Neurotoxin K17 (Artemis Series)

(just realised i unconsciously stole ur opening line)

I’m not sure that’s true. Lots of creative people are wildly insecure. They don’t fit in because they see things differently. People without insecurities can be creative, but not necessarily so.

Then use the limit remover, self love, energy blockage, abundance, revision of genius

If that’s all you guys want, a mindset

Years of such fields were made, countless NFTs.
Years after years, ii’m not gonna be rude lol
But the Legion is not going back to that old bandwagon of beliefs and hope

That stuff been done to death already

You guys should ask the other guilds


In the sense that the belief in out capability is repressed from our own awareness so we do not consciously.

yes ur right, mb

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But I’ll be honest, I don’t think Mozart spent years meditating about his beliefs around music or that Michael Jordan analyzed his inner subconscious and revised his whole life in every aspect alchemically.

At some point that’s just perfectionist procrastination to avoid doing the work and taking the shot. Your insecurity always requiring more “insecurity removal” to start doing something is procrastination, illusion of progress.

Finding new ways to do nothing, new hypothetical blockages instead of training and building skills

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. I can’t afford that
If I was gonna bet my fate, my destiny on faith and belief, I’d be going to church

And if I wanted to just feel happy and good about things to manifest, I’d be smoking weed all day manifesting a good life in bathrobe

Maybe i’m wrong, but I was already against that stuff before the and during my NFT projects 2 years ago.

PS that’s not personal against you @toby

Lot of people want us to go that round and spend another couple of years removing their hypothetical blockages not realizing that not being able to do the thing because you don’t have skills is the number one blockage


hell yeah, you are right. i realise i only feel insecure or stressed when im doing bugger all, watching tv all day

i feel my best when im workin

Then do affirmations bro lol

Do hypnosis like Tyson

But remember, these guys trained all day everyday for decades, the affirmation was something they did at night when they couldn’t train no more

Edit: that skit was funny


If we listened to people all fields would be 80% beliefs and we’d made no real progress. We wouldn’t have all these cool brain fields, we’d have “wish it and manifest stuff” instead of brain fields.

It’s already been done. Beliefs and blockages have been done.

You want more, find a guild that will. If you believe that deep down you already are a god manifesting reality, that you already have infinite intelligence or whatever and your limiting beliefs are the only reason you have issues.

The Virtus Victorian Legion is not the guild for you. Nothing wrong with that, you’ll find something else.


Damnnn, so many responses, I love the engagement!!!

The word might sound a bit “vague”, nevertheless, still legitimate into the right context. It expresses itself in many different skills, somebody becomes a tremendous designer, painter, or archtitect, for example. We are all aware that it manifests in diverse ways, saying it‘s a matter of “pattern recognition”, “practice”, etc. is all true, yet based upon the premise that you have the required / inherent given foundation (talent, intelligence), to execute it. If that wasn‘t the case, everybody could draw / create art easily, I guess you get what I mean.

Just to wrap it up, maybe the Doc, especialized in the “braintastic” medicine, has something more in da box to spark wiring even further up, if you know what I mean!!! :smirk:

Have a great weekend, brainiacs!!! :muscle::100:

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Sure, simplifications have their uses, but still, not very useful from a wiring perspective.

let’s say I agree with the idea that it’s just “a matter of “pattern recognition”, “practice”, etc.” which I don’t agree with… different patterns, different brain areas, different strategies.

if it’s just a matter of inherent intelligence then just use every other brain fields and they’ll trickle down to intelligence.

I’m not here to waste your time and get into philosophical debates, but… saying " a car works thanks to a combustion engine which moves the pistons" is great in school and at dinner parties. But if you’re an automotive engineers that needs to think about physics, material properties, do the math and simulations, how much weight ? How much torque ? that’s not useful.

The degree of precision that makes good conversation is not the same degree of precision it takes to build something that works in the intended ways. “a combustion engine which moves the pistons” do you want a semi-trailer truck ? a SUV ? A motorcycle ? A plane ? A boat ? What kind of boat or planes ? Would you be disappointed if it’s electric and without pistons ?
this is not even a design question, it’s preparation for the design.

You guys can’t explain clearly what creativity is. Again, I’m not being an asshole, I just would like to know what you guys want.

Creativity is a vague words that means everything and nothing. It’s a goal, it’s a wish, a label, a judgement, not a mechanism, not a brain area, it’s not even a skill.

So what do you want to accomplish, what do others want to accomplish when they say “I want a creativity fields” and we’ll move forward with precision.

I’m not gonna bomb cause my interpretation of a subjective judgement is different from yours and yours different between yourselves.

PS: I’ll move these posts.


