Musings about the Higher Self

Meh, my advice is just to stop trying.

Honestly, no matter how many “gurus” and “elite magicians” try to act like they own the universe itself, these vessels just arent built to realize certain things.

Why do you think Nirvana/the void is that?

Its not lol, its a whole other realm of existence with actual beings, but its literally impossible to grasp it as a human.

Just learn the system here, its easy, and enjoy ;D

I suppose what can seem like a simple idea to some can be incredibly difficult to grasp for others.

When you say Nirvana, are you referring to the concept of freedom from the cycle of birth and death? And what do you mean by it’s difficult to grasp it as a human?

Can you tell me more about this story? What was it about?

No, I mean the “void” as in transcend.

There is no cycle of “rebirth” lol, theres literally infinite souls out there begging for an incarnation and a human experience, contrary to buddhist bullshit.

Its not difficult, its literally impossible.

Our brains cannot process it lol, its just not designed for it.

But im talking very high level realms, so youre fine, but generally, the “all-knowing” type of humans are usually very little knowing lol.

I see. So what are your thoughts on the Prince Siddhartha (who is more well known as Gautama Buddha)?

The man himself. Not the religion.

i know you’re not asking me, but i’d like to share my experience.

learning about buddhism and reading Siddhartha actually saved me from my fear of death instilled by my christian upbringing. during this time i learned more about buddhism and i could feel the peace i wanted to feel without using marijuana.

with that said, i don’t follow any religions anymore. i do enjoy reading about them still!

i’ll share the story whenever i find it again. i don’t know the story’s detail enough to tell it by memory.


Sounds nice! Freedom from dogma!

I would still like to hear @Samurai thoughts on him though.

Alien puppet.

just another one sent to “enlighten”

Not saying hes bad or good, but there are other ways of “enlightening” humanity

Dont ask me what way


What are yeshuas teachings ?

Lol, its as “cold truth” as it’ll get.

But as I said, he helped MANY, so hes not bad either.

But then again what is good or bad?

Ultimately, its all about what this universe wants to experience, so who am I or you or anyone to decide, we’re just part of the experience, pretending we know shit.

But its fun tho ;D


That it is. I just grew up thinking he was a cool dude, so I was disappointed lol. Was expecting a cool dude similar to Yeshua.

Our Lord and Saviour :wink:


Who says he wasnt?

“I” wasnt there lol, not that I remember anyway.

He couldve been an “enlightened” one that helps everyone around him and once in a while smashed a bish or two, who knows?

You know how “disciples” like to overly glorify/holify their master.

Yeah. Someone on here should evoke him and have a conversation with him or something.

Meh, who cares.

Focus on self bro.

And Gaia ofc <3

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That I will. But it’s interesting to know what really happened you know? Just fascinating. So yeah, I’d probably evoke Yeshua, Siddhartha and Muhammad when I get the chance to do so.

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