Neurotoxin K17 (Artemis Series)

At the molecular heart of Neurotoxin K17 lies the precise overexpression of Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (Rac1(Q61L)) and Cell division cycle 42 (Cdc42(Q61L))—two master regulators of cytoskeletal dynamics. These GTPases, locked in a constitutively active state through the Q61L mutation, orchestrate a continuous surge in neurite extension and branching, establishing an environment of heightened neural growth potential.

Central to this transformative process is the WASP-family verprolin-homologous protein (WAVE) regulatory complex, comprised of Specifically Rac1-associated protein 1 (Sra1) and Hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell protein 300 (HSPC300). This complex acts as a molecular architect, finely tuning actin polymerization and ensuring directional cellular motility, laying the structural groundwork for efficient and expansive neurite formation. The involvement of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1), as a downstream effector of Rac1 and Cdc42, amplifies the activation cascade, driving the enhanced neuronal morphology required for higher-order cognitive functions.

The Actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex, encompassing Actin-related protein 2 (Arp2), Actin-related protein 3 (Arp3), and associated subunits (ARPC1, ARPC2, ARPC3, ARPC4, and ARPC5), synergizes with the WAVE complex to induce the formation of branched actin networks, crucial for robust cytoskeletal remodeling. This dual-complex interaction potentiates a stable, yet highly dynamic, framework of neurite outgrowth, significantly enhancing neuronal plasticity and synaptic connectivity.

Further precision is achieved through the coordinated expression of NCK-associated protein 1 (Nap1) and End-binding protein 3 (EB3), which regulate microtubule dynamics, stabilizing the delicate balance of cytoskeletal elements essential for rapid yet controlled neural elongation. The inclusion of Developmentally regulated brain protein (Drebrin), a key modulator of actin filament reorganization, further refines the structural scaffolding that underpins neurite integrity.

In its entirety, Neurotoxin K17 represents an intricately engineered system of molecular enhancements, where every component is fine-tuned to accelerate neuronal growth and promote synaptic plasticity. The interplay between the WAVE and Arp2/3 complexes constructs an efficient and continuous pathway for cytoskeletal reformation, driving neurite proliferation with unparalleled precision. This sophisticated orchestration of cellular machinery enables the rapid formation of resilient neural networks, paving the way for enhanced cognitive capacity and long-term neural optimization.

Artemis series
…. For the Legends


For those who wonder what this does, the over simplified answer is that it’s a booster. It’s leaving out many benefits like health, LTP maintenance etc. But let’s go with “it’s a booster”, it boosts wiring from wiring fields or wiring from whatever activity or learning you engage in on your own.


The name is soooo menacing !

A big bad boy here


Next field will be called The Red Queen hopefully.

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For someone who has Opus as their only booster, which of the Artemis series complements it the best, or is the most different from it? I’m looking to boost wiring fields to the max.

Also looking at grabbing white matter.

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@LotusPanda888 Valhalla is the one with a tiny overlap, mainly dihexa.

Now, you can use each booster on their own, but they sorta are meant to be used in concert, like you would get the Artemis in order.

With that being said, I’d recommend this one if y ou are hellbent on having 0% overlap, because of the mutation the pathway gets opened by a constitutively active version of the precursors.

Again you can use them on their own, so you can pick whichever you want. It just works that much better if used synergistically.


I understand the “booster” part , but what’s up with the “Toxin” part ?

Is it supposed to be toxic or dangerous to the brain in case of Overuse ?

Shit, wanted to save for Opulentia Caelestis but how can I resist a new booster


It’s the cool factor, the swag of the drug

Exciting name

It’s edgy, that’s what it is

I watched Chernobyl before making the picture lol


Ok Doc…gotcha :+1:

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I’m currently using the first three boosters, I guess adding this one will give a significant change and increase in results?

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Yes, that’s it


Then I suppose your Next path breaking project could be Gaining the Abilities of the Chernobyl Reactor Fungus to Digest Harmful Radiations and becoming Immune to 5G, EMF, UV, X-Rays and other forms of harmful radiations :muscle:


Made me think of F.E.V from fallout. Frank Horrigan vibes


Appreciate the response. @Dr_Manhattan

I’m leaning towards this one. Just to be clear, I do not need to get the previous ones in order for this to work effectively? However If I do get the other artemis boosters, this one will function better?

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And for the very tiny overlap between Opus and Valhalla, think of it like switching to a flip flop Nokia to an iPhone. They both make calls, but they aren’t the same.


Totally understandable.

If i’m not hellbent on having a completely separate product, would Valhalla be the recommended first booster?

I don’t mind the dihexa crossover if it’s the only similarity.

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Yes, I highly recommend to go in order. Valhalla pushes every button at once for a long time. It’s the source.

Then we amplify everything from there and there are many direct and indirect interactions between the releases that make them stronger.

To keep the Chernobyl reference, it starts the fission reaction.


Much appreciated doc. :pray:

I’ll keep using Opus and get Valhalla as my main boosters for my wiring fields.