Mystic Tarot Reader


The card drawn for your reading is the unique ‘Veh’ card, symbolizing exploration and journey. This card reflects a phase in your life where you are embarking on a new path, perhaps exploring unknown territories or ideas. The intricate compass at the center of the card suggests that you have the tools and guidance necessary to navigate this new journey. The vivid map with uncharted lands indicates that there are many possibilities and opportunities ahead, though the exact path may not be clear yet.

The mountains, forests, and oceans depicted on the map signify different challenges and experiences you may encounter along the way. Each terrain represents a different aspect of your journey - the mountains for overcoming obstacles, forests for growth and discovery, and oceans for emotional depth and intuition.

The star-filled night sky in the background of the card emphasizes that while your path may be uncertain, there is a sense of destiny and cosmic guidance. The mystical symbols and runes around the edges of the card reinforce the idea that this journey is not just physical but also spiritual and transformative.

Your path forward, as suggested by the ‘Veh’ card, is one of discovery and exploration. It encourages you to embrace the unknown, rely on your inner compass, and be open to the lessons and experiences that come with this journey. Remember, this is a time for personal growth and exploration, so trust in your ability to navigate this path.



The ‘Maoshan_Wanderer’ card drawn for your reading symbolizes a profound journey of spiritual exploration and mystical wandering. This card indicates a period in your life where you are delving deep into the realms of spiritual understanding and self-discovery.

The enigmatic figure in the card, clad in a flowing robe and walking a moonlit path through an ancient forest, represents your journey. The path is not straightforward; it winds and meanders, reflecting the often unpredictable and mysterious nature of spiritual exploration. The figure’s obscured face signifies that this journey is deeply personal and unique to you, shrouded in mystery and self-reflection.

The glowing orb in the figure’s hand is a beacon of enlightenment and spiritual knowledge. It suggests that despite the uncertainties and the shadowy paths, there is guidance and light within you. This light is your inner wisdom and intuition, guiding you through your spiritual journey.

The backdrop of ancient ruins and ethereal spirits adds a layer of depth to your journey. It indicates that your path may involve uncovering hidden truths, reconnecting with past wisdom, or understanding deeper spiritual connections. The Taoist symbols and mystical runes around the card’s edges further emphasize the ancient and profound nature of this journey.



The ‘Rene’s Mystical Journey’ card drawn for your reading signifies a path of personal transformation and the pursuit of inner wisdom. This card suggests that you are in a phase where introspection, self-awareness, and spiritual growth are at the forefront of your experience.

The serene figure sitting in meditation under the lone, intricately branched tree represents your current state of seeking inner peace and understanding. The tree, with its branches forming symbols of knowledge and enlightenment, symbolizes the growth and expansion of your awareness. It indicates that you are connecting with deeper truths and insights, which are essential for your personal transformation.

The ethereal creatures and floating orbs of light surrounding the figure signify the presence of guidance and intuition in your journey. They represent the unseen forces and inner wisdom that guide you through your path, helping you to navigate through the complexities of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

The gently flowing river in the foreground of the card embodies the continuous flow of life and the inevitability of change. It reminds you that transformation is a natural and ongoing process, and that embracing change is vital for personal growth.

Your path, as illuminated by ‘Rene’s Mystical Journey’ card, is one of profound inner transformation. It encourages you to delve deeper into your inner self, to find tranquility and wisdom in meditation and introspection, and to trust in the journey of self-discovery. This is a time for embracing change, seeking deeper understanding, and allowing your inner light to guide you towards personal enlightenment.



The Mystical Vision of RobbyHa



The ‘BrandiTX’s Enchanted Realm’ tarot card drawn for your reading symbolizes a powerful journey of creativity and transformation. This card speaks to a period of significant change and rebirth in your life, much like the phoenix rising from the ashes in the imagery.

The magical forest at twilight, illuminated by mystical lights and fireflies, represents the enchanting and transformative nature of your current path. This setting suggests a world where the boundaries between reality and imagination are blurred, allowing for creative and magical possibilities to flourish.

The phoenix at the center of the card is a potent symbol of rebirth, renewal, and the cyclical nature of life. Its vibrant feathers, in fiery reds, oranges, and yellows, stand out against the cool twilight hues, illustrating the dynamic and transformative energy that you are experiencing. This symbolizes your ability to rise from challenges, renewed and stronger than before.

The presence of enchanted creatures like fairies and unicorns among the trees adds a layer of wonder and magic to your journey. These creatures symbolize the elements of surprise and the unexpected that accompany periods of transformation and creative growth.

