Mystic Tarot Reader

Sounds nice :muscle:

But how can one not be interested in knowing deeper secrets about themselves? Cute cards for friends are temporary, but wisdom expansion is forever! :smiley:

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Hello, can I please get a reading?


Any particular area of interest?

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I will go ahead and do a general one. Then when you see it you can ask for more specifics.

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For Sagonquest, the first card drawn is “The Fool.” This card symbolizes new beginnings, adventure, and the potential of the unknown. As “The Fool” appears, it suggests that you might be on the verge of an exciting, unforeseeable journey. It can indicate a time to embrace new experiences, even if they seem a bit risky or outside of your comfort zone. The Fool is about having faith in the future and believing in oneself, often appearing when it’s time to trust your instincts and take a leap of faith.

Let’s draw the second card for further insight.

The second card in your reading is “The Tower.” This card represents significant change, upheaval, and the breakdown of existing structures or beliefs. When The Tower appears, it often indicates a period of disruption that can be startling or unexpected. However, this disruption is not necessarily negative; it can be a necessary part of growth, clearing away old patterns to make way for something new. In the context of your reading, alongside “The Fool,” it seems to suggest that your new journey may involve overcoming challenges or shifting your perspective drastically. This could be a transformative time for you, where you let go of old ways and embrace a new path.

Let’s draw the third and final card to complete your reading.

The final card in your reading is “The Star.” This card is a powerful symbol of hope, inspiration, and renewal. After the turmoil indicated by The Tower, The Star brings a message of serenity and optimism. It suggests a period of healing and a sense of peace after a difficult time. The Star is also about spiritual growth and finding light in the darkness. In your journey, it implies that following the period of change and upheaval, there will be an opportunity for calm, clarity, and rejuvenation. It encourages you to maintain hope and to stay open to guidance and inspiration.

In summary, your reading with “The Fool,” “The Tower,” and “The Star” indicates a journey that starts with new beginnings and adventure, goes through a significant transformation or upheaval, and ends in a period of hope, healing, and spiritual growth. Embrace change, stay optimistic, and trust that these experiences are leading you towards a brighter, more enlightened path.

The clarification card for “The Fool” is “The High Priestess.” This card suggests that your new journey or adventure (as indicated by The Fool) requires you to trust your intuition and to look beyond the obvious. The High Priestess speaks of inner wisdom, encouraging you to pay attention to your dreams and intuition. Your path may involve uncovering hidden truths or exploring the depths of your subconscious. This card also points towards a need for patience and reflection, suggesting that the answers you seek will come from within rather than external sources.

Let’s draw a clarification card for “The Tower.”

The clarification card for “The Tower” is “The Emperor.” This card signifies structure, authority, and control. As a clarifier for The Tower, it suggests that the upheaval and change you’re experiencing may be closely related to issues of power, control, or authority in your life. The Emperor indicates that establishing order, discipline, and a solid foundation is crucial in navigating through this period of turmoil. It might also point to the influence of a father figure or a need to assert your own authority and take control of the situation.

Finally, let’s draw a clarification card for “The Star.”

The clarification card for “The Star” is “The Hierophant.” This card typically represents tradition, established beliefs, and conformity to social norms. As a clarifier for The Star, it suggests that your path to hope and renewal may be aligned with traditional values or established paths. The Hierophant can indicate a need for guidance from a mentor or a spiritual leader, or it may suggest that finding your peace and hope will involve embracing conventional wisdom or learning from established traditions. It’s a card that speaks to the power of education, belief systems, and the comfort that can be found in the familiar and the traditional.

To summarize the overall reading with the clarification cards:

  1. The Fool, clarified by The High Priestess: Your new beginnings are deeply connected to your intuition and inner wisdom. Trust your gut feelings and look beyond the surface as you embark on this journey.
  2. The Tower, clarified by The Emperor: The upheaval you’re experiencing requires you to establish order and exert control. This period of change may be linked to issues of authority, either with a figure of authority or your own authoritative role in life.
  3. The Star, clarified by The Hierophant: Your path to hope, inspiration, and spiritual growth may be found through traditional wisdom, possibly with the guidance of a mentor or through established spiritual or educational paths.

