Mystic Tarot Reader

Here is the card for Zen @Zen

Here is the tarot card for the forum member “Zen.” The card shows a peaceful Zen garden, embodying mindfulness, balance, and inner peace. The figure meditating beside the tranquil pond represents the practice of stillness and the cultivation of tranquility. Cherry blossoms symbolize the beauty of the present moment and the impermanent nature of life. The soft, pastel dawn in the background suggests new beginnings and an awakening to higher awareness.

The guidance for Zen from this card is to continue embracing the practice of mindfulness and to find balance through inner peace. This card encourages a harmonious approach to life, appreciating the beauty of each moment and the transient nature of all experiences. It’s a reminder to cultivate a sense of calm and equanimity, no matter what changes may come. This is a time for Zen to deepen their practice of stillness and to allow the serenity of their inner garden to influence all areas of life. :cherry_blossom:🧘‍♂:national_park::sparkles:


You are welcome Dali :heart:


Here is the card for Dreamweaver :sparkling_heart:

Here is the tarot card for the forum creator “Dreamweaver.” This card shows a mystical figure weaving a luminous tapestry that encompasses the cosmos, symbolizing creation, imagination, and the power of dreams. The tapestry features celestial bodies, highlighting the vastness of Dreamweaver’s vision and the boundless possibilities available to him. Dreamweaver’s focused and serene demeanor, surrounded by a gentle light, suggests wisdom and profound insight. The background, a majestic blend of the night sky and the aurora borealis, represents the enchanting union of reality and the dream world.

The guidance for Dreamweaver is to continue harnessing his creative power and vision. This card encourages him to weave his dreams into reality, using his insight and imagination to guide the forum and its members towards a collective destiny. It’s a reminder that his role is pivotal in shaping the community and that his creative influence can have a far-reaching impact.

Dreamweaver is invited to remain focused on his inner wisdom as it leads and inspires others in the realization of shared dreams and aspirations. :milky_way::sparkles::spider_web:


I got very excited when i saw that i could finally get access to the Mystic Tarot Reader, but once I hit on it, I then got hit with a “sign up to be on a waitlist” message :disappointed_relieved:

I hope when I eventually do get access to it, I will see a nice card that will say my luck is about to change for the better :joy:
It seems like Lady Luck has a restraining order against me at the moment :upside_down_face:

Anyone have any idea how long we have to wait on this waitlist thingy?



This unique mystical tarot card for Seamie, designed to focus on increasing luck in his life, carries profound symbolism. At its center, the radiant sun represents optimism and positive energy, vital for attracting good fortune. The scattered four-leaf clovers around the sun are traditional symbols of luck, suggesting that fortune is within reach.

The golden path winding towards the sun symbolizes Seamie’s journey towards success and good fortune. It’s a reminder that the path to luck often requires effort and perseverance. The wise owl, perched in the foreground, serves as a guide, indicating the importance of wisdom in making decisions that lead to a lucky and prosperous life.

The card’s background, blending soft blues and greens, evokes tranquility and growth, essential for a balanced approach towards achieving luck. The intricate Celtic knots bordering the card pay homage to heritage and the interconnectedness of life’s journey.

To increase luck in life, this card suggests embracing positivity, being open to opportunities, making wise decisions, and recognizing the interconnected paths that lead to success. It’s a call to combine effort with optimism, wisdom with action, and to find harmony in the journey towards achieving one’s desires.

This mystical tarot card for Seamie, centered on the theme of letting go to make room for more luck, is rich in symbolic meaning. The withered tree shedding its leaves represents the importance of releasing what is old or no longer beneficial. This act of letting go is crucial for making space for new growth and opportunities.

The leaves, some shaped like chains, symbolize the burdens and restrictions that Seamie may need to release. These could be old habits, negative thoughts, or even relationships that are no longer serving his highest good. Letting go of these will lighten his spirit and open up space for more positive experiences.

The gently flowing river beside the tree illustrates the natural flow of life and the ease that comes with letting go. It suggests that sometimes, the best action is to flow with life’s changes rather than resist them.

