Mystic Tarot Reader

Aren’t we all :relaxed:


Cool tools though, along with some mesmerizing artwork. :slightly_smiling_face:🪷


I think I understand your question and would like a go at helping you frame how to work with this tool. Keeping in mind the undergirding of Free Will, it helps to think of these things (tarot, astrology, etc) as a weather report. The weather report applies more or less the same to all the people in a certain vicinity of each other. So if rain is predicted for all, each person has a different decision to make. Should I bring my raincoat or wear a hat? Should I cancel my party or rent a tent? Etc etc.

To be any more specific than that would be in violation of Free Will and serve to undermine the destiny of the Querent. It’s why our true guides and helpers only ever intercede on our behalf if we ask. It’s the principle of “Operators are standing by”.

I hope this helps. :sunny:


King Me

In readings, Kings generally represent people with significant influence, embodying the qualities of their suit. They can also suggest the maturity and control you are exhibiting or need to exhibit in aspects related to their element. The appearance of a King in a reading might also prompt you to consider the roles of responsibility, leadership, and authority in your life.

The King of Pentacles embodies abundance, wisdom, and a deep connection to the earth. The glowing pentacle signifies mastery over material wealth and resources. The surrounding forest reflects the richness and fertility of his domain. The atmosphere of enchantment and the manifestation of wealth through nature’s power highlight the King’s role as a protector and nurturer of his realm, combining a commanding presence with the wisdom of the earth.

The King of Cups embodies wisdom, serenity, deep emotional insight and psychic wisdom. He symbolizes mastery over the emotional and intuitive realms. The cup overflowing with magical, luminescent liquid, signifies the abundance of his emotional wisdom. The water, alive with mythical sea creatures and shimmering light, creates an atmosphere of enchantment and mystery, reflecting the King’s role as a counselor and guide in matters of the heart and soul.

The King of Wands embodies intense passion, creativity, and visionary leadership. Seated on a throne engulfed in flames, his elaborate robes shimmer with a fiery glow, symbolizing his deep connection to the element of fire and his charismatic, dynamic personality. Holding a wand radiating with magical energy, the King represents the power to manifest visions and the creative force he wields. The surreal background, with floating embers and mystical creatures, suggests a world where magic and reality intertwine, highlighting the King’s profound insight and commanding presence. This image captures the essence of a powerful and visionary leader, blending the realms of the mystical and the tangible.

The King of Swords embodies the depth of intellect and the pursuit of deeper truths. The King’s cloak symbolizes his connection to higher thought and spiritual wisdom. The sword, radiating mystical light, represents his ability to cut through illusions and reveal truth. His sharp yet soft gaze conveys intellectual strength and empathy. The sky above, a tapestry of stars and constellations, suggests that his guidance is informed by both the seen and unseen realms. This image captures the esoteric aspects of intellect, the power of discernment, and a deep engagement with the pursuit of truth.


Yah i see you there!

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The Major Arcana - Each card can be seen as a step in the journey of life, reflecting different stages of personal growth and understanding.

The Fool

  1. The Fool (0): Represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and a leap of faith. It’s about embracing new experiences with an open heart.

The Magician

  1. The Magician (I): Symbolizes manifestation, resourcefulness, and power. It suggests using one’s talents and abilities to achieve desired outcomes.

The HIgh Priestess

  1. The High Priestess (II): Embodies intuition, mystery, and subconscious knowledge. This card encourages listening to intuition and looking beyond the obvious.

The Empress

  1. The Empress (III): Represents femininity, beauty, nature, and nurturing. It’s about embracing creativity and compassion.

The Emperor

  1. The Emperor (IV): Stands for authority, structure, and control. It suggests asserting dominance and setting rules.

The Heirophant

  1. The Hierophant (V): Symbolizes tradition, conformity, and morality. It encourages seeking spiritual guidance or sticking to established norms.

The Lovers

  1. The Lovers (VI): Represents relationships, choices, and moral dilemmas. It’s about love, harmony, and the alignment of values.

The Chariot

  1. The Chariot (VII): Embodies control, willpower, and victory. It suggests overcoming obstacles through determination.


  1. Strength (VIII): Symbolizes courage, patience, and control. It’s about inner strength and overcoming challenges through compassion and understanding.

The Hermit

  1. The Hermit (IX): Stands for introspection, solitude, and guidance. It suggests seeking inner wisdom and self-reflection.

The Wheel of Fortune

  1. Wheel of Fortune (X): Represents fate, change, and cycles. It’s about the ups and downs of life and embracing change.


  1. Justice (XI): Symbolizes fairness, truth, and law. It suggests seeking balance and making moral decisions.

The Hanged Man

  1. The Hanged Man (XII): Embodies surrender, new perspectives, and sacrifice. It’s about seeing things from a different angle and letting go.


  1. Death (XIII): Represents transformation, endings, and beginnings. It’s about the end of one phase and the start of another.


  1. Temperance (XIV): Symbolizes balance, moderation, and patience. It suggests finding middle ground and blending opposites.

