Musings about the Higher Self

Haha thanks for the heads up! Does playing around with the size of the image on word document mess with its abilities?

As long as the image is intact, its ok. Dont cut parts out etc

Thank you! I guess I could find an expired card and stick the print out onto it.

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Btw could I just keep on listening to my current schedule of audios? They are my priority now. The mandala can do it’s thing in the background. As long as the effects of the audios themselves are not diminished in any way, I’m happy to wear the mandala.

Yup. When you print it, it becomes a physical field aswell in a sense, that will keep growing.

So even if you dont use it, just keep it somewhere, it will keep growing.

I have mandalas that are a few months old, and new ones, the difference is insane.

Sounds good man!

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So do I just visualise another “me” up there somewhere in space (5th dimension but can’t imagine it obviously)?

I’m talking about visualisation just to concentrate on something.

On some live chat Dream told he is making it, but he still research what is best to do with brain and all that scinetific stuff.


Just connect, you’ll know lol.

Its different for everyone

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I asked him in that livechat and he said he would have to research first, didnt say he was gonna make it lol.

Yes, they do. Samurai is right that names are more of a human thing, but even still, they can and do have names. Mine has one, and has told it to me. Also, other powerful energy workers I’ve spoken with have told me the names of their Higher Selves, in case I ever wanted to call on them for help. Additionally, when doing spiritual work and interacting with non-physical entities, they refer to me using my Higher Self’s name, not my human one.

Ignorance, mostly. I don’t mean any insult by this, it’s simply not well known or understood. Waking up to this reality is part of the energetic shift & ascension process humanity is going through. We co-create with the Divine via the Higher Self.


In more general terms, your Higher Self is the ‘spirit’ part of body, soul, and spirit. It’s you in the Spiritual Realms, outside of time and space.

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i like this idea! i have an idealized earth version and spiritual version of myself and i have a feeling my higher self gave me a glimpse of how much fun they’re having and what i’ll eventually experience.

no offense taken as i enjoyed both yours and @Samurai 's answers. i already have an idea of what my higher self means to me and who they are when i’m in a better feeling state.

most of those questions were to also ask on behalf of those who are interested in this topic (and admittedly my ‘ego’ and impatience fueled a bit of it haha).

Establishing a strong connection to, trust of, and cooperation with your Higher Self is extremely rewarding and strongly recommended.

It’s the foundation of purpose and meaning in life, and brings untold, overflowing blessings to human life.

Why not interact with the version of you that already sees and understands everything, and only wants whats best for you, as understood from this higher perspective?


Let’s be optimistic :smiley:


Here’s an article about the Higher Self written by Dreamweaver’s teacher, Dale Power:

Here are a couple of threads containing previous discussions about the Higher Self:

Here’s a beautiful analogy @_OM has written about the Higher Self, perhaps something to provide one perspective to this discussion. It’s an analogy I’ve often used as well.

(Keep in mind these descriptions of the Higher Self are all merely words and analogies for an ineffable concept.)

Edit: Here are a few more posts by @_OM related to the Higher Self.

Here are posts by @_OM and Sam (sammyg) in other threads:


Ngl, I forgot about this video myself but for people struggling with “connecting” or “understanding” or whatever their Higher Self


honestly i was wondering why no one has mentioned this but only the higher self connection audio :sweat_smile:


Ohhh my Higher Self… such a strong creature :laughing: dealing with all my crap, my stubbornness, my rebellion, my old soul that has seen soooo much, my heart that has been broken in million pieces and get itself together again and again… i really admire It lol what a ride. Also f** you HS hahaha joking I love you.


Whenever one says “my higer self…my this… my that”, that’s the ego talking
Be careful that the ego can distort whatever the message is, and it will