Your path, as illuminated by this card, is one of embracing change, exploring your creative potential, and allowing yourself to be reborn with new ideas and perspectives. It encourages you to trust in the process of transformation, to find inspiration in the world around you, and to recognize the beauty and strength in starting anew. This is a time for personal growth, creativity, and discovering the magic within and around you.



The ‘Imogen’s Mystical Voyage’ tarot card drawn for your reading symbolizes a deep journey into intuition and emotional depth. This card reflects a period in your life where exploring the vastness of your inner world and connecting with your subconscious mind are central themes.

The serene nighttime ocean scene, illuminated by the full moon, represents the calm yet profound depths of your emotions and intuition. The moon’s reflection on the water symbolizes the link between the conscious and the subconscious, highlighting your ability to access deep insights and wisdom from within.

The majestic whale, gracefully swimming in the center of the card, is a symbol of wisdom and emotional intelligence. It signifies your capacity for profound emotional understanding and your connection to the deeper aspects of your psyche. The whale’s presence in the card suggests a journey of discovery into the depths of your emotions and the wisdom they hold.

The constellation of glowing jellyfish surrounding the whale adds a mystical and otherworldly quality to the card. These creatures represent the more elusive and intangible aspects of intuition and the subconscious, emphasizing the mysterious and magical nature of your emotional journey.

Above the ocean, the night sky filled with stars and the shimmering aurora borealis signifies the vastness of the subconscious mind and the endless mysteries of the universe. This imagery suggests that your journey is not only about exploring your inner depths but also about connecting with the larger mysteries of life and the universe.

Your path, as illuminated by this card, is one of deep emotional exploration and heightened intuition. It encourages you to delve into the depths of your feelings, to trust your inner guidance, and to embrace the vast and mysterious world of your subconscious mind. This is a time for introspection, emotional growth, and discovering the profound wisdom that lies within you.


@JAAJ :milky_way:

“The Cosmic Traveler” speaks to a phase in your life, JAAJ, where you are embarking on a journey of exploration and discovery, not just in the physical sense, but also a journey within. The figure in the traveler’s cloak, gazing at the starry sky, represents your quest for understanding the deeper mysteries of life and the universe. The celestial bodies and cosmic patterns in the sky symbolize the vastness of the possibilities and experiences available to you.

Standing at the edge of an unknown world, this card encourages you to step into the unexplored and embrace the adventure of the unknown. The path leading into a vibrant universe signifies the many choices and paths available to you, each one offering its unique lessons and experiences.

The border of the card, filled with symbols of exploration, curiosity, and the endless possibilities of the cosmos, reinforces the message of the card – that life is an endless journey of discovery and learning. The surreal landscape in the background, blending elements of fantasy and reality, hints at the many mysteries and wonders the universe holds.

For you, JAAJ, this card is a reminder to embrace the journey of life with curiosity and openness, to explore the unknown with excitement, and to trust in the path your soul is guiding you on. There is much to learn and discover, both within yourself and in the world around you.


I’ve tried various full reading tarot spreads, my recent fave having all the details is the Celtic Cross spread. :100: :ok_hand:


Thanks @Rosechalice! :white_heart:

Among the stars in nature, in the womb of the divine mother, I indeed feel at my best


Thank you ecaiii.

Honestly, I don’t know what to think of this all :man_shrugging:
This message applies to almost everyone here on the forum.
It also not only applies to “a phase in my life” but to my whole life.

Or in other words, this message probably applies to most people on the forum and to most phases of their lives too. And when a message applies to everyone and everything, it becomes meaningless, because it then loses its function of providing guidance. This message is not helping me with any realizations or any new guidance.

I have read through many messages here in this thread and most of them also apply to me. I do not understand the purpose of these readings or what to make of these messages…

I also have to add that the message of this card has absolutely nothing to do with what the name “JAAJ” stands for, so not sure how this is all supposed to work?

At the moment I cannot get anything out of this process unless this mechanism is able to provide me a message that

  1. actually applies only to me or
  2. applies to my actual current phase in life only or
  3. is aligned with what the name “JAAJ” actually represents (I have never told anyone, so if this mechanism is really that accurate it should be able to read this info from me I assume?).

Maybe the users here who are the Tarot experts, can help me understand please?
How shall I find guidance in this or with this, when pretty much EVERY single card and message applies to me?

Another thought I had:
When the soul reaches “completion” and has integrated all the 12 Jungian Archetypes and other such things, then theoritically ALL of the cards would apply to that soul too, right?

