Negative Karma Removal Tools (Fields)

adm what is an a–h—?

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You will find the answer to this question here: What is a soul contract?


Google has a wealth of information, especially for beginners, including a lot of the right information and from reliable sources to find answers to most of these questions. Remember, there are no gurus on this forum who will answer any question with 100 percent certainty, we are all seekers of truth here.

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Also, if among us there is a Guru or Deity who knows the answers to all questions with 100 percent certainty, please create a topic on the forum: questions to the great Guru.
I will ask him many questions one of the first.

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I find it strange precisely because all the information is on the Internet, in the search engine, in books I am one of those people who themselves are looking for the truth, reading a lot of information every day.
There is nothing strange about the questions. It will be best if you yourself find the answers to your questions and you become a guru.

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I don’t think that I am a teacher, if you consider yourself like that, then you probably need to work with your students. I try to watch and read in the right places. There is such a thing as Guru, you probably also do not know how to search on Google. I always help in my life if they turn to me, if they need advice from me, I will give it to them.

We all interact with each other and that’s good. This is just an exchange of our experience.
You said Guru is no:

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I believe that the teacher is not higher and not better than the student and that when we exchange experiences we become wiser and better together. You can get spiritual information from anywhere, even from TV news, search engine, magazine articles.

I’m telling you that I don’t have such an ego that I consider myself a teacher, i on a par with all of you, we all know something, I’m glad to share what I know myself and I’m looking for the truth together with all of you. We all learn, ask questions, look for answers to them, together we become wiser and better. Unfortunately, many people themselves are mistaken and convince others, behave aggressively. This is mainly with their ego and due to the fact that there is a lot of information and it is often contradictory. We often look for answers to questions within ourselves and find them there. Also, if we really want to find the truth, we can find it everywhere: on Google, TV News, Articles, Newspapers. If you know a deity who lives on this planet and knows the answers to all questions with 100 percent accuracy, please connect me with him, I have many questions for him.


I’ll tell you with 100 percent accuracy: It’s not strange to ask questions, it’s strange not to try to find answers to them yourself, especially when the answers are everywhere it’s also strange when people behave rudely and disrespectfully towards each other and believe that they have achieved a lot on their spiritual path. I would really like this forum to be a place of exchange of high energies and great wisdom, I would like us to look for the truth together in order to become wiser and better.

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A question is easy only for one where the one who knows the answer. The information that is on Google, in books or elsewhere is also answers to questions (even easy questions) that people have asked and that others have answered.This forum also makes sources of information (such as books, websites, and others) on which answers have been found (even easy ones).In short, what also makes a force of this forum, is that one can be member whatever is our level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced).

Yes, there should not be teachers, people who think that they know better, we all study here and any opinion is important to us, thanks to all of us we are becoming wiser and better every day. We all learn from each other. We are all looking for the truth among the vast amount of information. And we all have something to learn from each other. Respect each other’s opinions and look for answers to your questions, believe me you will definitely find them. Peace and goodness to you in search of your spiritual path.

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Your spiritual development and level of knowledge gives me reason to believe that I in this topic should bring more clarity, for more understanding.
I want to give you knowledge in order to understand the Guru in the true spiritual sense, the guru is more than a teacher, he is the one who dispels darkness and directs to the light: Previously, the concept of Guru included the highest souls or deities, they were also called Sons of God, who decided to be embodied on this planet, to make it brighter and people more enlightened, such high souls were: Issa (Jesus Christ), Krishna, El Morya and many others, they taught people, studied with them, they lived with them on equal terms, with them there was no ego. All these souls stand on a high pedestal and we need to take an example from them.
Now, the concept of the Guru is interpreted arbitrarily and can mean both the teacher and the spiritual person, and much more.
In fact, we are not equal in many respects, in the origin of our souls, by the frequency of our vibration, in experience, in wisdom, in skin color, much more, but we are all particles of God.
Here is another thing I want to tell you that we live in an era when there is no Guru and now we are looking for all the answers ourselves and no one should lead us, since we are not sheep, and the Guru will not bother us.

Users, please keep the discussion relevant to the topic and please do not resort to disrespectful comments. Please read the Forum Policy here.


According to feedback from @anon26869922, in this attached commentary, the dark servant can erase the negative karma.

PS: this is not a debate on the existence or non-existence of karma, and even less to say if we can modify or delete it, in other words, I just share a testimony lived by a member of the forum. Because, the main purpose of this thread is to shed light on the tools that can potentially remove karma.


Dreamweaver’s forum is an information exchanging platform. That’s how he intended it and it is seen through all the different topics and how they allow all of it. Very good intentions on his part.

What’s really great is how we can all gather on here from different parts of the world and share/ receive information that we have or didn’t have. We learn things from information when it’s presented with different point of views as well. See things from a new angle. I learn a lot coming on here.

I’ve learned so much through the internet my self. I was on online since the beginning when i was 5 years old. Most of everything i know came from online to be honest. I was in Google and YouTube when it first launched in early 90’s. You just need to be able to filter information. I believe it was easier to come across back then though. :+1:

I learned programming languages online. Python, borland c++, pearl all online. Lots of good resources.


Anybody remember these engines? Archie, created in 1990. Then came vlib, veronica, jughead, altavista, infoseek, Netscape hotbot, lycos, etc…

These were the best days for me. I went to school got poor grades, then went online and learned what i wanted.

Remember mosaic,? Took about 3 hrs to watch a very poor quality video clip online. :grinning:

P.s. sorry for going off topic


kay, now please tell us, “does Dream believe in soul guiders, does he has his Soul guiders and did he met them with his abilities already?”
do we call demons with your attract love and prosperity and abundance and your sigils and all this stuff? 'cause if we do, we’d better know it :wink: if you want to convince us for your work my friend you’ve gotta be crystal clear with what you believe, ready to die for it. or else you are fooling us. there is no “we just don’t get involved” and emotional talk, thas BS. facts please. if you have such sensitivities, then you have surely met “them”. either you are fooling us, or you don’t have 'em

You are a moron, and they don’t owe you a thing.

Dream does NOT use demons. I do. *edit: I do not in fields where their help is not listed


i have read all the filed descriptions and none says anything about demons. which are they?