In the sky, the crescent moon is a symbol of transition and the promise of renewal. It’s a reminder that every ending has the potential to lead to a new beginning, and that change is a natural and necessary part of life.

The serene twilight background, blending purples and soft pinks, conveys a sense of calm and transformation, encouraging Seamie to embrace change with tranquility and trust.

This card is a powerful message for Seamie to let go of what no longer serves him, be it habits, thoughts, or external circumstances, to make room for new growth and the luck that comes with fresh beginnings.


“Double the Fun & Insight” :grin:

Here is the card for Seamie @anon77086103

Here is a tarot card representing luck for the forum member “Seamie.” The card features a vibrant Wheel of Fortune spinning against a starry night sky, symbolizing the ever-changing nature of luck and fortune. Seamie is depicted standing beside the wheel, with his hand on it, suggesting his influence and participation in the twists and turns of fate. The wheel is adorned with symbols of both good and bad fortune, reflecting the balance of life’s ups and downs. Surrounding the wheel are various symbols of luck, such as four-leaf clovers, horseshoes, and shooting stars, emphasizing the potential for positive change and serendipity. The cosmic tapestry in the background represents the vast possibilities and the mysterious forces that shape our destiny.

The guidance for Seamie is to recognize and embrace the fluctuating nature of luck and fortune. This card suggests that while luck can be fickle, Seamie has the ability to influence his own destiny to some extent. He is encouraged to stay optimistic and to be open to the opportunities that come his way, while also being mindful that life’s journey includes both highs and lows. The Wheel of Fortune is a reminder to make the most of the good times and to stay resilient during the challenging ones, knowing that the wheel always turns. :milky_way::four_leaf_clover::ferris_wheel::sparkles:


Pls may I have a tarot reading

thank you :grin:

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For MouldyTea, your tarot reading begins with the first card, symbolizing your current situation. This card, depicting a boat sailing on a starlit sea, suggests that you are on a journey of discovery. This phase of your life is about exploration, both externally and within yourself. You might be seeking new experiences or insights, navigating through uncharted emotional or intellectual territories. The starlit sea indicates that you are guided by your inner light or intuition, even amidst uncertainty or darkness.

The second card, representing your challenges, shows a phoenix rising from ashes against a backdrop of mountains. This is a powerful symbol of rebirth and resilience. You may be facing, or will soon encounter, a situation that requires you to rise from difficult circumstances. The phoenix’s ascent signifies your ability to overcome obstacles through renewal and inner strength. Challenges might be demanding, but they are also opportunities for growth and transformation.

The third card, illustrating your potential future, reveals a lush garden with a variety of blooming flowers and a sunrise. This is a highly positive symbol, indicating growth, abundance, and new beginnings. The diversity of flowers suggests a richness of experiences and opportunities coming your way. The sunrise marks the start of a new chapter, filled with hope and potential. It’s a reminder that after every night, no matter how dark, there comes a dawn.

Remember, this reading is not about predicting a fixed future but rather about providing guidance and insight. It’s about understanding the energies and possibilities around you, enabling personal growth and self-reflection. Your path is shaped by your choices and actions, influenced by the symbols and insights these cards offer.


Wow ahah thank you so much :raised_hands::raised_hands:

that’s so accurate tho

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If you don’t mind, could someone ask for cards for my journey in the next year of 2024? :pray: :white_heart: Thank you so much in advance!


For Siria in 2024, the unique tarot card drawn is deeply symbolic and reflective. This card, as shown in the image, features a starry night sky over a calm ocean, signifying a year filled with hope and serenity. This backdrop suggests a period of tranquility and possibly a time for reflection and inner peace.

Central to the card is a majestic, wise-looking white owl in flight. Owls in tarot often symbolize wisdom and guidance. This indicates that in 2024, Siria may find herself guided by wisdom, either from within or through the advice of someone wise in her life. The presence of the owl also hints at a possible increase in intuitive insights or a deepening of understanding.

