Vaccination MegaThread

5% of the batches are responsible for 100% of the vaccine related deaths.

You wanna gamble?

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Study finds vaccine related deaths are undereported by the factor 20 .


And dont forget who deserves your anger …it’s not the police and not the (un)vaccinated. It’s the people thant organized all of this or at the very least let it happen .


I don’t think anyone deserves your anger, especially when it’s not healthy for you

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Well if you are angry. And it’s okay to be angry sometimes.


The electrosmog album is very good for the vaccine.

I believe the microclotting we’re seeing is due to undisclosed ingredients like SPIONS which can make covid mortality worse and interesting affect the heart very badly if in bloodstream.

Graphene Oxide explains the lots of mucus people get from detoxing with Glutathione. etc. It DOES bind to glutathione very quickly and often comes out as mucus.

The “consciousness takeoever” more spiritual people see could be related to changes in the physical electromagnetic field due to the nanotech until these are removed.

The stomach issues and other things could be due to general inflammation.

I’m seeing considerable results using the Electrosmog Album, Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide (Swimming Pools. etc) and I think it could be used to treat this pretty well.

I also believe other symptoms are caused by DARPA Hydrogel.

These are based on what I’ve read aligning with my own experience, I believe they know these can “lose charge” overtime and maybe even completely leave depending on lifestyle which is why “boosters” are pushed so hard.

For anyone looking to treat this IV Ozone Therapy, going to a chlorinated swimming pool, collodial silver, using the elektrosmog album (especially the 1st track), magnets and magnetic bracelet therapy are the way to go imo. Keep in mind I’ve only used the elektrosmog album with considerable improvements.

Negative ions actually kill any viruses, bacteria and nasties way better than any antibiotics could ever too!

I’ve got way more results from those alone than from any diet changes or medication or supplements. Have a blessed day.


A simple way to achieve this effect is the negative ion field played on one speaker as loud as possible and inhaling as much oxygen (when it reacts with the negative ions it becomes Ozone) as possible while playing restoration for the long haul to break down any microclots wrapped in antiplasmin that wouldn’t usually be able to be disinfected!


For people having acute reactions to the vaccine the parasite destroyer field played as fast as possible or even right after you’re given the injection is also a very good idea.

I also want to note this doesn’t take away from how dangerous these injections can be, there isn’t a “silver bullet” to get one and be perfectly fine (without getting Saline). Everyone at some point who tries to stay healthy is going to be attempted to be shunned from society by bad actors.

Advanced healing, restoration from the long haul & BOL are recommended to reverse damage.

If anyone wants any support or advice to get through this feel free to message.


Quietly without media attention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has withdrawn the PCR process as a valid test for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2.

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only.”

The CDC admits that the PCR test cannot differentiate between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.


Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely’


Omicron outbreak at a private gathering in the Faroe Islands, infecting 21 of 33 triple-vaccinated healthcare workers


Oh good, people discussing about vaccines
And emotional management and how government works, Such a knowledgeable good thread


Varicella Zoster Virus Reactivation Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Systematic Review of Case Reports


While might some or many of you think im an anti-vaxxer. Im not anti-vaxxer, but i do have safety concerns about the mRNA vaccine, in which governments has shutdown anyone want to discuss it


Glyphosate Found In Most Vaccines - The Last American Vagabond

A pesticide in vaccines, why? Studies show this + aluminium lead to brain damage.


I wonder if the body can eliminate the vaccine field after the vaccine?

2020 Conspiracy Theories regarding Covid-19

#1 Everyone’s risk of dying is the same, they say
#2 Nutrition and exercise have nothing to do with the virus.
#3 Use cases to gauge the trajectory of the pandemic
#4 Mandates and restrictions are the solution.
#5 We don’t have time to get healthy.
#6 All masks are equally effective
#7 Media fear mongering does no harm.
#8 The indirect effects of the virus to young people are less harmful than the direct effects of the virus.
#10 The virus is going to be eradicated, just like smallpox and polio
#11 Promoting healthy living causes vaccine hesitancy.
#12 Natural immunity is not durable. vaccine.
#13 People in the hospital are there because they have the rona
#14 Closing fitness centers and gyms will help flatten the curve.
#15 Closing schools is a good idea.
#15.5 Lockdowns were necessary.
#16 Voter ID is racist, but a vaccine passport is equitable
#17 Public health is designed to maximize the quality adjusted life years of a population.

(if you want to understand the information)


yes indeed!

only source of where i get any news related to the virus.


Have any psychics/intuitive people (particularly those who see energy well) been able to see what exactly the vaccine does in the body??? I’ve been wanting to observe this myself maybe when astral projecting. Does anyone want to share?