My Vaccine Experience

What violet you guys talk about?

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Oh its an antiparasitic/antifungal/antibacterial dye.

It’s toxic when not diluted if you drink it and it’s sometimes used to treat blood transfusions.

If you drink it (DILUTE) have yoghurt after. etc. as it can cause intestinal mucus lining degradation.

Unless you already have GI issues and an infection of something it’s best to leave it.

It also stains very easily, even on skin.

Omg antifungal? I’m all in. Where you get that? I’m interested

I got mine on eBay, be responsible when using it and make sure to buy a separate dropper.

The key thing with it is low concentrations, sort of like alcohol or any other similar substance.

Just letting yk for safety reasons obviously lol.

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Alright thank you


I don’t either, they have ethelyne glycol on them, one of the most carcinogenic substances we know of. I’m willing to bet my silver stash that there will be a good deal of nose/throat and brain cancers in the coming years.

Aside from that I just wanted to send you some love youngen. Your experience, though terrifyingly common right now, is none the less in need of it. I really wish there was something more than that that I could do for you. I’d send you blueprint of life, but it just won’t work the way you need unless you or a blood relative has paid for it.

So love is what I send, an infinite amount of it. You stand strong, stick to your guns, here for you pet, if you need to chat or rant feel absolutely free to send me a DM. These are really dark and scary time and humanity is fracturing, but we need to keep shining in the darkness and have faith that it will be as it needs to be to shake us all out of our collective apathetic stupor.



I do. I like my family.


it’s sounding an awful lot like what many folks have been diagnosed with, namely myocarditis. Is there any scope at all to ask your doctor to look into this? Honestly he sounds like a total plank, but it’s worth mentioning to him, and also reminding him of his oath, if you’re feeling brave enough. He is catagorically causing harm by not investigating your issues out of sheer egoic willfulness to be the one who is in the right. Thats my two cents. Seriously, I’m really angry for you just now.

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Yea lol it’s fine and it’s not your problem or fault anyway.

Oh wow I knew something was off about them. If only I trusted intuition for the vaccine too. :laughing:

Well I got a cardiology referral but then told I was under 18 (16), so I can’t see a cardiologist and had to see a pediatrician at the private hospital who told me it was exam-induced anxiety (my exams were over at the time :laughing:).

They said I was one of the fittest people they saw upon examination and that I had normal blood pressure so I must be fine.

As a result of that conclusion I haven’t been able to see an actual cardiologist yet.


There is some good news though, I’ve just today tried repurposing the fungal destroyer field and I have some relief with that so I think it’s parasite/fungi related that maybe causes myocarditis idk. I found the Gentian Violet solution I diluted in water was an antifungal so it has the same effect.


No, it’s not my fault or problem, but also, really it’s all of our fault and problem as a society that we’re in this position in the first place and I feel that deeply. There is a lot of chat of nano particle parasites with in some of the vaccine batches, but it’s so difficult to tell truth from fiction these days that we must he careful no to convince ourselves of anything with out conclusive evidence of its reality. Intuition taking the hand of reason is what we need to embrace nowadays. I have to say I’m thoroughly inspired by your resolve to sort this issue out for yourself, truly. Good luck CK on your journey to renewed health lovely! :heart::hugs::heart:

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Updated changes and potential treatment options in the vaccination megathread.

Everything happens for a reason, these can help so many. :slightly_smiling_face:


Big Update

No symptoms, Chagas negative result from blood test, no palpitations, no breathlessness!


If a moderator wishes they can close this topic - as it’s pretty much over with.

Anyone who wants to read back on it can.

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try this


Thank you

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Don’t let them psyop you that there is nothing going on. You have to pull yourself up and learn and participate in the community with the same contextual problems as you.

There are millions of young people with different metabolic problems (I would say 60-90% percent of all young people. And small amount with totally incapacitating problems). Many think about suicide. And all the doctors say to them evertyhing is totally fine, it’s in your head. But think it as the hardest challenge you have faced (trust me it is) and you have nothing to lose and start playing.

First up your glutathione(egg whites etc), methylation(veggies with folate betaine and so on), ample amounts of amino acids to bind to shit. Find the smartest guy in the room of all time within health context and start building a regiment to get up.

Remember you have good and bad days. But what matters is your baseline of health is slowly moving up. Meaning you tolerate wider variance of stress.


Yes, and I told the doctor about resonant frequencies and he was going to put me in a psych ward after that . I was like :cold_face:. Better play it smart and act like I was just joking.

Hey, how are you now? I noticed I was feeling better after they drew blood also. Cheers