Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork

We all gonna be a beautiful.

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Sleep with this, tell me if you notice thicker luscious hair ? @everyone


In theory it should

No it won’t it will actually have the appearance of it being smaller since the surrounding areas of your face will be brought out.


No more bird nose.

And if you want even more results, chew hard foods not soft ones like birds.

Exercise your sister masseter muscles to amplify maxilla results.


No i havent

I like bird noses. Adds to the character.

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New Release - VITAMIN C :tangerine:

Effect of vitamin C on bone formation in the expanded inter-premaxillary suture. Early bone changes - PubMed

or for even faster results:

I will be posting a stack soon, still experimenting.

Have so much to share.

Love you all.


Side profile is finally getting there.

I actually took a break from Auto Mewing, time to combine the powers of both, and hyperjump.

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Hey is there a description for this, and also does it expand the lower palette also?

What are you noticing?

I wish they had an exact description for fields. So we don’t have to keep asking what it does lol


A lot of times fields are a personal journey to discover.

Also i mean what else does this post need to say about the field?

Its pretty clear imo

I understand for complex fields but this one is simple, that we are discovering a few positive reactions in the process, are things we have been sharing here for others to see what could happen.

For example a healing field like Plasma Flaunt, my hair, eyelashes, eyebrows are getting longer or thicker, i dont see anyone else talking about that, but guess what i had a healing needed for my pancreas/liver. And that is related to it. If someone have them working well they wont see what i see.

So we just have to take the basic explanation of what will happen to everybody and then the extras is personal a lot of times/most of the times


Sure, that’s a good way to put it



What’s with the post deleted by author lmao

Anyways While listening I hear kinda loud cracks in mid-face area. I’ll take that as a good sign.


Unrelated to the thread like yours thats why :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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You guys are going to be up there with these celebrities, or higher than these celebrities with this field negentropically making you attractive asf.

I’ll see you in the magazine front cover.