Negentropic Jing (N/A)

are you feeling any attraction?

Could this cause insomnia? All these energising fields cause me insomnia usually on the first day of listening for some reason.


I can’t say yet. I am using 50+ different fields and subliminals in parallel…



You need to use more grounding/Schumann resonance.


What did you say???

insomnia :roll_eyes:

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Its not like they cause insomnia as a side effect or anything like that.

You are getting energy boosts pretty much, so if you listen to them too much and dont do anything else that requires you to use that extra energy and maybe you listen to them in the late afternoon or night then yes you would feel awake for longer.

Jing is important but if its just maintenance to keep it flowing one time a day is enough, if you use a lot of energy in your daily activities then increase it, always listen in the morning and then if you still feel super energized in the afternoon then listen to automated grounding or schumann resonance or the tree experience. And the Deep Sleeper and youll be sleeping :sleeping: good again.


I honestly dont see how Jing could help in that department.

Have you tried the inner beauty from Dream Seeds and Confidence from Sapien? I know youve tried different ways or asked in different posts so i dont know if ive said this already.
If you have and havent noticed much or anything and cant afford plasma flower then try listening to plasma light before confidence then inner beauty + ojas and see if it makes any difference. I bet it does x


Lol what’s so surprising about it?

Actually no. I slept pretty good and deep actually. No insomnia.


So you meant def just the first night listening then?

Better have this cleared up so we dont confuse or scare ppl lol


Yeah usually the first day listening to such fields I get insomnia for 1-2 nights. Then it normalises.


When I gave this the first 2 listens I could smell androstenol. So it may as well help in that department.

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I think in general high energies help with attraction bro


Yes absorbing energy will make person attractive
Like Pranic Swirls field


Yes yesterday before going to a party i listened to this a couple of times

You will be the man who walks into a room and everyone stares even tho you aren’t doing anything

Full of life force

People naturally will gravitate around you


too early to write a full review but i have a hypothesis and experiment i want to try out with this playlist:

  • soul restoration (core)
  • sacral and base chakra
  • negentropic jing

i realized my high metabolism (chi) indicated that i usually use the energy i receive too quickly and give too ‘generously’ to the point that i am taking from my own energy stores.

it shows in my own work life where i am currently getting less hours with the same pay so now i’m at a negative cashflow.

i am a firm believer that what is inside is reflected outside and that gave me the hint that i need to stock up on a ton of jing to provide enough energy for every part of my body from physical to emotional.

it’s only been one loop and i got back to feeling hopeful and optimistic when most of this day i was in a depressed state and couldn’t think of anything to do with my time.

this is already beginning to give me more energy to ‘feel’. my dog usually barks when there is someone at the door and it never really gets me, but this time i had enough energy to actually feel startled!

i also am going through up and downs of feeling energetic and feeling exhausted like my body is realizing there’s more energy to use for its functions.

i’m also recognizing who takes my energy and who gives me energy and it allows me to navigate and chill with those that i’m more ‘equal’ with.


woke up at 5:55am.

so far my hypothesis is proving to be true! i definitely needed more energy so besides this playlist i’ll also be incorporating:

  • plasma flower
  • white light waves
  • the essence of mantras

when my body needs a break.

i mean that my hypothesis is currently proving true because i had my desired dreams because i had the required energy to access them.


Is anybody listening to this daily?

I do, one of the audios I always make sure to listen to.


Cool can you attribute any benefits specifically to this Audio?