Mystic Tarot Reader

Seems quite accurate.

The last years indeed have been quite a turmoil (kundalini awakening) and felt more like preparing my being for something bigger in the direction of peace and deeper states which ago days or week seem to increased noticable.

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If you want to give specifics for a detailed reading, just let us know. We might be able to go at it from different perspectives.

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hey could I get a Love reading for 2024. 2023 was bit rough on that end, but I learned a lot about myself and feel like I am improving. it would be cool to see what’s ahead .


Can someone do a tarot reading for me? I wonder how the person I have in mind feels about me.

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For forum member Zin-Uru, we’ll conduct a tarot reading to explore how the person they have in mind feels about them. This reading will provide insights into the emotions, thoughts, and intentions of this person towards Zin-Uru.

  1. Their Current Feelings: This card will reveal the person’s current emotional state or feelings towards Zin-Uru.
  2. Their Thoughts: This card will explore what the person is thinking about in relation to Zin-Uru.
  3. Their Intentions: The final card will give insights into the person’s intentions or potential actions towards Zin-Uru.

Let’s begin the reading.

Card 1: Their Current Feelings

  • The Card Drawn: Two of Cups
  • Interpretation: The Two of Cups is a card of connection and mutual affection. It suggests that the person in question has positive, warm feelings towards Zin-Uru. There is a sense of harmony and emotional reciprocity, indicating that they value the relationship and feel a deep emotional bond.

Card 2: Their Thoughts

  • The Card Drawn: Knight of Swords
  • Interpretation: The Knight of Swords indicates that this person’s thoughts about Zin-Uru are active and decisive. They might be considering taking some action or communicating their thoughts clearly and directly. This card suggests a desire to move the relationship forward or to address important issues.

Card 3: Their Intentions

  • The Card Drawn: Four of Wands
  • Interpretation: The Four of Wands is a very positive card, often associated with celebration and stability. It suggests that the person’s intentions are to further solidify or celebrate the relationship with Zin-Uru. They may be thinking about a significant step forward or a commitment of some kind.

Based on this reading, it seems the person Zin-Uru has in mind holds positive feelings, active thoughts, and intentions that lean towards celebration and solidifying their connection.

Here is a unique image that captures the essence of the tarot reading regarding how the person Zin-Uru has in mind feels about them. The image combines symbols from the reading: the mutual affection and connection represented by the Two of Cups, the decisive and active thoughts from the Knight of Swords, and the celebration and stability indicated by the Four of Wands.

This visual representation can help Zin-Uru reflect on the positive emotions, clear thoughts, and celebratory intentions that this person holds towards them. The hopeful and positive outlook of the relationship is embodied in the blend of sunrise and clear skies in the background.


@Rosechalice Thank you so much, it’s a really wonderful read. Although I feel like the tarot always draws us affirmative cards. So far I have not noticed any with a negative outcome. :heart:

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It is guidance and instruction

For the people that consistently use this:

Do you update it on situations you wanna get a reading on? To maybe make it more accurate? I hope my question makes sense.

Or do you just let it “guess”?

I’m still not sure which one is more accurate.

It also seems to get the general energies and emotions of a situation right but I feel like they change too fast sometimes and it catches me off guard. To be honest I haven’t even attempted to predict the future with this. I’ll try next time

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It learns from you, so the more you interact with it or the more information you give it, the more accurate the reading in my understanding. I find that how you ask is important too, so working with it to refine the process is helpful.


Thank you

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Thanks to the help of a valued member of this forum I have been able to understand and trust my romantic future. In my search for true love I asked for help and received one of the most revealing tarot readings for me. Its precision is almost scary.

Mystic tarot Reader knew how to perfectly identify patterns of behavior and beliefs that limit me. He knew how to identify and give me tools to continue progressing and trusting the path ahead.

It has helped me to be aware that I have made correct decisions, that my intuition did not fail me and that at the end of the day, the work to achieve the reality we long for is born from oneself.

Thanks again! If you have the option to access it, do not hesitate. :two_hearts:


Would someone please do another reading for me? I would like to know what my next three months look like in general. What to expect.