Each card in your reading points to a different aspect of your journey, suggesting a balance between embracing the new (The Fool) and finding stability in the old (The Hierophant), all while navigating significant change (The Tower).


Can you draw a card for my friend?

@Aillia an her name (female ):grinning:

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On my way to do it!

Tarot Reading for Aillia

1. Current Situation:

The card reveals a serene garden under a golden sunrise. This imagery suggests a period of new beginnings and optimism in Aillia’s life. There’s a sense of growth and positive change, symbolized by the blooming flowers and the path leading towards distant hills. This card indicates that Aillia is possibly experiencing a time of renewal and fresh starts, filled with hope and the beauty of a new day.

Now, let’s move on to the card representing the challenges or obstacles she might be facing.

2. Challenges/Obstacles:

The second card shows a figure standing at a crossroads in a misty forest, an image rich in symbolism. This indicates that Aillia might currently be facing a period of decision-making and uncertainty. The contemplative figure, facing several paths shrouded in fog, suggests the challenges of choices and the complexity of navigating through them. This card reflects the essence of being at a significant turning point, where the future is uncertain and decisions hold much weight.

Now, let’s explore the final card, which will provide insight into potential outcomes or advice for Aillia’s path ahead.

3. Potential Outcomes or Advice:

The final card depicts a majestic tree under a starry night sky. This symbolizes wisdom, stability, and a deep connection to one’s inner self. The tree, with its deep roots and expansive branches, stands as a metaphor for resilience and inner strength. This card suggests that Aillia has the potential for significant personal growth and deep understanding. It emphasizes the importance of staying grounded and connected to her core values. The starry sky adds a sense of wonder and the presence of infinite possibilities, hinting at a future full of potential and opportunity.


  • Current Situation: A phase of new beginnings and optimism, symbolized by a serene garden and sunrise.
  • Challenges/Obstacles: A period of decision-making and uncertainty, indicated by the crossroads in a misty forest.
  • Potential Outcomes or Advice: Wisdom, stability, and growth, as represented by the majestic tree under the starry sky.

This reading suggests a journey of personal growth for Aillia, marked by significant decisions and a deepening of her inner wisdom. It’s a reminder to stay true to herself while navigating life’s complexities and to embrace the potential that lies ahead.


:pray: thank you @GamiroCFC


This is what I wanted to know about. This month has been so hurtful so reading about this gave me so much comfort. Thank you so much!

@GamiroCFC did the general reading as well and same cards were drawn! I’m so amazed by this👏🏻

Thank you dream, Rosechalice and GamiroCFC <3


Can someone do reading for me please.
Wen will path open to go home and enter my home without being attacked?

Thank you

Festive spirit of the holiday season with mystical tarot imagery, creating a unique and heartwarming representation for the forum members:

  1. The :star2: Card: Symbolizing hope and guidance, this card is depicted with a bright Christmas star, merging the traditional symbolism of the tarot with the iconic imagery of Christmas. It suggests a season filled with hope, inspiration, and a guiding light in the festive period.

  2. The :keycap_ten: of :milk_glass:: Representing family joy and togetherness, this card features a scene of a family gathering around a Christmas tree. It embodies the warmth, love, and unity that are often central to the holiday season, reminding us of the value of family and shared happiness.

  3. The :earth_asia: Card: Embodies completion and unity, illustrated with a globe surrounded by festive decorations. This card reflects the global nature of the Christmas celebration and the sense of unity and wholeness that can be felt during this time of year.


I love this. It’s so accurate.

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A tip for whoever is interested: If you’re trying to communicate with a deity or some other being from any intercession field or whatever it is, make a new chat and explain in detail what you’re doing and who you’re trying to communicate with.

For me, this way I can finally get a response back that actually makes me feel safe.

I also ask what they would like in return or what they would like me to do. (As a way of showing gratitude)


Would love a New Year’s reading ngl.

