Myofascial Release and Anointing

It can be used every day if u want.

"Use as needed, but no more than 5 or 6 per loop.

but also as you are so guided."


Well I am not guided but I will use every day my legs are getting better and my stability is 90% cured in 2nd day


I feel like i need less sleep when I do this

You are too kind making these fields for us sapien.

Its taking some time to release all the tension ive had for years. Its like I need to learn to relax some parts of my body again.


Just bought this field. After a few repeats I start feeling this field kick in. Too bad we can’t loop it :stuck_out_tongue:

Typically in the morning after my lotus pose meditation I do get some sleepy legs (i.e numb). They get numb through blood circulation problems.

With this audio, a preliminary result is that my legs are less in numb status and when standing up my right hip (where something is wrong with) is less painful. It is an early preliminary result that i wanted to share.


ChatGPT on Myofascial release (MFR): Myofascial release (MFR) is a type of manual therapy that is used to treat pain and other conditions that affect the fascia, which is the connective tissue that surrounds and supports the muscles and other tissues in the body. Fascia is a complex web of connective tissue that runs throughout the body, providing support, structure, and flexibility to the muscles, bones, and organs. When the fascia becomes tight, it can cause pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

MFR is based on the idea that many musculoskeletal problems are caused by myofascial restrictions, or areas of tightness or tension within the fascia. These restrictions can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, poor posture, stress, and repetitive motion.

MFR involves applying gentle sustained pressure and stretching to the fascia in order to release tension and improve mobility. This pressure is often applied using the hands, but can also be applied using tools such as foam rollers, massage balls, or other devices. The therapist will use a variety of techniques, including direct pressure, stretching, and oscillatory movements, to release tension and improve mobility in the affected area.

MFR can be used to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain syndromes. It can also be used to improve flexibility and range of motion, and to promote relaxation and stress relief.

During an MFR session, the therapist will typically begin by assessing the patient’s posture and movement patterns, and identifying areas of tension or restriction in the fascia. They will then apply gentle pressure and stretching to these areas, gradually releasing tension and restoring mobility. The therapist may also provide exercises or other recommendations to help the patient maintain the benefits of the treatment at home.

MFR is generally considered safe and non-invasive, although some people may experience temporary soreness or discomfort after treatment. It’s important to note that MFR should always be performed by a trained and licensed healthcare provider, and that individuals with certain medical conditions or injuries may not be good candidates for the treatment. As with any medical treatment, individuals should always consult with their healthcare providers before beginning MFR or any other form of therapy.

Myofascial release (MFR) therapy is a type of manual therapy that can provide a range of benefits for the body. Here are some of the potential benefits of MFR:

  1. Pain relief: MFR can help to relieve pain and discomfort in the muscles, joints, and other tissues of the body. By releasing tension and improving mobility in the fascia, MFR can reduce pain caused by conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and fibromyalgia.
  2. Improved flexibility and range of motion: MFR can help to improve flexibility and range of motion in the body. By releasing tension and adhesions in the fascia, MFR can help to restore mobility and flexibility to the affected area.
  3. Improved posture and alignment: MFR can help to improve posture and alignment by releasing tension in the fascia that may be causing misalignments or imbalances in the body.
  4. Relaxation and stress relief: MFR can be a relaxing and stress-relieving therapy. By releasing tension and promoting relaxation in the body, MFR can help to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.
  5. Improved athletic performance: MFR can help to improve athletic performance by improving mobility, flexibility, and range of motion in the body. This can help athletes to move more efficiently and reduce the risk of injury.
  6. Improved circulation: MFR can help to improve circulation in the body, which can promote healing and reduce inflammation.
  7. Improved overall health and well-being: By improving mobility, reducing pain and tension, and promoting relaxation, MFR can help to improve overall health and well-being.
  8. Improved sleep: MFR can help to promote relaxation and reduce tension in the body, which can lead to improved sleep quality.
  9. Reduced scar tissue: MFR can help to break up scar tissue and adhesions in the fascia, which can improve mobility and reduce pain and discomfort.
  10. Improved digestion: MFR can help to improve digestion by reducing tension and stress in the body, which can help to alleviate digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, and constipation.
  11. Improved respiratory function: MFR can help to improve respiratory function by reducing tension and adhesions in the fascia around the lungs and chest, which can improve breathing.
  12. Improved immune function: MFR can help to improve immune function by reducing stress and promoting relaxation in the body, which can help to support the immune system.
  13. Improved mental health: MFR can have a positive impact on mental health by reducing stress, promoting relaxation, and improving overall well-being.
  14. Improved recovery from injury or surgery: MFR can help to promote healing and improve recovery from injuries or surgeries by improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting tissue repair.
  15. Improved nerve function: MFR can help to release tension in the fascia around nerves, which can improve nerve function and reduce symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and weakness.
  16. Improved lymphatic function: MFR can help to improve lymphatic function by promoting the flow of lymphatic fluid, which can help to reduce swelling and promote healing.
  17. Improved balance and coordination: MFR can help to improve balance and coordination by improving mobility and reducing tension and adhesions in the fascia.
  18. Reduced muscle tension and spasm: MFR can help to reduce muscle tension and spasm by releasing tension in the fascia and improving circulation to the affected muscles.
  19. Improved joint function: MFR can help to improve joint function by reducing tension and adhesions in the fascia around the joints, which can improve mobility and reduce pain and stiffness.
  20. Improved skin and tissue health: MFR can help to improve the health of the skin and other tissues by improving circulation, promoting tissue repair, and reducing inflammation.