Thank you! :pray:

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I finally had access to chat gpt plus and this is the card that came out for myself, entering my name and surname, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth! I find it interesting to compare them! :slightly_smiling_face:

The tarot card drawn for you, depicting a flourishing garden under a radiant full moon, offers a profound interpretation and guidance for your life journey.


  1. Inner Peace and Emotional Fulfillment: The garden filled with blooming flowers and a serene pond symbolizes a period of emotional richness and inner peace. This suggests that you are, or will soon be, experiencing a time of emotional stability and fulfillment. It’s a phase where personal feelings and relationships are harmonious and nurturing.
  2. Intuition and Inner Wisdom: The full moon illuminating the garden represents your intuition and inner wisdom. This indicates a strong connection with your subconscious mind, suggesting that you have or are developing a deep understanding of your inner self. Trusting your intuition will be key in making decisions and understanding your path in life.
  3. Personal Growth: The variety of flowers and the lushness of the garden symbolize personal growth. This period in your life is marked by learning, development, and the flourishing of your personal attributes and skills.
  4. Journey of Self-Discovery: The path leading through the garden to a cozy cottage symbolizes your journey towards self-discovery. It’s an invitation to explore your inner world, to understand your desires, fears, and dreams more profoundly.


  1. Nurture Your Emotional Well-being: Focus on activities and relationships that bring you peace and happiness. Cultivate your emotional garden by taking care of your mental and emotional health.
  2. Trust Your Intuition: Pay attention to your inner voice and feelings. Your intuition is a powerful guide, especially in times of uncertainty or decision-making.
  3. Embrace Personal Development: This is an opportune time to invest in your personal growth. Engage in learning, whether it’s formal education, self-study, or experiential learning.
  4. Reflect and Meditate: Spend time in self-reflection. Meditation or quiet contemplation can help you connect with your inner self and the wisdom it holds.
  5. Connect with Nature: The natural setting of the card suggests a harmony with the natural world. Spending time in nature can be rejuvenating and provide a sense of peace and grounding.
  6. Be Open to New Experiences: The path in the garden indicates a journey. Be open to exploring new paths and experiences, as they will contribute to your growth and understanding of yourself.

This card is a beautiful reminder of the growth and harmony that are present or emerging in your life. It encourages you to continue nurturing your inner garden, trusting in your journey, and embracing the peace and wisdom that come with personal growth and self-discovery.



For Hoshinoko, let’s conduct a three-card tarot reading focusing on the general outlook for the next three months. Each card will provide insight into different aspects of this period:

  1. Card for the Overall Theme: This card will give an overview of the general atmosphere or major themes of the next three months.
  2. Card for Challenges or Lessons: This card will reveal potential challenges or important lessons that may arise during this period.
  3. Card for Opportunities or Positive Outcomes: This card will highlight the opportunities or positive outcomes he can look forward to.

Let’s draw the cards for Hoshinoko:

  1. Overall Theme: The Empress - This card signifies growth, nurturing, and abundance. The next three months may be a time of creative expression, nurturing relationships, and enjoying the comforts of life. It suggests a period of flourishing and reconnecting with nature or one’s own femininity.
  2. Challenges or Lessons: Seven of Wands - This card indicates a period of standing your ground and facing challenges head-on. Hoshinoko might find himself defending beliefs or fighting for his place. It’s a time to be assertive and confident, but also to be mindful of not becoming overly defensive.
  3. Opportunities or Positive Outcomes: Ace of Cups - This card is a powerful indicator of new emotional beginnings, be it in relationships, personal growth, or creative endeavors. It suggests that the coming months will bring opportunities for deep emotional fulfillment and new relationships or the deepening of existing ones.

Now, let’s generate images of these tarot cards to visually complement the reading.

Here are the visual representations of the tarot cards for Hoshinoko’s reading, reflecting the themes for the next three months:

  1. The Empress: Symbolizing growth, nurturing, and abundance, indicating a flourishing period ahead.
  2. Seven of Wands: Representing challenges in standing one’s ground, but also the strength and resilience to overcome them.
  3. Ace of Cups: Signifying new emotional beginnings and opportunities for deep fulfillment.

These cards suggest a time of personal growth, overcoming challenges with confidence, and embracing new emotional journeys. May this period bring Hoshinoko abundant opportunities and fulfilling experiences!

