Negentropic Jing (N/A)

In Neidan internal alchemy prenatal Jing is called Yuan Jing

When the spark of Yang gives birth to the original consciousness of Yuan Shen, it is establishing the deepest and most formative aspect of your inner self. This is the basis for the development of sentient life and the core of your inner Xing or ‘nature’. This is the blueprint for existence and the last aspect of our inner energetic substance that we must contact in order to move into union with the divine entity of Dao. As Yuan Shen begins to move through the realm of spirit, it transforms into the life-bringing Yuan Xi – original breath. This is the congenital manifestation of Qi when it is too high a frequency to be considered a form of energy. This is the breath that animates every aspect of your being and the breath that we seek to temporarily still in order to enter into the profound state of Wuji, the doorway of the mysterious pass. As Yuan Xi grows still once more, it forms Yuan Jing, which is the congenital aspect of original physicality. Yuan Jing sits on the threshold between the congenital and the acquired realms; from here it condenses more until it forms acquired Jing. This is the essence that enters the realm of our body via the Ming Men area between our Kidneys.
The role of the congenital three treasures is to ensure that the potential for life is there, whereas the acquired treasures function to ensure that life moves through the various developmental processes that take us from birth to death. When understanding why we must build a foundation in the acquired stages, first we should understand this key difference in the congenital and acquired treasures roles. Building a foundation in control of the acquired treasures enables us to slow the process of decline by regulating their functions. This helps to establish the foundation of good health, which we then build upon with Nei Dan training.

From the field description it seems to work on both pre-natal and post-natal?


Anyone compared the effect of this with the original Jing? Any experiential differences?


Just bought it… How do I download it? The email I got just gives me the option to track my order :frowning: and when I click on it, it says delivered :frowning:

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check your spam.

by any chance you put in the wrong email?


Oh no i got the email but no download link :frowning:


click the edit button.


Nada :frowning:

Taking it to pm


Hi @GoddessesAndGod I had the exact same problem when I ordered Echoes of the Past. Even sent TeeSprings an email and a lovely lady responded saying she had resent the link and still nothing. TeeSprings doesn’t deliver to Botswana and so won’t allow me to order anything even if it is digital. To order from them I have to enter a false address. So when I saw the same message like yours I started panicking thinking of all the money I had lost. I finally found it in my ‘Promotions’ folder at the top of my Gmail page. Good luck I hope you finally are able to download it.


Thank you so much Jennyfire! I read your post earlier while i was rushing to work so I didn’t have time to respond… But that’s exactly where it was! Silly gmail lol thank you!!!




there are audios and pendants that are only offered on teespring and not on the S.M and gumroad site.

Why ?

I know (i think)… One moment!


Yes, it does.


Reviews? :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

I can’t tell much yet but I feel more down to earth again and energy growth


Using the Dhyana-mudra while listening keeps the energy from rising to the head.
I like an empty head and a full belly.

There is a soft and bolstered feeling around the kidneys and Ming-Men.
And a subtle “vibration” in the soles of the feet.


The energy this one gives is incredible. Combine it with Negentropic Chi, Shen, and a Micro Cosmic Orbit and you’ll become an unstoppable warrior :wink:


Missing, Knight/Warrior mindset + Soul Core Restoration to become like this


With so many goodies i forgot about this guy.

Creating a playlist for these guys.


So out of these three, would jing be the one to get first?

Ps. Broke atm.