Good for you, for loving yourself so much that you’re championing for your healing. Not everyone would do that, so (I think) you deserve great congratulations.
To answer your question, I would recommend to you the PONR stack (either the original version (and, for your described situation, I would add in all the optional fields mentioned there) or _OM’s Modified “Point of No Return” Stack. It’s all laid out for you and does an amazing job.
Can you add your paid fields in there? Sure. You can do anything you want to do.
But if I were in your situation, I would make a commitment to listen to the PONR stack (either version)–only–on a consistent basis for the next 3 months to heal the underlying issues you’ve identified for yourself.
If I was pressed to add something to the PONR stack, it might be Archetype of Parental Love and/or My personal emotional and mental supporter.
You’re on your way to the healing that you want. Good for you!