Need some help - to get to baseline relatively quick

Hi friends,

I’m struggling a bit with my mental health at the moment and need some guidance / suggestions. So a bit of a background. I’ve been the top performer at work for a number of years but lately my motivation to work and get things done has deteriorated quite a lot due to an incident that occurred at work.

A few days ago someone at work shouted at me and told me ‘you live a sad, miserable life revolving around work and your life will end in front of a bridge’. For context, I work in finance! As most of you can imagine, my mental health took a hit, and I haven’t felt like this in ages. Now I need to quickly get back to baseline since I’ve got a very tough exam in exactly 25 days time and time is currently not on my side. Would you guys recommend any fields to quickly get my mental health back to baseline.

Would welcome any and every suggestion. I’ve already started using PONR and malleable ego :slight_smile:

Try Ego Dissolution meditation and ask yourself why did u let what ppl say come under your skin.

Then, you might like to try:

  • Projection Shield from Psychic University
  • Confidence field
  • Subconscious Limits Removal
  • Intelligence Liberation from Psychic University (gumroad)

And perhaps Emotional states liberation from Psychic university and some Emotional shielding field.


Brilliant - thanks for the suggestion @Powren :slight_smile:

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I would also add
SM’s Resilience audio