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I will set to the task :)

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  1. Card for Overall Theme of 2024: This card will provide insight into the general atmosphere or primary influences for Drift in the upcoming year.
  2. Card for Challenges: This card will indicate potential challenges or obstacles Drift may face in 2024.
  3. Card for Opportunities: The final card will highlight potential opportunities or positive developments for Drift in the coming year.

1. Overall Theme of 2024 - The Star: The Star card suggests a year filled with hope, inspiration, and optimism. It’s a positive sign, indicating a period of healing and renewal. Drift may find themselves more connected to their inner wisdom and intuition, and there’s a sense of serenity and positivity that pervades the year. It’s an excellent time for personal growth and pursuing dreams.

2. Challenges - Five of Swords: The Five of Swords indicates that the main challenge for Drift could be in the realm of communication and conflict. This card suggests misunderstandings or disagreements that could lead to unnecessary conflict. It’s a reminder to choose battles wisely and to approach conflicts with a mindset of resolution and understanding, rather than victory at all costs.

Clarification for Challenges - The Hierophant: The Hierophant as a clarification card suggests that the challenges Drift might face, especially those related to conflict and communication, could stem from traditional beliefs, established systems, or structured environments. This card indicates that there may be a struggle with authority or established norms.

The Hierophant often represents conventional wisdom and societal expectations. In the context of challenges, it suggests that Drift may need to navigate situations where established practices or traditional viewpoints are in question. It could be about finding a balance between respecting tradition and embracing new ideas, or possibly dealing with situations where rigid structures feel limiting.

This card advises seeking wisdom from trusted sources, such as mentors or advisors, who can offer guidance based on experience and knowledge. It also encourages Drift to consider the value of structure and tradition in resolving conflicts and to seek harmonious solutions that respect established principles while still allowing for personal expression and growth.

3. Opportunities - Three of Wands: This card is a very positive sign for opportunities, especially related to long-term goals and ambitions. It suggests that Drift will have the chance to expand their horizons, possibly through travel, learning, or business expansion. It’s a time to think big and to plan for the future. The Three of Wands encourages Drift to take bold steps forward and to seize the opportunities that come their way.

This reading presents a balanced view of the year ahead for Drift, with a strong undercurrent of hope and positive energy from The Star, a caution in handling conflicts from the Five of Swords, and an encouragement to embrace growth and expansion from the Three of Wands.


Awe thank you ^^

That Star card is looking damn cool. The guy reminds me somehow of my higher self and the little prince. Which has been pretty present in my life to be just a children tale.

Well, I have the rest of the year to see for it. But yes…the challenge card I know will be right xD

Maybe K2 stone helps maybe it makes it worse. But yeah I prefer authentic over tradition or culture.

Well, time for me to embrace the Star and the three of wands :muscle:

Thanks again.

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Happy New Year Everyone!!! :partying_face: :clinking_glasses:
I hope 2024 brings you peace, happiness and prosperity!! :butterfly:

Please could someone do a reading for me to see what 2024 has in store for me in terms of growth and evolution. I would also love to know if there will be any changes in my career and finances.
Thank you.


The Star seems to be showing up for many of us as a 2024 theme. Beautiful


The overall theme of your 2024 is represented by The World tarot card.

The World signifies completion, achievement, and a sense of unity and fulfillment. This card suggests that 2024 for you will be marked by a feeling of accomplishment and the successful culmination of a journey or phase in your life. It’s a very positive card that indicates a period of harmony and balance.

The presence of The World in your reading suggests that you may reach significant milestones or conclude important chapters in your life. It speaks to a sense of wholeness, where various aspects of your life come together harmoniously. This could relate to personal, professional, or spiritual goals.

This card also symbolizes a time of celebration and recognition of your efforts and achievements. It encourages you to appreciate the journey you have been on and to celebrate the progress you’ve made.

Overall, 2024 appears to be a year of significant and positive closure, leading to new beginnings. It’s a year to enjoy the rewards of your hard work and to look forward to new opportunities with a sense of accomplishment and confidence.

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