Muscles Beyond Limits

Never, thing is a myth honestly and if you read the article you’ll see why

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Try 36 a day :) (sorry if off topic, but this will help any one on the androgenic field or the muscle beyond limits field as eggs provide more available testosterone rendering the field more effective)

I do any where from 12-36 eggs a day most days, and I’ve spent many months doing strictly 36 eggs every day those months i made the most gains ever (before the androgenic field)

Like @eternal said, eggs are highly anabolic…

The yolks also contains many hormones like testosterone and growth hormones (everything an embryo needs to become a chick) even more so if the egg is fertilized!

In the Silver Era of Bodybuilding (the true golden era), before there was steroids and you had great physiques roaming the earth of the likes of…

Steve Reeves…


Vince Gironda, the founder of the 36 egg a day diet, the Iron Guru…


Freddy Ortiz… (A student of Vince Gironda)

To name a few of the many great natural physiques that came out of this era …

True body building knowledge has been lost in the times due to steroid usage diluting the knowledge of the art…

Who’s Vince Gironda?

He trained many great champions, and bodybuilders from all over the world flew to train at his gym and learn from him… including the likes of 7 time Mr Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger, 3 time Mr Olympia winner Frank Zane, Lou Ferrigno, Don Howorth, and trained the very first bodybuilder to ever be crowned Mr. Olympia, and in my opinion, one of the most knowledgeable bodybuilders, Larry Scott… (again, to name a few)

I can go on and on…

If you guys would like to watch a video from a scientist, and TRUE bodybuilding fan about the 36 egg a day diet… Here’s a few videos… I really recommend watching them… (maybe at 1.5x speed, he likes to take his time lol)

In short, yes… because the androgen field makes your androgen receptors more receptive/sensitive to testosterone… So having more testosterone, in this case via eggs, you’ll make more gains…

So whole eggs all the way! :)


I’ve had this field since the day of it’s release and I’ve been listening every day except for like the past 2 days. But i haven’t been able to go to the gym till today! I hit back :) I haven’t really been able to work out these past weeks cuz… Life happens sometimes lol

My experience is:

Deeper contractions than I’ve ever felt before from my first work out all the way to my finish! With the androgenic field i was already experiencing this… but with both fields combined I’m :scream: haha it feels soooo good! What a nice feeling to come back to when returning to the gym :) insane pump!

I also noticed that it doesn’t even seem like i lost muscle these past two weeks even though I haven’t been eating good, training or listening to any gym related fields (not even the androgenic field) but i truly believe it was this field + some automated work outs i listened to the first 2 days of the release along with the androgenic field that boosted me back to where i was! Such a fulfilling pump! (literally :stuck_out_tongue:) Before this release i was kinda feeling down/bummed out cuz i wasn’t at a comfortable shape but now I’m all :smiley: lol if all goes to planned I’ll be hitting legs tomorrow :)

I also decided on looping muscles hungry for growth for like 30 minutes during my work out and i listened to the automated upper body work out 4 times, I’m kinda planning on listening to muscles hungry for growth my entire work out along with the automated work outs, i was doing blueprint along with a few listens of the androgenic field before, but this feels like the right thing to do for now…


Thanks for the info St Biceps & Eternal, a lot of really good information.

I wonder how much of a difference it would be to use this field with the Synergistic Elements Charger, mine shipped a couple days ago and can’t wait to try it out. Monoatomic elements pretty much heal and speed up everything + it has flower of life energy so it should make it even more effective.


Wow, I’d probably have to buy a mini-fridge just for eggs if I ate 3 dozen a day!

…(puts mini-fridge on wish list for when I move to my own apartment in a few months)…


Lol yeah dummies,

It’s those same people that would say they don’t see results. LOLLL


i said most the fields you have a protected and then he respone with this

“LoOL bro You need to listen brain work or something field to increase your IQ” “its just a scare tactic”

give it 2 months. Then he will complain how sapien is a scam and does not work


Let us know how it goes! I’ve been dying to get me one for a while lol i just have the revitalized drink charger… Got a few fields on the to buy list first before i get to that one!


