Negentropic Dragon

Nah, not “sneaky,” more “fun,” according to Cap’n.



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I see 5 faces to the right side of the castle but nothing to its left. This dragon reminds me of the 7 headed purple dragon I saw in my first successful mushroom trip. That was a gorgeous beast mean looking though in white and purple with shiny scales. And it was under water!

Something like this but pure majesty!


me too, just yesterday my number was 144, so…


It feels like a game of thrones. A huge Dragon flies over you


This adorable dragon is pretty talkative haha…

She has been showing me some images. Of battles, of fire (either from earthquake or volcano), of buildings and structures (that seem super Scifi), etc. She has been around for a long time and tells me she has seen a LOT of things. Her capacity to send me images far exceeds my capacity to process them. So, I repeated several times in my mind, “one at a time”.

One of my guides, who simply identifies himself as “from Agartha” (I call him Mr. Grumps) says she is a new dragon from the new world (but from his perspective, time is a whole different thing)…

Last night, I felt a bit of heartburn (thanks to some unhealthy late-night snack) and I requested her to send me some healing energy. Felt relief immediately.

She does not seem to care too much for my Fae Servitor (seems to ignore) but she seems very attentive to the Crystal Skull. I was doing a ritual for Kali last night, and the presence of the Goddess was felt only for a few moments, and Lady Dragon was very reverentially greeting her.

So far, my experience with Madame Dragon has been nothing short of phenomenal. Maybe, “maybe” she will be my new favorite soon (Mr. Skull, I won’t forget you, ever!)


beautiful post! enjoy the relation…ship…more or less she is a dragon who is interested in us. knowing us. helping us. loyal to man. not so often does this happen or i am mistaken?..again a real…dragon…not a sample.


She " the dragon" can understand any language, right ?


im not sensitive to energy, so when requesting something from her , i ll just speak to her like talking to a friend or do i need to visualize what i want for example requesting some healing on where to send the energy ??

and , do i need the printed nft near me when i talk to her or just having the image in the phantom wallet already enough ?



Yes. (And, no, I’m not being a smart-ass there. It’s just that when you speak, you can’t help but “visualize” at the same time. That’s the way our human minds work. That visualization isn’t going to be a 4K or IMAX experience with Surround Sound; you don’t need any of that for your dragon. She’s got you.)

I think you need to have your printed call card within your auric field (about as wide as your arms outstretched from your body, 360-degrees around).


Thank you @WellBeing :grinning::grinning::grinning:


In my personal experience. After I bought the NFT and introducing myself to The Dragon, I can call her without having the image near me.

Could be wrong though. Need others to verify.



I mean it is Friday night after all


Does she have a name or are we the one to give her one ?




Could I ask her if she would support my favorite soccer club and other people?

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Napoles? :point_right:t3::point_left:t3::sweat_smile:

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But yeah lol try asking her to do that and just focus on her and yourself and you’ll feel fire works! lol


So, this creature can not only protect you, but she can do lots of things for you (like healing and such, whatever request you make and she can handle them in possible way)??

What is the difference of this one and Dragon Golem from Patreon?

This sounds sooooo cool
Captain has lots of new items, which I am always tempted to buy…!!!


Miss Dragon :dragon: is very powerful and capable of doing soooo much. I was in the middle of traveling and I felt protected throughout my journey.

An example was during a flight, we were told to buckle up because there would be bad turbulence coming up for the next while. I asked for her protection for the entire plane and to make sure we have a smooth, safe flight and keep the plane steady. There were only a couple of slight bumps but that was it!! It felt like she was flying next to us and making sure the plane remained steady and safe. I felt very protected with her by my side. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dragon:

@Captain_Nemo How big is she?


Wow…only called on her twice but your post has inspired me to work with her more.