, but you can share other paid fields?

There’s protection on this field and for good reason

Someone could bootleg it and start leaking it for free on YT as their own field, it’s not very fair to the creator. People could share it left and right and it might even lead to SM getting shut down with slander from the ignorant. People could start abusing the hell out of these fields.

Trust in Dream, he’s done it for a lot of good reason beyond simply not wanting you to share it, you’re already blessed enough to have come across it.