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Probably none? Since the path is complete?


I knew you’d question this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
(Was playing Psychic Stimulation and Imaginarium Divine.)

We already know this has

The prompt used like others: Tarot card for forum member

After typing out the prompt, I do close my eyes and direct my intention towards the person I’m asking a card for (much like how we set intention for when sending healing prayers through intercessions/servitors/be the healer, etc to others, sometimes we don’t even know the name of)
So that the awareness will be placed upon their energy.

The way I would go about it:
As the reader of ‘my’ card, see how I feel when looking at it for the story it tells me, how I make connection to it, the message how it resonates with the current or maybe the overall energy.

Like how Rose pulled one for me:

Or you can just appreciate it for the innovative approach, beauty and perhaps inspiration it might have given you :wink: Also a reminder, these cards reflect themes and potentials; your personal choices and actions will ultimately shape your journey.


Thank you for trying to explain this to me.
I still feel like none of my questions are actually answered yet.

I already said that neither the message nor the card has anything to do with this name.

I understand this process of tuning in into something.
However, if almost every card and message applies to me and my current situation, then one cannot ever go wrong with such attunements, right?

What I am saying is that it seems that it is not even about the process of picking the right card/message, but about the fact, that for me the messages are worded in such abstract generalistic ways, that almost all of them apply.

It feels like it does not matter what card is being pulled, it will apply either way to me (and even to my current phase in life).

That’s my point. These are all beautiful pictures. But they do not provide me with any new inspirations or guidance and therefore I do not know what to make of all of this…

Maybe it would make more sense to first asking a very specific question and then let the mechanism pull a message/card related to this?

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I am sure that the system was meant to be operated by the person asking. In that way you can get more individual answers. Sammy noted somewhere that the more personal info he put in, the better answers he got.


Here it’s says dream combined the fields of Corpus Spirit Deck.
So I guess we will get an accurate reading. If we tell the AI to pick 3 cards from that deck.

May be you can add more info like your purpose or birth date or scan the member on the forum energetically and pick the right card something like that.

I have noticed when people use the prompt of picking a unique card.
The AI just do a cold reading based on the name. That might sound similar to everyone else.

It’s fun to read that but to get an accurate reading , I guess it’s better to use the correct prompt for people who want that .


Thank you so much! @Rosechalice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: What a beautiful card! The accuracy of the reading is off the charts for me, personally. :hugs:

I have written a short story (fairly recent), that includes a type of “mystical orbs” of light, trees, friendly creatures and some of the main colors of the background setting are green and purple. :slightly_smiling_face: The only short story written, that I felt a connection and depth with, on a personal level. I was floored by that picture, that Phoenix! How exciting, RC.

Been working to get more in touch with my creative side, as I lost touch with it for quite some time.

Indeed, I needed a reminder of this. :pray:t3::purple_heart::green_heart:


Thank you, @Rosechalice :heart:

I am not familiar with Tarot, but the description definitely resonates.


Coming Up Aces! A Short Tarot Lesson

The Ace of Cups is a powerful card in tarot, symbolizing new beginnings, emotional renewal, and the potential for deep love and fulfillment. This card is often associated with a period of emotional growth, where you might experience a new sense of emotional stability or a budding relationship.

It represents the potential of the heart, indicating a time when you are open to receiving love and compassion, or when your intuition and emotional understanding are particularly strong. The overflowing cup suggests an abundance of emotions, creativity, and spiritual fulfillment.

In readings, the Ace of Cups can suggest that you should trust your feelings and open your heart to new experiences. It can also indicate a time for healing and self-care, encouraging you to embrace kindness, empathy, and emotional connection. Remember, the significance of the card can vary depending on the context of your question and other cards in the reading.

The Ace of Wands is often associated with inspiration, new beginnings, and the birth of creative ideas or projects. It symbolizes the initial surge of energy that propels you towards a new path, whether it be in your personal or professional life. The Ace of Wands is a positive sign for those looking to initiate change, explore new opportunities, or express themselves more authentically.

In a tarot reading, the Ace of Wands encourages you to follow your instincts and to act on your creative impulses. This card is a positive sign for those looking to express themselves more authentically. The Ace of Wands invites you to embrace your inner strength, pursue your passions, and trust in your own creative energy.

The Ace of Pentacles carries significant symbolism in tarot, representing prosperity, new financial opportunities, and material success. This card is often associated with a new beginning in the realm of finance, physical health, or practical matters.

