Musings about the Higher Self

No no i never said my hs is my soul or heart or this or that i mean the poor higher self has had to deal with the issues all the other things mentioned have brought which is ego but i wasnt comparing. Read again

I’ve clicked on the reply button to your post, but mine was more a post directed to anyone interested in hs

Just remember, ego is separation and separate self perspective

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For anyone familiar with Hindu mythology, is Vishnu the higher self of people like Rama and Krishna?

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Btw I just found out that Sammy said in APRIL that a lucid dreaming tag was gonna come to teespring.

Then Dream recently said he submitted a few “designs” aka fields but the weasel shits at teespring didnt accept it or something.

We couldve had subconscious limits removal, lucid dreaming, alien intercession and who knows what else by now.

Gather the spears and axes my brethren, we shall raid the teespring headquarters at once.

But srsly…



Familiar a little but I won’t comment. Just to say that for some reason, I like the analogy that you’ve made, even if the concept of avatar is something different.


ROKU, what do you know about “KITSUNE MANDALA”?


Google Kitsune

I meant if you have knowledge of KITSUNE.

There is not much information. Just a site that “sells spirits” …

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I love the analogy too. When it came to me, it made a lot of sense but I don’t know if it’s true. Perhaps @Maoshan_Wanderer or @uial could weigh into this.

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They surely would, as well as _OM. Far better than me.

Still, you got me thinking about this for the past few hours :) You’re certainly very familiar with Bhagavad Gita already. Think about the well-known moment when Krishna “fully reveals” to Arjuna…

Krishna (as well as Rama, Matsya, etc. all the avatars or avātara of Vishnu) are already High enough, if I may say so… but more bearable (think about the controversial avatars of Vishnu too…).

While Vishnu is the same Highness, but transcended and somewhat ineffable. Not the sacred guy chewing some tulsi and riding good old Garuda… but more like the VoC field, no? :)

And who is Arjuna anyway? A totally distinct being?..

Briefly said, all this connects to what has been already discussed in those topics, maybe even too much. Like putting HS on a sort of separate pedestal, etc. etc. :))

My 685986 cents.


Exactly, I mean I could imagine Krishna’s “Vishvarupa” being his higher self and the sudden change in tone after “the reveal” and the fact that they’re literally talking about the nature of reality in the middle of a battlefield suggests that they’re temporarily outside the space-time continuum (5th dimension?).

And perhaps Krishna was just born with a strong connection to his higher self (Vishnu) and so although he was humanlike in his childish pranks, he was simultaneously a higher being (showing the universe in his mouth to auntie Yashodha). What do you think?


I think that right now, you might just have pictured us (in a way and without any pretentious or excessive identification with Krishna) after a “successful” listening of Ego Dissolution :) That is, freed from the superfluous.

Haha, funny thing is though, (and dare I compare myself to Krishna or any other enlightened being), I feel like my ego has slowly been dissolving for a year, well before I discovered sapien med.

It started with questioning law and morality. I mean thinking about crazy stuff like why are racism and sexism bad? We are racist towards animals anyway. Why is it okay to kill a bug but not a human? Is it just because we’re humans? I know this sounds like really horrible stuff to say and goes against my innate nature, but yeah morality seems to be a facade.

Then I had an evolution of my identity crisis that I’ve always had, being of Indian descent but growing up in England. First I felt really English. Then I tried to really embrace my Indian identity with Hinduism. But hey, right now I don’t really care. I mean I’m proud of my ancestors who made many advances in the spiritual field, but so did many people from other nations right? Spirituality is universal. Right now, my identity doesn’t really matter. It too is a facade. Just a label. Changes depending on who I talk to.

I still have a hell of a lot of ego, regarding physical appearance, but hopefully in time, it too shall dissolve. And ironically, that’s probably when I’ll gain my physical results with the morphic fields.


Believe it or not, this morning I was discussing with a forum member that I appreciate very much and I cited you as an example :) About you having been honest enough in one of your yesterday posts, when you said: “My xenophobia is showing here but I really hope they look at least a bit like us? Like a Superman type alien rather than some green thing with a bulging head and bug eyes.”

It’s valuable to admit it. We would surely have less problems if other people had the courage to admit it too and maybe listen a little more some of the wise warnings given on the forum. Realizing that the Alien buddy showing up from one or another Intercession will not always offer them candies… and ABOVE all realize that Alien forms are already here, on this planet, also among humans: “alien” cultures, “alien” visions of life… (ouuuu shocking!!! -> faints).

Discernment… as _OM would say.

Because seriously, as long as they don’t do that, then I will never EVER buy their so-called pacific speeches :-1:t2: and hope that they will keep hating me because I don’t need their fake love lol. (“just in case” edit: this paragraph is not targeting this forum specifically).

Anyway :) Let’s get more teddy again :teddy_bear:

Seriously, all the work that you’ve done on yourself and the courage to formulate it this way is more than valuable.


Aww shucks. Thanks for the compliments dude! But yeah, all of those things I described above all link back to your ego don’t they? The example with fear of aliens who don’t look like humans showcase that I still have a lot of ego relating to physical appearance. Or how I would treat someone (consciously or subconsciously) based on their level of physical attractiveness. Still have a lot more work to do!


You’re welcome. I’m a dudess by the way :)) but above all a mortal human (at least partly lol).

We all have :)

About it being linked to the ego issues? I’d say: certainly. That part of us is the most conditioned one, always ready to jump and say: “Nah, you wrong! Because that’s what has been taught to me in my (limited) framework of reference. Yours is shit”.

… while the other parts of us (HS and friends) wouldn’t even waste time on those things, having more important stuff to “deal with”.


Haha dudess indeed. I should’ve known. But yeah, I guess we should leave the “Vishnu being the Higher Self of Krishna” question to the slightly more enlightened, slightly less sentimental among us (aka @_OM and @Maoshan_Wanderer).

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Be ready for some delightful (not necessarily tender) lines to be added here, then :) I mean if they want to share… considering that they have already written essential aspects of all this in older topics.


Wait! whut? Since when!?? Are you sure?? :rofl: :laughing:

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