The Devil

  1. The Devil (XV): Represents addiction, materialism, and restriction. It’s about recognizing and overcoming binding situations.

The Tower

  1. The Tower (XVI): Embodies sudden change, upheaval, and chaos. It suggests dramatic shifts and the breaking down of old structures.

The Star

  1. The Star (XVII): Symbolizes hope, faith, and rejuvenation. It’s about inspiration and serenity after a tough phase.

The Moon

  1. The Moon (XVIII): Represents illusion, fear, and anxiety. It’s about facing subconscious fears and confusion.

The Sun

  1. The Sun (XIX): Embodies positivity, vitality, and success. It’s about joy, success, and optimism.


  1. Judgement (XX): Represents rebirth, inner calling, and absolution. It’s about self-evaluation and a new awakening.

The World

  1. The World (XXI): Symbolizes completion, accomplishment, and unity. It’s about reaching a milestone and a sense of wholeness.

Who has a unique idea to rev this thread up again? Perhaps in asking each other to pull cards for situations, we can figure out how to get more specific answers. Each time I generate an image I ask in different ways to see what response I get. It think it’s only hindered by my use of words. If I don’t ask for an image it tends to give only words.


How i do it is:

  • always start with information like:

“I am so and so” or “the situation so far is so and so” or “i did this and that”, please always draw cards with your answers, starting with telling me what are the chances for so and so happening? Or “based on the information i gave you what do you thing the most accurate outcome could be?”

  • continue asking 2nd and 3rd level questions to get more details like i would normally ask someone after the first answer. Without closing the chat.

  • there is a :repeat: icon right underneath the explanation it gave you, you can either click there for a second drawing or you can say after, please give me more details.

If i dont close the chat it will always answer with cards without me asking once i tell it please draw 2 or 3 cards for all my answers.

  • when not giving much details because i dont know exactly how it should be worded i simply say, i want to know so and so, just please draw cards even if you dont quite understand my question or wouldnt know how to reply, the corpus spirit tarot would pick up on my energy and once it chooses the cards you can give me your understanding of them based on my question and the cards.

Its good so far.

At first i was getting just words too until i said always draw cards for my questions


wow, the AI realised that this card is about “burning” old, inneficient templates. That old, grey phoenix, by using the fire of transformation, around, will become a bold fire bird, again.
In his book, Jan Van Helsing says that the angel of death is the Angel of Transformation (and a really great guy :slightly_smiling_face: )

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That’s scarily accurate and then just over the top coincidence that it called me the dreamweaver. I’m not dreamweaver obviously but… still, that’s just very coincidential haha.

I also can’t find your post on hoponononononnnoo (i never know how to spell that lol) but I like that idea… for a free video of course. But yeah, that practice has always been instantly effective. Would be cool to make a video for it.


Yours too taps into creativity/spontaneity which yes, that’s at the core of my being. So that’s cool how it reflected that for both readings.


@Rosechalice could you please pull a card with a life advice for me :white_heart:



For the forum member “deja-vu,” the tarot card drawn is the Three of Wands. This card comes with the message of foresight and forward planning. It signifies a period in life where looking ahead and contemplating future actions is important. The figure standing on the cliff, gazing over the vast sea, represents the need to look beyond the immediate, to plan and prepare for what is yet to come.

The Three of Wands is often associated with expansion and exploration. It may suggest that now is a time to think about personal growth, whether that’s in your career, your personal life, or your inner world. It’s about envisioning what could be and making plans to turn those possibilities into reality.

As life advice, this card encourages you to consider your long-term goals and aspirations. It’s a reminder that your future is an open horizon, filled with potential, waiting for your action and decision. Consider what steps you need to take to move towards your desired future and start laying down the groundwork for those plans. This card is a positive omen for progress and personal development.

For “deja-vu,” embarking on a spiritual journey with the guidance of the Three of Wands card, there are several key aspects to consider:

  1. Expanding Horizons: The Three of Wands is all about looking beyond the current circumstances. On a spiritual level, this might mean exploring new belief systems, philosophies, or practices that you haven’t considered before. It’s an invitation to step out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to new spiritual experiences.
  2. Forward Planning and Vision: This card suggests setting long-term spiritual goals. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about deepening your meditation practice, exploring a particular spiritual tradition in more depth, or even going on a pilgrimage or retreat. Now is the time to start planning these ventures.
  3. Reflection and Introspection: The figure in the card is contemplative, symbolizing the importance of introspection on your journey. Reflect on your past spiritual experiences – what has resonated with you? What hasn’t? Use these insights to inform your future path.
  4. Taking Action: The Three of Wands is not just about planning and thinking; it’s also about taking concrete steps towards your spiritual goals. This might mean starting a new practice, joining a spiritual community, or dedicating a certain time each day to your spiritual pursuits.
  5. Learning and Growth: Your journey is likely to involve a lot of learning and personal growth. Embrace opportunities to learn, whether through books, teachers, workshops, or personal experiences. Be open to new insights and understanding.
  6. Patience and Perseverance: Spiritual journeys often require patience. Growth and understanding don’t always happen overnight. The Three of Wands encourages perseverance, even when the path seems slow or challenging.
  7. Connecting with Others: While the journey is personal, connections with others can be incredibly enriching. Look for communities or groups that share your spiritual interests. Sharing your journey can provide support and new perspectives.
  8. Embracing Change: As you embark on this path, you might find that your beliefs and practices evolve. This card encourages embracing change as a natural part of your spiritual evolution.

