Neurotoxin K17 (Artemis Series)

crazy brilliant idea! :slight_smile:


These have already been made I think


*Radiation Protection and Removal - I listen to this one a few times once a week
From SM’s Electrosmog album

Check out the other fields on this album
*3, 4, 5 G Protection


YESS finally! Been waiting so long for the new booster :fire:

Doc, in which order should we use the 4 artemis boosters? Or it shouldn’t matter that much?


You can use them at the same time if you have 4 devices. You can use Strahl whenever and you will get more receptors for whenever you use the rest.

However Valhalla, Berserker and Neurotoxin should be played around the same time to really get the synergy. If you can’t play those 3 at once, go in order of release.


Perfect thank you! Should I play 3 wiring fields together as well before hand? or is it better to just focus on one then boost? Also a lot of people say that I need to hear the fields even if it’s faint and some don’t, so which one is true?

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Afterward, first you supercharge your potential with boosters then you wire while your brain is pumped.

You don’t really need to hear it as long as the audio volume is not zero and the energy in it can reach you. Being able to hear it faintly is a way to make sure you aren’t wasting your time. If you can hear it then you are good.


Appreciate it! This cleared the confusion. :handshake:

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Those older fields are different in the way they work and they do not include High Energy Ionizing Radiations found in the Chernobyl Reactor Meltdown such as Hard X-Rays and Gamma Rays.

I am talking about a field for evolving the Genetic Potential of the Human Body to Metabolize High Energy Ionizing Radiations , just like how the Fungus and Mycelium found in the Chernobyl Ruins have evolved themselves to digest and Metabolize these radiation left-over from the Chernobyl reactor meltdown @Dr_Manhattan

And the most amazing thing is that this fungus is not any new fungus species but rather an ordinary fungus species which has specifically evolved via Morphic Resonance for metabolizing High Energy ionizing radiations.


hahaha I was thinking needs an explanation what it does for dummies… that have not used brain fields :rofl: :sweat_smile:

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Doc, is there any inbuilt protection to forget things we would rather not remember?

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you can still forget these bad memories by processing and accepting them. the boosting may even support this process


Nope, it’s up to you to deal with these.

I’m trying as hard as I can to stick to intelligence and not get involved into trauma, belief, manifestation, excessive healing, astrology etc.


Memories are different from the Emotional Charge associated with them. If you do Shadow work, Hooponopono Healing, Inner Child Healing etc and diffuse the emotional charge associated with traumatic memories…then slowly but surely you will realise that those memories no longer trigger you emotionally like earlier and that you are able to process the associated emotions better and better till you stop having any emotional reaction at all.


Intense onset along the side and back of my head. After playing a few times(having already played the Artemis series in sequence), I put on Elysian Focus. Yeah, things have changed. Stronger. Different. Artemis additions shape the wiring experience. Deus Oculus feels new again.

When I play the Artemis series in sequence, I can feel the differences of each field and how they fit together, but, no, I can’t tell if the aspect Neurotoxin K17 “crucial for robust cytoskeletal remodeling” is doing that based on any particular brain sensation. I have to go by my track record with the Captain’s work for that sort of thing.

Though the Artemis has a boosting aspect—it’s not a “more, more, more” type of boosting. Everything is in the description, but I get overwhelmed by the unfamiliar phrases. So here’s my cheat.

Read the quotes below and you’ll see the Neurotoxin K17 is strengthening the neural architecture, so the brain can handle the wiring to come. Now read after the last commas in each paragraph of the Strahl description. It’s more about interaction, responsiveness, and adaption. That’s probably a useful way to reread the Artemis series descriptions.

Now on easy mode

Now go back and read the original description. I still like the heavy science vocab lesson–and looking at drawings of cytoskeleton structures, which were not what I thought they were. Not at all.


A lot of juice for the “Braniacs” has been released recently, gotta Take advantage of that!!!

Big shout out to @Dr_Manhattan for the fuel!!!

Is there any potential for a future “wiring field” to spark in particular, abstract thinking, creativity, and problem solving? We got some goodies for “Memory”, maybe something to get that monumental resolutive, creative light ball moments, would be nice!!!

Keep it popping!!!


click on drmanhatten’s profile and go to his bio. all brain fields are there


This is highly requested but very vague.
I’m not gonna make a “Creativity is a lie” thread haha but it’s a vague word. We could make 100s of creativity wiring fields: flower composition, windpipe improv, cooking.

I’m sure a lot of people asking for creativity don’t want the same thing.

If people get together and narrow down what type of creativity they want, it can be done.

There is no “creativity” part of the brain

If it’s creating things that haven’t been done before, it can be due to perception, knowledge, problem solving, skill level, pattern recognition, luck and pretty much anything in between


Creativity is built from less exalted skills: noticing patterns, taking something common in one context and moving it to another another context where it is less common work became, usually because in the first context the fit is primary, while it is secondary or tertiary in the latter one. There’s also noticing incongruities and using them to break patterns and see something new.

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I feel like a field for creativity is less to do with any particular skills, since this can be achieved with a booster and discipline. It’s more to do with mindset. Perhaps reading into or watching videos by Rick Rubin. You could also research the mindsets of history’s creatives to see how they think

A lot of what blocks a person’s creativity is insecurity, doubt or distorted understanding of what it means to be creative. so maybe an alchemical revision of creativity