Musings about the Higher Self

For those that are curious to know a bit more about higher self and Yeshua teachings here is a set of 9 letters from the man itself directly to a Recorder. They are deep and go into CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS etc… I leave it to each of you come to your own conclusions about it if you decide it to read it or hear the audiobooks


Has anybody else started to achieve lucidity in their dreams after looping the higher self audio before going to bed?

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Not with HS audio, but with HS mandala, yes.

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I have had results even with the HS audio. Never tried the HS mandala


There was one case where I looped higher self, took a 30 min nap, woke up, “normal life” happened, then I actually woke up, and the events that I experienced in the ‘false awakening’, actually happened.

Sort of like a “glimpse of the future”.

I cant sleep when I loop it all night, vibrations are too strong and the music gets me pumped up for war lol.


It’s fascinating how the same audio can have different effects on different people. In my case, after looping higher self right before sleep (didn’t do it whilst sleeping), I realised I was dreaming when I was in my car with my parents. And they were arguing about something and I was like “Shut up you guys! I’ve just realised this is a dream and I don’t want it to turn unstable”. I actually lost lucidity after because I decided not to do anything with my realisation because I was too afraid of the dream collapsing like it usually does.

Edit: The above paragraph was actually the second time, I used the higher self audio before sleep. The first time I used it, I was in this really nice apartment and I got a phone call from my higher self. Then I put two and two together and realised I was dreaming, but yeah then again, didn’t attempt to do any crazy superhuman stuff in the dream.

Question: Is my higher self helping me achieve lucidity?


Seems like it ;)

Or your awareness increases because of the connection.

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You know what else is strange? I’ve stopped feeling the usual vibrations I feel when I listen to my physical audios EXCEPT for the ego dissolution audio. This has happened ever since I started listening to the higher self audio. Any ideas on why that’s the case?

Also this is one of your quotes: "The problem is that every thought is just a recycle of what you already know, so it’s difficult for the entity to give you “new” information using your own thoughts.

I think this is why Dale Power wrote in the higher self article that the higher self operates based on your existing knowledge, but I think that’s wrong because your higher self probably knows a lot , it just can’t tell you new information unless you soul travel to the spirit world and then talk with the entity or higher self, in their world."

Question: How do you soul travel? Is there anything I can do to work towards gaining this ability?

Higher self. Keep connecting.

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Your higher self is probably the only entity you can fully, truly trust can’t you?


My 2 cents… don’t see your Higher Self as an entity because it isn’t, you are the Higher Self :wink: it’s an extension of yourself that is part of you and part of the Source—the ultimate higher power, the universal source of cosmic energy that one day will emerge within you etc…


Haha I try really hard to think of it as “me”. But the me currently is still a very limited being, so I do find it difficult to think in this manner :slight_smile:

Btw, I’m reading about the Christ Consciousness letters that you posted on here. Interesting to see Muhammad being mentioned there! He would be an interesting person to explore.

From letter 5 to 9 it’s where things start to get really interesting, pretty much has all the answers in a sense that we seem to question during our spiritual journey, at least in my case, and the funny thing is every time I reread those letters time to time I find something new :joy:

By the way I’m not linked to any religion ( was raised as Catholic and never made sense to me ) and I feel these letters does the same,for the contrary they are more a spiritual path road type thing guide, take what resonates and discharge what doesn’t - my favorite motto :blush:

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Interesting! I would identify myself as a Hindu but I’m not fully bound by the religion if you know what I mean? I’m open to using spiritual techniques from all cultures and traditions.

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What do you think of this ‘Father Consciousness’ that Yeshua speaks about? And how does it fit in here?

It almost sounds as if Yeshua was using morphic fields to heal the sick.

Same here

Btw. Somewhat unrelated question. Say I don’t find enough time throughout the day to listen to my physical morphic fields (due to studies, work etc), can I loop my playlist through the night while sleeping? How effective would this be?

They would still work, but not as effective as consciously meditating to them.

Also keep in mind that too many fields at night could disrupt sleep quality aswell.

It should be ok I guess, maybe someone here knows more.

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Yeah my playlist is 1 hour. So if I play everything 3 times a day, that amounts to 3 hours and I simply don’t have that much time to dedicate to it.