The pentacle, a symbol of earth and materiality, held by a hand emerging from a cloud, suggests that opportunities or gifts may appear unexpectedly or from an unforeseen source. The lush garden and path towards the mountains in the background signify a journey towards success and the potential for both material and spiritual growth.

In a reading, the Ace of Pentacles can suggest the beginning of prosperous ventures, financial stability, or the opportunity to build a secure foundation for future endeavors. It is a positive omen for business ventures, investments, and financial matters. It also encourages you to ground yourself and make practical plans for the future.

This card can be a reminder to take advantage of the opportunities around you and to trust in your ability to create abundance in your life. It signifies a time when you can plant the seeds for future success and watch them grow, provided you are willing to put in the effort and dedication.

The Ace of Swords is a symbolically rich tarot card. It represents new beginnings in the realms of intellect, communication, and thought. This card often signifies a breakthrough in understanding, a new level of mental clarity, or a moment of epiphany.

The sword, piercing through the clouds, suggests cutting through confusion to achieve clarity. This imagery emphasizes the power of the mind and the importance of using intellect and reason to navigate life’s challenges. The crown entwined with an olive branch at the tip of the sword represents victory, authority, and the balance of power with wisdom.

In a reading, the Ace of Swords can indicate a time to face the truth, make clear decisions, or stand up for your beliefs. It may signal a new idea or insight with significant impact. This card encourages clear thinking, effective communication, and the use of intellect to overcome obstacles. It serves as a reminder of the sharpness of truth and its power as a tool for overcoming challenges and achieving goals.


Thank you @Rosechalice and @Premintarsia for the luck readings and cards. Bit crazy how accurate they both are. It’s mentioned all things that I have been working on/through recently. I need to find that big push to get it all over the edge. Thank you both :pray:t3:


Don’t want to derail the fun and gratitude on this thread…

Just my thoughts.

It was intended for the person behind the name.

Even before we knew about adding in the ‘full details’
I have been typing out prompts that just says “me/my”
I still get messages that reflect themes, potentials or overall vibe I need to know.

When it’s a prompt without other details (ie pull a card for)
One can expect an

response, yet still encapsulates symbolism, connection, encourages introspection, act as mirrors, reflecting on current situation or state of mind, helps see things from a different perspective, etc.

If one is adept at ‘reading’ the imagery on the card, it makes it even more individualised.
images on the cards give associations and insights that you were not consciously aware of, helping to bring these to the surface

Applying the above in the ‘Cosmic Traveler’ card
How it applies to you, only you will know.
Higher self?
Intuitive nudges?
Food for thought?

Like Rose said, more personal info put in + the question you want (I also like to add in timeframe) the better answers.

It was fun pulling one for you! :crystal_ball:

What does a tarot card provide?

A tarot card in a reading can offer a variety of insights and perspectives, primarily through its rich symbolism and imagery. Here’s what a tarot card typically provides:

  • Symbolic Insight: Each tarot card is imbued with symbols and images that carry specific meanings. These symbols can offer insight into various aspects of your life, emotions, thoughts, and experiences.
  • Reflection and Perspective: A tarot card can serve as a mirror, reflecting your current situation or internal state. It can help you see things from a different angle or offer a new perspective on an issue you’re dealing with.
  • Guidance and Advice: While tarot cards do not predict the future, they can provide guidance. The interpretation of a card can suggest actions, attitudes, or considerations that may be helpful in your current circumstances.
  • Clarity: In situations that are confusing or overwhelming, a tarot card can bring clarity and focus, helping you to understand the underlying dynamics at play.
  • Personal Growth and Self-Awareness: Engaging with the imagery and meanings of tarot cards can foster self-awareness and personal growth. It encourages introspection and self-reflection.
  • Therapeutic Value: Many people find tarot readings therapeutic, as they can validate personal feelings and experiences, providing comfort and reassurance.
  • Problem-Solving: The symbolism in tarot cards can stimulate creative thinking and provide new ways of looking at a problem or challenge.
  • Connecting with the Subconscious: Tarot readings can tap into the subconscious mind, bringing to light hidden thoughts, feelings, and motivations.
  • Spiritual Connection: For some individuals, tarot readings offer spiritual insights, aiding in a deeper understanding of their life’s journey and spiritual path.

It’s important to remember that tarot readings are not definitive answers or solutions but rather tools for reflection and consideration. They are not a replacement for professional advice in areas like legal, medical, or financial matters. Instead, tarot cards should be used as a means for personal insight and growth.