Negentropic Jing (N/A)

Oh man how strange, I learnt that Jing was in the lower dantian and the kidneys but ur saying its kidneys and the physical make up of the body and chi is instead lower dantian. Interesting so thats why u can tell about jing usage in chinese face reading.
Shen in the middle dantian and wu wei the upper dantian? For me I learnt that shen is upper and chi middle. How this difference came about?


Oh, yeah. I wasn’t going to get into all that Shen/shen, Jing/jing, Chi/chi stuff because–well, it gets complicated, doesn’t it? Haha.

And, yes @Hugh, I agree that @Atreides is a wise monk. :smile:


I’ve read both takes on things. Somehow the view that shen is in the mid/heart container gave me a big picture view that helped more of the pieces click into place for me, therefore I tended to believe it. Not on that point alone but with wu-wei being a force some are known to excel in now having a container as well.


Interesting because I’ve been working on healing on my heart physically, spiritually (heart chakra) and emotionally and I notice that whenever I drink alco my heart doesn’t like it. I don’t drink often or feel the need for it. Its mostly in social events. I’ve read in the past alco affects your shen/spirit so u might be onto something. :thinking: :+1:


Listened to this once yesterday for the first time and wow!

I felt my kidneys vibrating and Ming Men started to heat up.
Then it was the turn of lower dantien again starting to heat like fire.
Then after a while the heat has subsided and what remains is a sensation of “being full”.

This audio is a gem :gem:

Edit: I forgot to say I love the music too :heart_eyes:


Shitty grey hair genetics, welcome to the club brother :sunglasses:
Though me it was ~20, not 11 :D but it’s how it is in one side of my family. Also I think getting grey hair early is more common in white ppl, everyone I know who goes grey white, though to be frank I’m originally from eastern Europe so may just be my sample bias :D
I do use Jing though + hair fields + 5 elements balanced + mstate copper + blueprint

I’ll update when it’s reversed :joy:


The lower dantien is were Jing is transformed into Chi


Man, I don’t even care about reversing mine except it’s a very quick process that will last permanently. I’m Nigerian lol, my mum said it’s a sign I’ll be super wealthy :joy: another extra reason to just keep it lol. Meanwhile some members of society view me like I’m stressed out; doesn’t matter to me. One thing tho when I’m rich af(get a whole head tattoo, especially if I find out I may be going bald… but if not I may still get it… hahaha


Ahh haha, I like the wealthy aspect, each culture has its theories :joy:


Bought, nice flute and water music

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expensive upgrade from internal alchemy jing . Worth with negentrophy and maybe (not sure) pre-natal jing.
Can anyone confirm it this replenishes Prenatal Jing
I am toooooooooo excited for this .


Bravo, lo sto ascoltando anch’io
Bravo, I’m listening to it too

One of the bosses of Sapien Medicine confirm it does help replenish prenatal jing early on in this thread.


Lol first time I’m hearing that viewpoint. Just don’t burn yourself out chasing that money!

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Ah boy getting wiser on this forum day by day.

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Started studying daoist practices at least 17 years ago… but yeah :sweat_smile:


NJ is stronger + Negentropy added


i am sorry to hastily describe this gem expensive . Afterall, wherelse can we find something that restores our prenatal jing so easily , casually rocking in the chair watching the birds fly :slight_smile:
Thank you Dreamweaver for this gem.


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They both fill you up with Jing the major difference is that NJ will restore your prenatal Jing