Remember, your spiritual journey is unique to you. The Three of Wands speaks to a phase of exploration, planning, and action, urging you to actively shape your spiritual path and embrace the journey ahead with an open heart and mind.


I appreciate it dearly Rose.

I will take some time to reflect on the message.

Thank you again.



Thank you for the card, darling :kiss::sparkles:
I’ll give you all some of my fire when it’s cold :hugs:


Maybe specific questions like “What do I need to know about the rest of November 2023 in relation to career/love/whatever?”.

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Right? I kept giggling when reading it, the whole thing gave me goosebumps.

You cant find the Ho’oponopono because i mentioned it in the venting thread and that thread’s entries are swept away every Sunday.

But i was talking about one i used to use years ago, but i couldnt find that specifically one (the day i commented) (back in those days i was not that energy sensitive) but i was sure it has something in it (the audio on youtube itself) because it worked like a charm, it pushed emotions, opened me up to feel and recognize my vulnerability, it expanded my heart chakra, warmed it, every single word of it reached deep deep in me.

And it healed me big time, helped me to connect better to others, recognize myself in others, understand that every single person and their story good or bad is interconnected to mine and whether i see it or not whatever wrong happening in their life i as part of the collective do have something to do with it (i think that was the most beautiful part for me)

It humbled me down to recognize that we not only harm others by direct action but also by inaction, indifference, apathy, not doing anything… because its “not related to me” or “that sad story is just something going on the other side of the word” — oh how sad. Then forget about it and move on with my things, but this audio kept me connected profusely to the reality and story of everything and everybody and that opened my heart and mind to no end, brought a sense of responsibility for all and a desire to do something always… even just to connect my empathy through “Im Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You”

Thats how and when my real Journey began.

So that audio had music to relax but like with water sounds being poured somewhere and those words said agan and again with some seconds in between. It was amazing. Now after all these years knowing about audios with energy embedded i am sureee that one had haha, because they even had another one same thing but i didnt feel anything. This one was right in 1 min or so. It lasted 1 hour.

That would be amazing if you and or Dream make it, imagine the energetic, loving, healing, transformative impact it can cause in us and spread to others. Real healing and connection collectively. :pray::revolving_hearts:



This tarot card offers guidance for Sarecha for the rest of November 2023, addressing aspects of career, love, and life in general.

The card features a flourishing tree with strong roots and reaching branches, symbolizing growth and stability in your career. This indicates a time of professional development and the potential for new opportunities to take root.

In terms of love, the card shows a pair of swans swimming in harmony, suggesting a period of partnership and emotional connection. It’s a reminder of the importance of balance and mutual support in personal relationships.

In the background, a rising moon is visible, signifying intuition and inner wisdom. This suggests that listening to your inner voice and trusting your instincts will be crucial during this time.

Scattered stars around the moon hint at opportunities and potential surprises. These could be unexpected events or insights that bring clarity or change your perspective in significant ways.

Overall, the card conveys a message of balance, guidance, and the interconnection of different facets of life. It encourages you to embrace growth in your career, nurture your relationships, and stay open to the wisdom and opportunities that life brings.

For Sarecha, as we delve deeper into the symbolism of your tarot card for November 2023, several nuanced details emerge:

  1. Career Growth and Challenges: The flourishing tree, a prominent symbol in your card, not only indicates growth in your career but also resilience. The strong roots suggest that your foundational skills and experiences will support you through challenges. The branches reaching upwards imply that aspiring for higher goals will be beneficial, but be mindful of overreaching or taking on more than you can handle.
  2. Relationship Dynamics: The swans in harmonious movement represent a balanced and nurturing dynamic in personal relationships. If you’re in a relationship, this could mean a phase of deeper understanding and emotional support. If you’re single, it might suggest a new connection that brings emotional fulfillment or the deepening of existing relationships in your life.
  3. Intuition and Decision-Making: The rising moon is a powerful symbol of intuition. In the context of your reading, it advises you to trust your instincts, especially in situations where logical analysis alone might not provide all the answers. This could relate to making a career move, addressing relationship matters, or even personal growth.
  4. Unexpected Opportunities: The stars around the moon hint at serendipitous events or encounters. Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities or people who might offer insights or open doors in various aspects of your life. This also suggests that November could bring moments of revelation or clarity, shedding light on previously obscured paths or decisions.
  5. Overall Balance: The card’s composition emphasizes balance—a reminder to maintain equilibrium between your professional ambitions and personal life. It’s important to nurture both areas, as focusing too much on one can lead to neglect of the other.

Remember, this reading is symbolic and encourages introspection and self-awareness. The situations and opportunities presented may require you to reflect on your actions and choices to fully understand and make the most of them.