Overall, Myofascial Release is a safe and effective therapy that can provide a range of benefits for the body. By releasing tension and improving mobility in the fascia, MFR can help to reduce pain, improve flexibility and range of motion, promote relaxation, and improve overall health and well-being.


ChatGPT The Anointing of The Alchemical Holy Oil: The Anointing of The Alchemical Holy Oil is a ceremonial practice that involves the use of a special oil, often referred to as Abramelin oil, which is believed to have powerful mystical and transformative properties. The practice is based on the concept of alchemy, which seeks to transform base metals into gold, and the idea of spiritual purification and transformation.

The practice of anointing with Abramelin oil is based on the ancient Jewish tradition of anointing with oil, which was used to consecrate and empower holy objects, people, and spaces. In the context of alchemy, the oil is believed to represent the philosopher’s stone, a mythical substance that can transform the base nature of an individual into a divine state.

The recipe for Abramelin oil is said to have been revealed to the medieval German Jewish mystic, Abramelin the Mage, by an angelic entity. The recipe involves a complex mixture of ingredients, including myrrh, cinnamon, galangal, and olive oil, which are carefully prepared and consecrated over a period of several weeks or months.

During the anointing ceremony, the practitioner applies the Abramelin oil to various parts of the body, including the forehead, chest, and hands, while reciting special prayers or invocations. The oil is believed to have the power to open up spiritual channels and awaken latent energies within the individual, leading to heightened states of awareness, mystical experiences, and transformation.

While the practice of anointing with Abramelin oil has its roots in ancient Jewish tradition and the medieval alchemical practices of Europe, it has been adapted and incorporated into various modern spiritual and magical traditions. The practice is often seen as a way of connecting with the divine, tapping into hidden energies within the self, and manifesting spiritual transformation and growth.

There are various benefits that have been attributed to the practice of anointing with holy oil, including:

  1. Spiritual purification: The anointing with holy oil is believed to have a purifying effect on the soul, helping to cleanse negative energies and promote spiritual growth.
  2. Protection: Holy oil is often used for protection against negative influences and energies, as well as for warding off evil spirits.
  3. Healing: The anointing with holy oil is believed to have a healing effect on the body and mind, helping to alleviate physical and emotional pain and promote overall well-being.
  4. Enhancing meditation and prayer: Anointing with holy oil is believed to help enhance meditation and prayer practices, as it can help to create a sacred and meditative space.
  5. Connecting with divine energies: Holy oil is believed to help connect individuals with divine energies and higher spiritual realms, promoting a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.
  6. Empowerment: The anointing with holy oil is believed to have an empowering effect, helping individuals to access their own inner strength and confidence.
  7. Emotional release: Holy oil is believed to help release emotional blockages and promote emotional healing, allowing individuals to experience greater emotional balance and well-being.
  8. Promoting abundance: Anointing with holy oil is believed to help promote abundance and prosperity, both in material and spiritual aspects of life.
  9. Enhancing intuition: Holy oil is believed to help enhance intuition and psychic abilities, allowing individuals to better connect with their own inner wisdom and the wisdom of the universe.
  10. Creating a sacred space: The anointing with holy oil can help to create a sacred space in which individuals can connect with the divine and experience a sense of peace and tranquility.

It’s important to note that the benefits of anointing with holy oil may vary depending on the individual’s beliefs and intentions.


As far as I can remember, it is said that some of your trauma is stored in the fascia.
I use this one daily in my mental stack for the physical issues I have, and yeah…what can I say about it. My muscle spasms reduced by a lot and my restless legs syndrome is completely gone. It put it back into my stack because of a hint of another forum member. Thanks for this!


How many time a day ?

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Use as needed, but no more than 5 or 6 per loop.

but also as you are so guided.

