Ego voice vs Higher Self voice

@Captain_Nemo @SammyG How can I distinguish between my Ego voice vs. my Higher self voice?

Meaning, I ask a question or about to do something and I hear an inner voice say no. How do I know if it was coming from my Ego or Higher Self? How can I tell them apart?

I hope my question makes sense.


@_OM Good question.

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How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

lol who’s old enough to know this saying??


:joy:… lot’s of practice.

@_OM There has to be a way to distinguish the two. Is it the energy of the answer?

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Well sure… which one “wants it now” and sounds like a 3 year old? lol
Guess which one that is?

Remember every cartoon has these characters

The more you listen to one or the other, the “louder” and “clearer” it becomes to hear.


I dont get it. :thinking:

An example that came to mind would be … walking into a place. Your inner voice says ’ You need to leave this place’ .

How do you know if it’s your Ego protecting itself or your higher self protecting you from harm? If it’s your Ego, then you continue to walk inside. I’m trying to learn to distinguish this.

Way too hypothetical.

Simply go through your major “memories” and remember what the “voices” were telling you and how that thing turned out… Pretty simple to distinguish when it was Ego vs. Higher Self that way.

Just practice from here on out.

Psst…Started reading those books yet? They will help you develop your intuition and higher self simply by reading them…


Hmm… ok. I’ll have to reflect on the past memories.

Were these the books below?


  • Stranger in a Stranger Land.
  • Illusions: Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah
  • Jonathan Livingston Seagull


  • Books by David R. Hawkins
  • Children of the Law of One: The Lost Teaching of Atlantis
  • The Prophet

@angelblessings I agree. One’s ego is about protecting itself and can be very sneaky. It wants to be and stay in power but that is hard to discern.

Can you give a direct example of ego vs higher self situation ?

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Not really that simple… :confused:

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Yep, I feel the different energies. Thank you for sharing an example! It’s very helpful.


The best way to learn is to consistently meditate (lol that’s my solution to everything eh). The reason I say this is because in meditation, you are observing the ego. You dissociate from it and observe it objectively. You learn it’s voice.

And in learning it’s voice, you learn to know when it’s the ego talking. So it just becomes obvious at that point. Then when your higher self speaks to you, you’ll instantly know it’s not the ego and it’s the higher part of you. Beyond just the words it speaks, the information is also felt in the heart (for me at least) or for you, just might be felt wherever your intuition is most felt.

The higher self’s answers and directions towards the right path are also always sitting there in your mind. Very often, they are very simple and logical answers. But our egos tend to reject them so these simple/logical answers don’t feel right or we feel that there is something more to it, ext…


Lol what alternate demention are you from. That’s a great one :ok_hand::wink:


I would encourage you to think about your ego differently, and maybe not use such harsh language to describe yourself. Remember, your ego is the personality that your higher self picked when it planned out this life’s incarnation. It has a divine purpose and is very important to why you are here.

Now sure, the ego can collect a lot of baggage, hurt, etc along the path, but that’s why we do the self-work - to let go of what doesn’t serve so we can return to the pure intent of what the ego should be.

Hope this helps


It can be that way, but doesn’t have to be. Think of it like the ego being the voice of your body and the higher self being the voice of your spirit, and in the middle is your soul/mind deciding who it will listen to.
If your body is full of negative energies, sickness, low vibrations, then yeah it may not have many nice things to say. But I’d argue that instead of fighting against it or ignoring it, you should listen, have compassion with yourself, and consider making life better for the body so it has better input to share.

The higher self is the perfect source for insight in spiritual matters or for accessing higher knowledge/perspective, but there are downsides to never listening to the part of you that is tuned into this physical life and all it’s wondrous experiences, and that’s your ego.



Just realized you are same one who enjoyed Downward Dog.
The reason Martin is so funny is because he’s a super exaggerated version of our narcisstic ego “voice” and we laugh because we’ve all had the same or similar thoughts and realize how crazy it sounds outloud.

Rewatch the episodes and notice why are you laughing and how it applies to one’s own ego “voice”.

This is a fun way to grow!


@_OM Whoa…I never realized that while watching the show. :hushed:

I know that I was hooked and binged watched it when it first came out. What you are saying makes so much sense now. Thank you and will be watching it again with a different lens.

Currently, I have Dune set up and ready to go watch it. Can’t believe that I’ve never seen it before. :eyes:


Thank you @SammyG for your advice. I think this above :point_up_2: is going to be key for me to distinguish between Ego vs HS. Feeling the HS voice in my body somewhere which means that I need to build my intuition. I need to get better at observing that.


@MasterOfYellow This is a very interesting take on the Ego. I have read and heard throughout my spiritual journey that I need to kill or really tame my Ego for me to be truly happy. Your take on this is pretty different and interesting.

Would you say that Ego is the ‘Jing’ for the body? It gives you the energy to move in this world?