There are also already some fields that touch on this, such as the recent Creativity & Artistic Expression.

This field isn’t ‘wiring’, but directly addresses your thoughts regarding the resolve and energy to do the work, ‘sparking’ inspiration and even the ability to convey your thoughts and concepts through the work.

Besides this, there are an assortment of other Creativity fields such as The Well of Creativity and the OG Induce Creativity field that specifically mentions it improves your long term creative potentials. You could try Archangel Gabriel or other Intercession fields too for that ‘abstract thinking’ or ‘beyond yourself’ perspective.

There are undoubtedly many mechanisms for inducing a ‘state’ of ‘creativity’ and while ‘brain wiring’ them could certainly be one of them, perhaps it isn’t the right brush to paint with on this subject.

Not without more definition, in any case!


Thank you for the reply, my friend!!!
You haven‘t captured the point though, the term “creativity” exist for a reason, it‘s tight to your capacity to come up with solutions in certain areas and a type of expression of it. I deffo don‘t know personally what is respinsible for the expression of it, that somebody is artistically gifted, or knows how to create musical masterpieces yet it‘s does correlate to certain other skills as well, but there very well be some aspects concerning out intelligence which is still unknown.

Also, for the coherence of the conversation, don‘t just take out a bit of the general point which was made, rather respond to the argument in his entirely. Otherwise, it creates an absolutely different narrative of what was stated, broski.

Either way, the engagement is much appreciated, just wanted to ask about a possible wiring in the future. No adversarial debate intended, y‘all!!! :wink:

Thanks again, doc!!!

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That didn’t happen

But I see we’re back to square one

That’s vague anyway you look at it
You want a mathematical creativity ? Storytelling ? Engineering ? More ploblem solving or artistic ? Business creativity ? Or 100 other possible interpretations all different from each others ?

You give me enough details and I can use my own judgement to make it happen. But it’s so vague, I’m not even sure what you want.

I’m not even asking you to think like a cognitive psychologist and use jargon.
Just, you can tell me what you expect and intend to get out of it.

“Certain skills” again, that’s as vague as it gets, that’s the most detail I got

I can get you “certain skills” alright, but will it match the idea you have in your mind ? Unlikely

But there is a LOT that is known, enough that it requires precision when requesting intelligence related brain fields

This is not a confrontation, it’s an invitation to explain specifically what you want so I can design for it

Sure, anytime :slightly_smiling_face:


You still didn‘t address what I said correctly.
When we talk about “creativity” it‘s correlated to your intelligence / capacity implying problem solving skills, language, mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical abilities etc. I haven’t pointed out any specific form of it, just that it comes which higher intellectual capabilities, and manifests in different ways.

You wiring fields were very likely trying to target as many as possible types of intelligence collectively and singularly like your “creations” have already shown, which provided us a better understanding in every single regard. Furthermore, it deffo promoted the so called “light bulb moments” (as mentioned before) for proper solutions, expression of already acquired skills / traits, like for example: Manhattan Method, The Cyber Brain, The Advantageous Brain, etc. as we all know is tied to creativity, and the purpose of higher thinking overall. The direction in which it should be taken, is something that is left to the “creator” of the fields, not to me. :wink: Any new wiring field is very welcomed!

Since you‘ve already understood what I intended to suggest, and we not trying to “goal post shift” from what I actually said, maybe it could lead to possible fresh wiring fields which would be very lit, bro!!

Have a nice weekend, Doc / Everyone!!! :muscle::100:


Reading back you right haha

It was an opportunity for me to share those thoughts on creativity and beliefs, blockages. It would have come out with you or someone else, sooner or later.

I’ll move those posts as soon as I can

Thank you for your patience and positive attitude :ok_hand:

Soon as I can, I’ll clean this up

Also you should like the coming wiring fields


Glad to spark that interesting conversation, my friend!!! I’m always for new inputs, it helps us to amplify our horizon.

Can’t wait for the new juice, I‘ve been spamming “Manhattan Method”, and “Brian Key” like there’s no tomorrow!!! Growth pain can be so pleasant, if you know what I mean!!! :muscle::100:

Have a lit weekend!!!


This could be approached by integral theory, where the development of different types of intelligences are looked individually. Then combining intelligences to states, such as nondual awareness, where it is easier to let your intuition come through… and shadow work to clear blockages that might for example hinder ones to even start with the creative process in order to put in the effort that creates the desires output.

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(post deleted by author)

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When it comes to that state, it‘s something which is related to our "intelligence“ itself. The higher the extend to whom we can concentrate, process, and the quicker it happens, the easier it becomes to be creative.

Wrapping it up: The higher your IQ, the more likely your creative capabilities.

Add intuition, which would seem to be a part of IQ.

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