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3-4x a day

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Yup. This field, fascia shake and bones shake have been life saving for me these days

Crucible Karma pushing all to the surface to burn, ive had pains in my legs and joints while in the clearing process (it doesnt help that im sitting all day work) so it cant clear fast enough.

Thank God for these fields!!


Im also sitting whole day at work. Fascia shake is really getting me through these days. I didn’t exercise to much these days and got little stiff. …

After few weeks of regular listening i’m more flexible even without any exercise or aby other self care procedures.

Im really drawn to myofiacial realise for some reasons.

What are additional benefis if You already use facia shake?

I don’t fully understand the oil thing…

Sorry but my english is not perfect



Lets say in very simple words.

Fascia gets lubricated by holy oil :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: literally

I dont wanna say much apart that its for you to find out if you feel called to have it :slight_smile:



Ok I think I needed to hear this.:upside_down_face:

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can this help with correcting postural patterns such as left aic right bc pattern?

I had this field for a long time but only used it rarely and never felt/saw much effect from it. Two days ago i’ve added it back to my playlist 3 times. My playlist runs twice while i sleep so it adds up to 6 times. Yesterday i didn’t feel anything but today i woke up and had a sore lower abdomen. It really hurts but it’s incredible to finally have results :partying_face: i’m curious to see what else this will do :raised_hands:


An intermediate overview of a range of reported benefits, including:

  1. Increased Energy: Some users noted that after listening to this field, they experienced increased energy levels.
  2. Physical Relaxation: Many users mentioned feeling a deep sense of physical relaxation and relief from muscle tension and discomfort. Some compared it to the sensation of having a massage or visiting a spa.
  3. Increased Flexibility: Some users mentioned that they experienced improved flexibility, particularly in areas like the hips, lower back, and joints. This enhanced flexibility made it easier for them to move and perform physical activities.
  4. Improved Sleep: Several users reported improved sleep quality and clarity in their dreams after using the field.
  5. Enhanced Physical Performance: Some individuals claimed that the field helped with their physical performance, including improved posture, flexibility, and mobility.
  6. Relief from Aches and Pains: Users with specific physical discomfort, such as TMJ, back pain, and bursitis, noted relief from their symptoms after using the field.
  7. Mental Clarity and Relaxation: Some users mentioned experiencing mental clarity and a deep sense of relaxation, which helped them feel rejuvenated and refreshed.
  8. Positive Effects on Skin: A few users commented on improvements in their skin’s appearance and texture after using the field.
  9. Improved Sleep Patterns: Some individuals noted that the field helped them sleep longer and without interruptions.
  10. Release of Physical Tension: Many users felt that the field helped release physical tension and tightness in their bodies, allowing them to move more freely.
  11. Improved Mood: While not explicitly mentioned in all comments, the sense of relaxation and well-being induced by the field likely contributed to improved mood and overall mental well-being.

It’s important to note that individual experiences with such audio fields can vary, and results may differ from person to person. Additionally, it’s crucial to follow any recommended usage guidelines for the specific field and consult with a healthcare professional for any persistent physical discomfort or health issues.


After using this field after Crucible of stored trauma I feel so relaxed and relief like melting away to the ground, afterwards had a great dream, but this is great for many things like posture and misalignment,
And stuck blood in the back area.


curiosity led me to play this audio while working out, focusing on my movement as i put my muscles under load and I noticed I was shaking much more than what usually do, not sure if it was front exhaustion or because this audio was actively working with the load placed upon me to help address adhesions I will say i felt ‘pain’ in certain areas mainly on my left trap when i currently have some irritation on my right shoulder/trap are. I’ve done this twice but not entirely sure if it’s doing something other than bringing attention to areas of adhesions.

From my limited understanding Fascia best responds to changes from within so placing it under a compressed state and THEN moving that area should restructure it in the best way. Hence why the experiment of using this audio while working out.


I finally purchased this field. I suffer from chronic pain/fibromyalgia. My first 3 loops (will listen a couple times again later) and I noticed my nasal passages opening and I can breathe better. A few of Sapien’s audio do that for me as well, I always love that effect. I also felt some pulling in my feet (suffer from bad pain there) and a few tingles in my legs.
I’m excited to see how this goes when using it more.

I do tend to use probably way too many fields, it’s very difficult to cut it down. Every time I manage to cut a few, new ones are released that I MUST use. I’m so very grateful for al the work/fields. I’d be lost without them. So glad I joined Patreon when the videos were deleted, it’s been great.

I also hope to buy the fasica shake up very soon.

Just finished writing this, already stopped listening for a bit… and I am just starting to feel more sensations in my feet and I’m feeling heat there building up suddenly.