Negentropic Jing (N/A)

Until yesterday I´ve thought that it´s mainly trauma that made me feel so heavy and weak.

Now I feel like I am receiving my youth back. Literally. Childhood-Vitality in fieldform.

Gonna stack this with Unbreakable, Soul Core, Millions and Unexpected gifts.

Self Love Stack is kicking in too rn, everything is coming together.

I am back mfs, time to manifest :zap: :milky_way: :moneybag:


This is wonderful to hear, please do update again in the future. Really happy for you!


Looking forward to open up some negentropic treasures, soon… very soon…

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I was using hair treatment 3.0 to help me with gain my hair . I actually loss more . I use for more than two months , I stopped now . Do you think this can help me to recover hair also ?? And help me to deal with depression ?? Thank you

Well hair is bound to shed since that’s part of the process… since 3.0 works on deeper issues and takes time, pair with hair booster or platelet rich hair.

Ojas or jing can help


Hey @anon3411921 is listening jing chi shen 1x enough or should i loop them more? Also can i stack other fields like jing infusion,chi infusion and godlike jing by psychic University with the Negentropic series or only these 3 are enough? Thanks

Sounds fine. Also like infinite said make sure you’re getting ojas as well. Very potent for overall health and well-being. Don’t forget to transmute those energies as well so they don’t get wasted with the transmutation audio on YouTube.

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The Yin and Yang Jing are the two aspects of Jing. Yin Jing is associated with the nourishing and moistening aspects, while Yang Jing is associated with the warming and activating aspects. These two types of Jing are interdependent and work together to support various bodily functions.

In the context of your question, it’s important to note that the transformation and circulation of Yin and Yang Jing are closely tied to the functioning of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, also known as the Eight Extraordinary Meridians or Mai. These vessels are considered a deeper level of the body’s energy pathways compared to the regular meridians of traditional Chinese medicine.

Yang Jing circulates through the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, and during this circulation, it transforms to become Yin Jing. This transformation is a dynamic process that helps balance and replenish the Yin and Yang aspects of Jing, ensuring the harmonious functioning of the body.

In particular, the transformation of Yang Jing to Yin Jing supports the nourishment of the Yin aspects in the body, including the production and replenishment of body fluids, blood, and semen. The Jing stored in the bone marrow is said to be an essential source for this process.

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the Eight Extraordinary Vessels, also known as the Eight Extraordinary Meridians or Eight Extraordinary Mai, are a group of energy pathways that differ from the regular meridians (the 12 primary meridians and their associated 8 extra meridians).

The Eight Extraordinary Vessels have particular connections to Jing, both in terms of their function and their role in regulating its flow. Here are some key correlations:

Conception Vessel (Ren Mai): This vessel is closely related to the Kidney Meridian and is responsible for nourishing the reproductive system. It plays a significant role in the development of Jing, particularly during embryonic development. It is involved in the prenatal and postnatal aspects of Jing.

Governing Vessel (Du Mai): The Governing Vessel, which runs along the spine, is associated with the Yang aspect of Jing. It helps regulate the flow of Yang energy, which is essential for the functional aspects of Jing.

Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai): This vessel plays a role in regulating the flow of Qi and blood, and it has a connection to both the Kidney and Liver Meridians. It supports the circulation and distribution of Jing throughout the body.

Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai): The Girdle Vessel helps regulate the movement of Qi between the upper and lower parts of the body, which also influences the circulation of Jing.

Yin Linking Vessel (Yin Wei Mai): This vessel is connected to the Yin aspect of Jing and helps regulate the flow of Yin energy. It can be involved in addressing imbalances related to the Yin aspects of Jing.

Yang Linking Vessel (Yang Wei Mai): Similar to the Yin Linking Vessel, the Yang Linking Vessel is connected to the Yang aspect of Jing and helps regulate the flow of Yang energy.

Yin Heel Vessel (Yin Qiao Mai): The Yin Heel Vessel helps regulate the flow of Yin energy within the legs, influencing the distribution and utilization of Jing in the lower part of the body.

Yang Heel Vessel (Yang Qiao Mai): The Yang Heel Vessel is associated with the Yang aspect of Jing and influences the flow of Yang energy in the legs.

Overall, the Eight Extraordinary Vessels play a crucial role in the regulation, distribution, and utilization of Jing throughout the body. By understanding and balancing the flow of Qi and Jing in these vessels, TCM practitioners aim to support and promote the overall health and vitality of an individual.


I don’t know what you’re talking about, it still works for me. xd
and that they shared with me

¿En que formato se debe descargar el audio?, lo compre y me aparecieron varios para descargar, WAV, MP3

En el de tu preferencia! solo asegúrate que donde lo reproduzcas sea compatible en formato WAV

Hello @JAAJ , I read you said “when you use it , is gone” but I would like to use this field to recover el Jing I had lost in the past 12 years . Planning to listen to it while I am sleeping . Do you think this audio may work like that? And for that ? Thank you ;) . I know that some morphic fields still working when you listen while you sleep .

Best regards,

Yes, you can loop this field to recover lost Jing, including pre-natal Jing, again.
That’s why this field is so precious.
I use it almost daily myself and when I do, I loop it until the music annoys me.
You can loop it overnight too (If you can sleep with that music).

PS: I usually loop Black Martian Jing overnight, however this may not be suitable for everyone because of the Black Oil of Mars inside it. The Jing in this field does not cover pre-natal jing and is not negentropic, however on the other hand, the field also comes with extra Life Force.


But before you get any Jing field, you should get Soul Core Restoration first.
This is in order to close any leakages from your Lower Dan Tien (where Jing is stored), otherwise all the recovered Jing will simply leak out again…

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That one really slaps haha


After suggestion above, I listened to this 2x, and after a few hours my posture was straight,
and I was walking confidently, all this normally and without forcing.


Jing is nourishing your body, im glad you like it.


Thanks for the advice.

Woah guys, listening to negentropic jing while socializing makes me an negentropic charismatic powerhouse.

I think besides the added energy, the yin and yang polarities as they get balanced play a harmonious role in relations with other.


whats the difference between this and black martian jing? also energetic being which has jing in it

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