Negentropic Dragon


:+1: :pray:


I feel stronger tonight, for sure. I am a very insular and introvert personā€¦ and I always like to be alone (apart from the company of my children which I of course love) But tonight I feel supported, less alone. And I like that feeling. Something big shifted. Hmmm, I like this little dragon.


114 copies and a price of $ 114 ? :thinking: :wink:


The minting number can be known after buying it and recieved in the wallet. So he/she knows this through buying one of it and make this known on the forum.


Smart move :+1::+1:

So we donā€™t become like Mr T. :grin:


Dear @Captain_Nemo i have her in my wallet since this morning!

Wonderful trustworthy gentle and super strong creature it is!
Clever and friendly.

for the clayvoiant folk here in the forum:

by first meeting with her ask her to be with you as long she sees fit and then ask here how long is this in human hours for example. ā€¦

she will know and respond. then tell her she is free to go after the said time is up.

then of course you can call her in need.

what i felt from the above posts is nothing compared to what it was when she came into my wallet / lifeā€¦

respect for your achievement @Captain_Nemo and respect for her!

she is a wow girl!!!

i wear her on a pendant with the monkā€¦ no probs.(booth sides- one NFT)


After you complete the transfer to your wallet, the webpage will show you the link to download the image. The distribution from Sapien Shop and Sound Weave is done on solana chain, which is different from that of teespring (polygon chain).

Interestingly, this one comes in jpg format, unlike the former png formatted ones.


yes, thanks, everything is ok, then I solved it ā€¦ I didnā€™t understand why everything is different, apart from that I have to deal with the English language ā€¦ but itā€™s all settled, I downloaded it, very easy! thank you again!


Can anyone give an example of those ā€œwarranted situationsā€ ??

Somone following u


In the astral plane or a lucid dream when you are being attacked.


So basically by wearing it the dragon is automatically able to recognize for attacks being done to you and instantly protect you against those? Also, does it also work for negative energies or general negative influence in your life created by others (such as envy, jealousy, directed bad luck, stuff like thatā€¦) that does affect one indirectly?


These are all great questions for @Captain_Nemo. I donā€™t know if any of itā€™s automatic for those things. That would be awesome.



but if you welcome her at first she will react for what you have attached to you at you at firstā€¦

she really goes when you agree together with her when it is okay for her not to be arround.

she is very easily summoned also.


ā€œOn demand call cardā€

Assume u must call her if u need her, unless she is already with you (ā€œon demandā€).
I assume this is 1 Dragon we all are sharing.

What isnt known yet is if this dragon can be in many places at once : )


Are all the items on sound weave limited copies?

So far just the NFTā€™s


What @SilverZuzu said.

When you really think about it, you donā€™t want any being (particularly one this powerful) making those sorts of judgement calls for you because their idea of what an ā€œattackā€ is will be different from yours.

Think about it. Youā€™re messing around with your buds; it looks like wrestling to outsiders. It looks like an ā€œattack,ā€ but probably donā€™t think so. Or say youā€™re in aā€“ermā€“ā€œpermissiveā€ relationship (similar to one thatā€™s the subject of a famous, current libel suit) and you get smacked on the tush. That looks like an ā€œattack,ā€ but you might not want the dragon to go all HAM on your lover or your buds. Thatā€™s why you want your ability to decide and to call, you see?

Although itā€™s not part of the product description, a forum friend posted above that they experienced some of this.


This is what I suppose, too. And I guess this is the reason this NFT has particularly small amount of mints.


I still donā€™t know what it means that this being is Negentropic herself but it implies she has something to do with progeneration. If not implies then nearly implies.