Need help manifesting this, recommended audios?

Terrible heatwave here, too hot to step out, let alone travel long distances. People have died from heatstrokes even. Most establishments had to shut down for a day or 2 in between because it had gotten unbearable. Amidst all this, my university has decided to conduct exams in awful conditions, where students need to travel long distances and sit in a dilapidated room with no air-conditioning.

Trying to manifest online examinations with the cone of power audio and asking for help via alien intercession. Could any other audios help manifest this? Any advice is appreciated.


Try also angelic intercession and the new luck album.

In fact I think all the luck Ɣudios can only help. Like taffeite, favor of the sanxing, the old luck audio with law of attraction etc

I hope all goes well!


The most helpful thing for me, last summer, was to buy air conditioning.

Fields can help, but when itā€™s extreme heat, it is the best solution.
I even went to the hospital once, I think I even wrote aboit it on the forum, I think I asked for help, if I remember correctly (or was it for other issue, maybe Idk, I forgot).

As for fields, try these:

(wait a couple minutes)

(sorry for the long break :pray::sweat_smile:)

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Thanks! Most of us have aur conditioning at home, but the unis are quick to cheapen out. Even in this terrible heat, they are reluctant to install ACs. I canā€™t write a 3 hour exam in a 40ā° C and above environment :sob:

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I feel the same with the heat here in my side of the :earth_asia:
Could use
I kindly ask the Environmental Transformer Servitor (Patreon) to bring in coolness, adjust temp to comfortable one
Mass Med 2.0 as well
Perhaps call in Raindrops
For yourself Five Elements Balanced
Always charge water with Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger

Probability Wave, and as they mentioned intercession.
I like to call in the kind help of Divine Grandmother (The Blessed Path NFT) as well as Angelic +