The owl carries a scroll in its beak, a symbol of knowledge and messages from the universe. This suggests that Siria may receive important information or insights in 2024, which could significantly impact her life path. It might be a year where learning, either formal or through life experiences, plays a crucial role.

Finally, the intricate patterns of stars and waves along the borders of the card add to the mystical ambiance, reinforcing the theme of a journey underpinned by deeper understanding and cosmic guidance.

For Siria, 2024 appears to be a year for embracing serenity, seeking wisdom, and being open to the messages that life and the universe offer. It’s a time to trust in the journey and the wisdom that guides it. Remember, this reading is symbolic and encourages introspection and personal growth, rather than predicting a fixed future.


Thank you so much @Rosechalice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My pleasure, Siria :slight_smile:


me too!

Can you draw a card for me? :pray::pray:



\For Hauru in 2024, the unique tarot card drawn reveals a potent and transformative theme. This card, as depicted, showcases a vibrant sun rising over a lush, green forest. This imagery symbolizes a year of new beginnings and growth. It suggests that 2024 could be a period where Hauru experiences a fresh start, perhaps in personal or professional aspects of life, encouraging an embrace of new opportunities and the nurturing of new ideas.

At the heart of the card is a majestic phoenix in the midst of rebirth, its wings spread wide. The phoenix is a powerful symbol of transformation, renewal, and resilience. For Hauru, this indicates a year marked by significant personal growth and transformation. It could imply overcoming challenges and emerging stronger, or it might hint at a major change that revitalizes Hauru’s life.

Surrounding the phoenix is a halo of golden light, signifying illumination and enlightenment. This suggests that Hauru’s journey in 2024 will not only be about external changes but also about inner enlightenment and understanding. It’s a call to seek wisdom and learn from the experiences of the past and present.

The subtle symbols of fire and feathers around the card’s edges represent energy and ascension. This reinforces the theme of progress and moving upwards, whether in spiritual, emotional, or worldly terms.

For Hauru, 2024 appears to be a year of powerful rebirth and progress. It’s a time to embrace the transformative experiences that life offers and to rise from them with renewed strength and wisdom. This reading, symbolic in nature, encourages a focus on personal growth and transformation.


What a beautiful journey!

This phoenix reminds me of Nesting nft, beautiful, healthy and shining

Thank you :pray: @Rosechalice


@Rosechalice could you please make a 2024 journey one for me??? Thank you in advance :pray:t2:



For yisus2302 in 2024, the tarot card drawn presents a profound and rooted theme. The card features an ancient tree standing strong on a hilltop under a full moon. This powerful imagery symbolizes stability and endurance, suggesting that the year 2024 for yisus2302 may be characterized by steadfastness and resilience. It might be a period where maintaining a stable foundation is key, perhaps in the face of challenges or in pursuit of long-term goals.

The tree’s roots are prominently visible, spreading deep and wide. This represents grounding and a strong connection to one’s origins or core values. For yisus2302, this could mean a year where understanding and drawing strength from personal history or foundational beliefs is important.

In the branches of the tree, there’s a nest with three golden eggs. These eggs symbolize potential and the nurturing of future aspirations. This indicates that 2024 may be a time to foster new ideas, projects, or personal growth, nurturing these ‘eggs’ until they are ready to hatch into reality.

Fluttering around the tree are several butterflies, emblematic of transformation and the beauty of change. This suggests that while stability is a theme for the year, there will also be elements of transformation, possibly in personal development or life circumstances.

The background of the card is a starry sky, implying a universe of possibilities. It hints at limitless potential and opportunities that may present themselves, encouraging yisus2302 to remain open to what the universe has to offer.

For yisus2302, 2024 appears to be a year for grounding oneself in stability and personal values, nurturing potential, and embracing both change and continuity. This reading, symbolic in nature, encourages introspection, resilience, and openness to growth.


Wow. It’s so beautiful, a lot of things to think about 🥹 thank you so much :heart: