Negentropic Jing (N/A)


I want to confirm that this has been my experience, too, with the “regular” three treasures and ojas. I can only imagine how much better it would be to sub in the negentropic three treasures instead.


I have friends who are getting grey hair in their late 20’s early 30’s. This is due to depleted jing due to poor lifestyle and stress?


Greying hair is one sign of Jing depletion, yes. The depletion can have other causes than the two you listed here, though.


Thanks for the swift response. Can u tell more on other causes u may know about?

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In what order do u advice to listen daily, chi, jing & Shen?

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Well I’ve had grey hair since I was like 11(maybe that’s when I really noticed it) what do u think this means?


There are a bunch of causes. For me, I have to look at their faces and talk to them in order to explore what they might be doing that’s their cause of their own individual Jing depletion. Everyone’s different, as I’m sure you know.

A real common one that I see is people who are acting in an elemental “style” that they’re not built for. This is really common in the Western world where being Wood-y is highly valued, almost expected even. So, people wind up acting in a Wood way, even when they’re naturally more Earth-y. (I’m oversimplifying things because we, each of us, have all 5 elements. None of us are strictly “one” element.) Because Wood “destroys” (too strong a word) Earth, such a person has to use up more of their Jing in order to continue to act in that way that’s not what they intended.

Another cause I see a lot of is when people use their Jing for someone else. I see that a lot in what we call “helicopter parents” or kids following in a parents’ footsteps or inappropriate care-taking.

And I know you didn’t ask about thisbut I was flashed on this, so perhaps you might want to know this: We have Jing reserves set aside for when we’re doing our Golden Path. If you aren’t doing your Golden Path, you don’t have access to that Jing. But the good news is, if you’ve depleted some of your Jing and you get on your Golden Path, you can tap into those reserves when doing the activities of your Golden Path. This helps you to manage the Jing that you have left so you’re not as impacted by the previous depletion, if that makes sense.


You caught me off-guard on how u tie internal alchemy with chinese face reading. This makes a lot of sense!!! So alot of people may in fact been burning up unnecessary jing acting in an elemental style they are not naturally at only because they are trying to conform to social norms. I see. Makes sense and have me in deep thought. I’m going to brush up on chinese face reading and refresh my mind on the characteristic traits of each element so that I can examine myself too.
I’ve learn’t about the Golden Path before and its significance. Which field can aid me towards directing me towards my golden path?


I’m still new to these fields and I don’t have any of the negen 3 Treasures yet. We were discussing them on my what-to-purchase thread, because they’re on my Wish List, so I’m not speaking from any personal experience with these fields. (Just want to continue my honesty with you here.)

Before those discussions, I was thinking Shen first, then Jing, then Chi (I keep wanting to spell that “Qi” Haha). To me, that’s the order that I was taught they manifest into our physicality.

In my thread, a few of our helpful and more experienced friends suggested Negen Jing first. In fact, because I’m rationing my pennies, they recommended, if I were to get 1, I should start with Jing and I understand their points.

For me personally and because these treasures are a dynamic dance (It’s like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. You don’t want too much of this or that; you want them “just right.”), I would have to listen/experience them for myself to see which I actually need and when. And I would expect, for me, that as I listen to these fields, my order would change up, accoding to my needs.


That you’re lucky because 1) you have hair and 2) there are a definite group of the population who find grey hair particularly sexy. (And I’m being serious under my playful tone.)

It’s not a cause for worry. You’ve got tools and awareness and resources to know (or learn) what’s going on for you.

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I’m glad you found that helpful.

The ones that I’ve been using have been:

  • Ego Dissolution
  • SLR
  • The Guided Path
  • Become Whole
  • Higher Self Connection
  • Higher Self Experience
  • Imagnarium Divine
  • Hand of Glory (for kicks)
  • Shen Energy (or Negen Shen, when I get it)

I"m sure our more experienced friends will have some additional thoughts, too.

[Oh, and I’m now seeing the forum software scolding me to reply to several posts at once. I have to go and sit in a corner or something now. :frowning_face: Sorry, guys! Still learning here.]

Edited: to fix formatting


Ya, my mind is telling me to start with Chi first, then proceed to jing, then Shen. I was felt like Chi transmutes to jing and jing transmutes to shen

I just did a lil research, it seems jing comes first, then Chi, then shen

Then you’ve got your answer. Good for you!

External chi becomes internal jing which becomes internal chi which becomes internal shen which governs and directs internal chi and jing and becomes wu wei which alters external reality and causes one to walk in line with the Tao. Or something like that. I’m no expert.


I use SLR and Ego Dissolution generally. I’ll add guided path and higher self connection when I complete my healing stack protocol. Thanks man.

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Damn u sound like a wise monk.
So the more we master our internal alchemy the more we can do reality transurfing? More push/influence on the quantum field since we will be more in harmony with all that is?

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No, no monk, just did some research like Wolfy, just maybe started a few years before him, no big deal. But really, no expert, just some things I have read.

It seems to say so, that wu wei is a reality altering/manifestation energy. And that it is the energy of someone automatically walking in line with the tao or a higher wisdom, a state of flow and not needing to think or try in order to perform at one’s best.

I should add this if you are interested in Wu Wei. Even though I’ve said otherwise elsewhere (sorry I forget some of what I’ve read sometimes). The upper dan tian is according to some, the container for wu wei, the mid dan tian for shen (heart), and lower for chi, with jing being not precisely in a dantian but in kidneys and physical make up of body.


I’ve had moments being in this alignment. I know its real cause I’ve experienced it. Part of working on myself is getting into this alignment more frequently so that the more I can bring about desired outcomes, the more I can help others and express my divinity and purpose.