Will do, I’m gonna only listen to Muscles Beyond Limits & St Biceps and see how it feels. I have read many many interesting things about m state elements and how ancient pharaohs (+ many others i’m sure) would secretly consume them.


This does not make any sense. Look at the wager:

  1. It’s a scam, right? — You don’t support the creator, plus you believe everything else in it is a scam - Why are you even using the field then? :upside_down_face: :rofl: :rofl:

  2. It’s not a scam, not a scare tactic — you’d support the creator anyway to express your gratitude right? It’s the very least you could do as a decent human being.

But yes, I don’t own the field yet. I’m saving up. We need to work for things you know.


Honestly this I would just report…

I’ve been offered fields before, e.g. one expensive field 1-2 days after is came out, by a new user. So I just let the person know it was against the rules and they apologized and said they didn’t know.
But if someone knows it’s against the rules and still does it… and especially in this manner… 🤷


Anyone else burning fat fast with this one? Seems like i’m loosing quite abit even though I am eating more. Im sure it is cause it is being turned into muscle and also alot being used as energy to keep up.

Edit: If I remember correctly, low myostatin makes it about impossible to store alot of fat, unless all you eat is junk food.


Ooou post some links.

Past few days I haven been eat kinda bad, but no fat gains or anything. Only more point outs on my muscular changes.


I can’t remember where I read that at because it was a long time ago, but I found a few different articles with some interesting information on myostatin inhibition.

Just some stuff I found, of course it is a good idea to take anything with a grain of salt but it is definitely an interesting read

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Right, people with myostatin-related hypertrophy don’t have much body fat no matter how much they eat


Another not so mini update :)… (Excuse my mental nonsense in the beginning haha)

I had a very unfulfilling leg work out yesterday… (My fault, i also gave up early, I’m really a perfectionist and if i don’t go half as hard as I want to, I much rather not even be in the gym) My nervous system was so taxed from my back work out the day before and having been up 30 hours that day and getting like 3 hours of sleep then hitting legs I wasn’t doing my best… On top of that I’m always a slow starter for regaining leg stamina when I haven’t been to the gym in a while

I gave up with an hour left in my work out lol I’m very extreme and im either near tears in pain or leaving the gym in shame (almost never the latter)

Day after results:

My legs are the biggest they’ve ever been… I barely worked out… Didn’t eat much… Haven’t trained in forever… I also wanted to say my back is the widest it’s ever been too… So much has happened to my body from these past 2 work outs back in the gym with out eating a crazy amount of protein too… (Can’t even imagine what it would be like if i did :exploding_head:)

Normally if everything isnt perfect before the gym, I don’t go… lol I need my fields, good sleep, lots of food and hydration, if somethings off where I feel mentally I won’t be able to do my best I don’t go… But the results I got from these work outs are motivating me to go no matter what, even if I can’t go for long…

One of the reasons why I havent been able to go to the gym is cuz I work over night and sleep in the day so it doesn’t give me time to cook and do all the stuff I want to do before the gym, and I’ve been focusing a lot on vibrational/energetic and abundance fields rather than my huge work out playlist

I’ll start going to the gym even if i eat trash and sleep nothing :) as long as I listen to the (self proclaimed) mandatory fields, including this one and the androgenic field…

This field is better than the androgenic field in my opinion, but both of them combined is truly mind-blowing…

Literally steroids but better!


I forgot if i gave warning about the metabolism boost or need for a lot of raw materials.
but if i didnt, here it is.!

Still get results ;)


Exactly, better to rest, especially with these fields. If I’m not feeling it (not to be lazy but when my body genuniely needs rest) I would much rather just go for a walk instead.

I just got done with my workout session a bit ago and am already seeing a difference in size and strength.


:loud_sound: :loud_sound: :100::100:

I’ll like to add that playing this audio makes me feel like I’m still pumped 24 hours after my workout. It’s absorbed.


Yeah man

It’s crazy right? Haha

Such a blessing bro :pray:

Hell yeah it does!! This forum will have a whole bunch of swole good looking high Vibed monks in weeks time :)