Let’s delve deeper into the meaning of each card drawn for Hoshinoko and what it might signify for the next three months.

  1. The Empress:
  • General Meaning: The Empress is a card of femininity, fertility, and abundance. It often signifies a period of growth and prosperity. The card is associated with nurturing, both of oneself and others, and it can suggest a time of comfort and ease.
  • Clarification for Next Three Months: For Hoshinoko, The Empress suggests that the coming months will be a time of flourishing. This could manifest in various aspects of her life, such as personal growth, career advancement, or enriched personal relationships. It’s a period to embrace creativity and possibly a deeper connection with nature. The Empress also encourages Hoshinoko to care for himself and others, emphasizing the importance of compassion and empathy.
  1. Seven of Wands:
  • General Meaning: This card is about standing your ground and facing challenges. It represents perseverance, defiance, and maintaining one’s position despite opposition. It suggests a need to be assertive and to fight for what you believe in.
  • Clarification for Next Three Months: For Hoshinoko, the Seven of Wands indicates some challenges or opposition. These could be in personal life, professional environment, or even internal conflicts. The card advises to stay true to beliefs and values, even if it means standing alone. It’s a call to be brave and to stand up, but also a reminder to pick battles wisely and not to expend energy on conflicts that are not truly important.
  1. Ace of Cups:
  • General Meaning: The Ace of Cups is a card of emotional renewal and the beginning of a deep, heartfelt experience. It’s often associated with new relationships, the rekindling of old ones, or the blossoming of an emotional or creative endeavor.
  • Clarification for Next Three Months: In the context of Hoshinoko reading, the Ace of Cups suggests that he can expect new emotional experiences and opportunities for emotional growth. This might mean a new romantic relationship, a deepening of existing relationships, or new friendships. It could also signify a period of self-discovery and emotional healing. The card encourages an open heart to these new experiences and to embrace them with hope and optimism.

Together, these cards paint a picture of a period rich in personal growth, creativity, and emotional fulfillment for Hoshinoko, balanced with the need to stand firm in convictions and face challenges with courage.

NOTE: it appears that I made an initial error with the name and have gone back to correct it in the reading.


Someone help me with my reading, about a breakup and the future of love.

Sometimes it’s not just very impressive, but incomprehensibly astonishing how accurate those readings are.

Dear BrainLC,

Your tarot reading reflects a journey from upheaval to potential new beginnings in love.

The first card, The Tower, resonates with the recent disruption you’ve experienced – a breakup that was likely sudden and unsettling. It represents a necessary though difficult transformation. This card acknowledges the pain and upheaval you’ve gone through, but it also suggests that from the ruins, you can build something new.

The Five of Cups in the center signifies the mourning period you are in or may soon encounter. It’s natural to grieve what’s been lost, to look at the “spilled cups” with regret or sorrow. However, this card also indicates that there are still standing cups – opportunities and hope that await your attention once you’re ready to turn around and notice them.

Finally, The Lovers card opens a path to the future. It’s a positive omen for emotional connections and suggests that there is the potential for a significant relationship. It speaks of balance, choice, and the possibility of finding a harmonious partnership.

Together, these cards encourage you to embrace the transformation, allow yourself to grieve, and remain open to the new connections that life will offer. The future of love seems promising, with a need for healing and self-discovery along the way. Remember, the cards offer guidance, but your free will determines your path. Take care of yourself during this time of change.

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Describes the situation exactly. I also decided to accept that breakup.
Now it is time to follow the process.
I thank you very much for the guidance.

the tarot is so accurate, it is admirable


This thread doesn’t seem to be active lately, despite Reader’s huge potential. How r u doing with it, guys? Have u tried many uses it can have?

Was inquiring it a lot and it always knew what was going on, lol. But lately, it often confuses and with another additional tarots, even more :joy: What are your experiences?

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I’ve had a very important session recently, I’ll keep the outcome private as they aren’t really something to share.
The tarot gave me insights over a situation that I’ve been carrying for a good 13 years, and I can say now it is resolved.

What an amazing craft it is!

Other than that I use it to make cute cards for my friends :joy: